
The next day

Stefano's pov

I was in a meeting with some business associates regarding the new asset we acquired at dinner last night when I received an urgent call from Lorenzo. I know it's urgent because he called my cell reserved strictly for that purpose. I excused myself from the room momentarily, to take the call in private.

"Qual è l'emergenza (What's the emergency), Lorenzo?"

"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting but one of the stablehands just sent me a distress call regarding Francesca."

Hearing my granddaughter's name, he immediately has my undivided attention.

"What about Francesca?" I ask in a panic, fearing for her safety, knowing the Scalucci's will be looking for an opportunity to retaliate.

"Apparently she's left the grounds with Tuono, sir."

"Elliot James isn't with her?"

"No sir, she's alone."

"Does our employee have a location on her?"

"Yes sir, he's got eyes on her right now."

I sighed heavily, dreading the answer to my next question.

"Does she or the horse appear to be injured or in distress?"

"No sir, she appears to have control of Tuono and there's no apparent injuries to either one of them."

"PORCA MISERIA (DAMMIT)!" I ran my hand down my face in frustration. "My little granddaughter has no idea how much trouble she is in right now but come tonight she'll know for certain. Won't she, Lorenzo?"

"I imagine she will, sir. How do you want to proceed?"

"I'll contact Elliot James and he'll be in touch," I said, ending the call with Lorenzo. Switching to another cell, I called my son.

"Father, I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you back?" my son asked, sounding quite out of breath as I heard a woman giggling in the background.

Ignoring his request, I asked, "Is Francesca with you?"

"No, she's at the stables attending to Tuono and completing her chores."

I heard the woman in the background say, "EJ, come on."

Trying to cover the phone to muffle me from hearing his response to her, my son replied, "Hold on a second, baby."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked calmly, trying not to lose my temper.

"Yes. Is something wrong, Father? Can't this wait?" my son replied, a bit impatiently and quite unwisely.

"Ascolta attentamente (Listen carefully). Lo dirò solo una volta (I'm only going to say this once). Mettiti i pantaloni, Figlio, e mostra la puttana fuori (Put your pants on, Son, and show the whore out)."

"Father, I..."

"PROPRIO ADESSO (RIGHT NOW)!" I shouted, interrupting him. I heard him speaking hurriedly in the background amidst some high pitched whiny protests.

"Alright, Father, I'm alone now. What's going on with Claire?" Obviously forgetting whom he was speaking to, my son responded with attitude.

"I strongly suggest you watch the tone you take with me, Elliot James, or your niece won't be the only one facing my harsh discipline tonight. Capisci (Understand)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)."

"Francesca has left the grounds with Tuono and I need you to retrieve them and bring them back safely. NOW! Tuono to her stall. Francesca to my study."

"Yes Father," my son replied, much more respectfully this time. "I can't believe Claire left the grounds," he said softly, more to himself than to me.

"I have some business to finish up here, then I'll be home shortly. Call Lorenzo and he'll give you all the information you require to retrieve mia nipotina molto birichina che presto si pentirà delle sue azioni (my very naughty granddaughter who will soon regret her actions)."

Claire's pov

Untying Tuono's lead from the tree branch, I was ready to head back to the stables. I didn't plan on being gone too long just in case somebody would come looking for us. I'm still on pretty thin ice with my uncle for stowing away in his car a few weeks ago when he was going to work and for swearing at him the other night. He and Grandfather have been suffocating me ever since. Uncle EJ's birthday dinner was the first time I've been allowed off grounds in weeks. I just needed to get out from under their protective thumbs and get some space. This area inbetween the mountains truly is breathtaking. Samantha's the one who told me about it the night she and her brother picked me up to go to the party at her boyfriend's house.

I'll never forget that night for two reasons. One, being that was the night I met Dante and two, being that night earned me my first spanking from my uncle. Samantha said this is one of her favorite spots to go horseback riding and I can easily understand why. It's so peaceful and tranquil listening to the water flowing through the small streams fed by several beautiful waterfalls. A perfect place to break free, an oasis from the overbearing Dimerra men in my life.

As soon as I mounted Tuono, the serenity of the natural landscape surrounding us was brutally shattered by the sound of an angry voice.


I swallowed hard before slowly turning Tuono around so I could face my uncle.

"Uncle EJ, what are you doing here? How did you find me? You're not mad are you? Please don't be mad. I just wanted to come out here because my friend Samantha said it was really pretty and she rides her horse here all the time so I figured it would be okay since it must be safe and I didn't..."

My uncle cut me off before I could ramble on any longer.

"Save your story for your grandfather, piccola ragazza (little girl). He's the one you have to answer to for this."

Oh shit! I'm in deep doggie doo-doo now.

"Is is, uh, Gr_Grandfather rr_really mmad?" I stuttered timidly.

"What do you think, genius?" my uncle snorted in derision.

"Do we have to go back right away? Can't we just stay awhile longer and enjoy the scenery?"

"Quit stalling and follow me. Your grandfather doesn't like to be kept waiting." My uncle nudged his horse and called out, "Tuono vieni adesso (come now)!"

Tuono took off immediately after my uncle's horse, almost throwing me in the process. Holding on for dear life, we galloped back to the stables, arriving much too quickly for my liking. My uncle had the stablehands take care of the horses so he could take me back to the mansion.

