
EJ's pov

After the investigators collected all the necessary evidence, we started the never-ending process of clearing the debris from the fire and rebuilding the stables. Thankfully, Father and Lorenzo spearheaded the project as I became physically ill anytime I went near that area. Claire's still having an extremely difficult time as she mourns the loss of her horse as well.

Even though Father has promised to gift us each a horse once the stables are rebuilt, neither one of us is ready to even consider replacing Tuono or Fuoco anytime soon. We're both still grieving the loss of our beloved pets and have a long way to go until the healing process is complete. Claire and I have spent quite a bit of time in session with Dr. Biasi these past few weeks trying to come to terms with our feelings.

Not surprisingly, we've both been harboring quite a bit of anger since the night of the fire and Gabriella's been trying to assist us in finding constructive outlets of release. Claire and I have spent some time at the gun range and I've committed to resuming my morning jogging sessions on a more regular basis.

"Uncle EJ, can I go jogging with you tomorrow morning?" the whiny one begged me, as we sat down to dinner.

"No," I replied flatly.

"Whyyyy nnnnott?" she asked, in an even whinier tone. Like nails on a chalkboard, I swear.

"Because you'll just slow me down and I don't want to waste my time waiting for you to trudge along behind me at a snail's pace."

"Pleeeeease, Uncle EJ. I promise I'll try to keep up with you. I miss riding Tuono so much. This'll give me a good reason to spend some time outside without feeling so sad. Please, can I come with you?" the privileged princess begged pathetically.

"Of course you may go jogging with your uncle tomorrow, Nipotina (Granddaughter)," Father interjected, overriding my decision without a second thought.

"Yay, I can't wait," she exclaimed, clapping her hands as she bounced in her seat. "Grazie, Nonno (Thank you, Grandfather). This is gonna be so much fun, Uncle EJ. I'm so excited," the pain in my ass replied, as she continued to celebrate her victory.

"Si, Grazie, Padre (Yes, thank you, Father). Grazie mille (Thanks so much.)," I retorted sarcastically.

"Sei il benvenuto, mio ​​caro ragazzo (You are welcome, my dear boy)," Father smirked, as he winked at me.

"Nonno, posso alzarmi da tavola, per favore (Grandfather, can I get up from the table, please)? I want to pick out the perfect jogging outfit for tomorrow."

The simpleton grinned like an idiot, giddy with the prospect of being gifted time alone with yours truly. Can't say I blame her though, I am quite a fabulous specimen afterall. I mean, who wouldn't want to be around the wonder that is me? You'd have to be crazy not to jump at the chance to bask in the presence of my greatness. Hopefully some of it rubs off on the rube. Can't have her tarnishing the Dimerra reputation.

"Certo che puoi, mia bellissima ragazza (Of course you may, my beautiful girl)," Father replied, motioning for one of the servants to clear her plate. "Grazie per aver chiesto in Italiano (Thank you for asking in Italian)."

After Claire scampered off to prepare for her morning of awesomeness, courtesy of my benevolence, Father turned his attention to me.

"We have a long night ahead of us, my son, for there is much business to discuss. I suggest you make yourself comfortable in my study."

"Si, Padre (Yes, Father). I shall wait for you there."

The next morning

Somewhat reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed to go on my morning jog. I briefly considered waking the trollop in my bed to tell her to make herself scarce by the time I return, but then thought better of it. I may want her to please me if I'm feeling energized when I come back from my run.

Lacing up my running shoes, I attempted to slip out the front door unnoticed.

"Don't even think about it, Son," Father warned, stopping me in my tracks.

"Yes, Father?" I questioned, despite knowing very well what he wanted.

"Non stai dimenticando qualcosa (Aren't you forgetting something)?" he asked, eyeing me carefully.

"Oh, you're right, Father. I forgot my AirPods. Thanks, I'll need those if I want to listen to my playlist."

"March your smartass back upstairs, Elliot James, and bring your niece down with you or the only thing you'll be doing this morning is getting reacquainted with my strap. Capiscimi (Understand me)?" Father's tone was ice cold, indicating there would be no leeway in his edict.

Sighing heavily, I trotted my fine ass back upstairs to retrieve Tony's little snot. I can't risk Father blemishing this perfect canvas, I thought as I stopped to admire myself in the hallway mirror. A priceless masterpiece in the making is the only way to accurately describe this pristine vessel.

Knocking on the pest's door, I loudly dictated, "Let's go, twerp, I don't have all day. You've got three minutes to be dressed and downstairs if you want to go jogging with me. We have to go before sunrise so nobody sees me with you. I can't have you sullying my fine reputation, although I would look quite benevolent taking on a charity case like yourself." Hmmmm, look at me turning lemons into lemonade. Dr. Biasi would be so proud.

Opening the door, the brat shrieked, "I'm ready, Uncle EJ," as she excitedly bounced up and down, smiling broadly.

Wincing at her high-pitched exuberance, I shook my head. Can't blame the girl though, spending time with me will most definitely be the highlight of her day, afterall.

"Tone it down about forty notches, spaz, and save that energy for the run." I shook my head and smiled as I watched her happily hop down the stairs. What a dork.

Pausing outside the dining room, I heard her yell, "Buongiorno, Nonno (Good morning, Grandfather)! Uncle EJ and I are going on our run now."

"Divertiti, Nipotina (Have fun, Granddaughter)," he called back to her. When I passed by, he