"Your grandfather is waiting for you in his study," my uncle stated coldly, as soon as we arrived.

Too embarrassed to look at him, I quietly asked, "Will you come with me, Uncle EJ?"

"Hell no! You're on your own, brat. You messed up big time and Father doesn't take kindly to being disobeyed." My uncle slapped me on the behind, propelling me toward the study. "If I were you, I wouldn't keep him waiting much longer." Grinning wickedly, he explained, "It'll only sour his already oh so sunny disposition."

I cringed hearing him laugh at my expense as he walked away, leaving me standing by myself outside the door to Grandfather's study.

I knocked trepidatiously, wincing upon hearing a sharp, "Come in, Francesca," in reply. I briefly made eye contact with my grandfather, instantly regretting it having seen the incredibly stern look plastered across his face. Gulping, I reluctantly dragged my lead feet over to his desk to stand in front of him.

"You wanted to see me, Grandfather?" I asked softly, choking on my words as I kept my head lowered in shame.

"Anzi lo faccio, il mio bambina (Indeed I do, my little girl)."

I think he said yes and called me a baby so I'll just keep a watchful eye on my feet and my grandfather's wood flooring for now, since I'm too scared to face him.

"Guardami, piccola qualcuna (Look at me, little one)," he ordered, calmly but firmly.

I hesitantly complied.

"Do you remember the rules I set forth when I gifted you that horse for your birthday, my dear granddaughter?"

The look alone on my grandfather's face was enough to scare the shit out of me but coupled with his stone cold inflection, I thought I was gonna disintegrate into a pile of ashes at his feet.

"Yes, Grandfather," I replied shyly. "Please don't take Tuono away from me," I begged.

"Recitami le regole (Tell me the rules), Francesca," my grandfather ordered, ignoring my plea.

I'm assuming he wants me to say what the rules are so I answered, "I'm in charge of feeding Tuono and grooming her and cleaning the stables and taking care of all her equipment and I can't ride alone with her until Uncle EJ says I'm ready, which he did and..." I paused, swallowing hard as my mouth suddenly became so dry, I literally couldn't talk. My grandfather raised one eyebrow in warning, indicating I needed to continue. "And I can't ever leave the grounds with her," I said, just above a whisper.

"Bring me the strap, Francesca," my grandfather ordered emotionlessly, as if he wasn't sentencing me to death.

I wanted so badly to refuse, or at the very least protest vehemently, but I couldn't get any words to come out. I had no problem, however, spilling my tears as I started to cry. I was overwhelmed with fear and regret and fear. Yeah, mostly fear. My heart beat rapidly, ready to burst right out of my chest as I took the thick leather strap down from the wall and placed it in my grandfather's waiting arms. I hastily wiped the tears from my eyes, trying to muster an ounce of bravery.

"You've earned this punishment, Francesca. Non è vero (It's not true)?"

"Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather), I earned it," I choked out, amidst my tears and sniffling. "Are you going to take Tuono away from me, Grandfather?" I asked timidly, praying he wouldn't say yes. I love Tuono. She's the best gift I've ever received and she's not just my horse, she's my friend. Since my grandfather and Uncle EJ never let me go anywhere, I don't have many human friends and the couple I have, I never get to see.

"No, Francesca, I'm not going to take Tuono away from you. I told you I would only do that if you abused or neglected her. Didn't I?"

"Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather)," I replied, sighing in relief I'd get to keep my horse.

"I am, however, going to teach you, bambina (baby girl), never to defy one of my orders ever again. Bend over my desk, Francesca. You're about to learn a very painful lesson."

Time stood still as I froze, remaining rooted in place, hearing my grandfather's chilling words. Sensing fear as my motivator, not rebellion, he came out from behind his desk and assisted me into position to accept the most severe punishment I would ever receive growing up.

Now bent over in position, he lowered my riding pants to my knees. Adjusting my underwear back into place, he tapped that wicked weapon of destruction against my quivering buttcheeks. My grandfather wielded the strap with grace, elegance, and precision, never even breaking a sweat as he thoroughly reddened my behind. With one painful slap after another, he drove the lesson home, despite my sobbing and begging him to stop.


My grandfather was ruthless, cold, calculating, and heartless in administering his discipline, much like the way he runs the family business. Each slap of the strap was more fierce than the last. No doubt the punishing sound echoed loudly throughout the mansion, reverberating off the walls as a warning to all who heard, my grandfather was not a man to be trifled with.

He kept spanking me harder and harder, over and over and over, again and again. I was sure I was going to pass out. I've never experienced such an unrelenting, blistering, agonizing pain like this. My skin is red hot as if it's on fire. I know he's hitting hard enough to leave welts and bruises. I can't take anymore but he just won't quit.

"GRANDFATHER, PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE STOP HURTING ME!" I cried out for forgiveness, as I sobbed uncontrollably. "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE NO MORE!"

Standing outside the study door, EJ cringed with every sharp crack across Claire's thighs and backside, flashing back to the day thirteen years ago he stood in her place, learning as she was today, how truly ruthless the head of the Dimerra family could be. Making the sign of the cross, he prayed for mercy for his poor niece.
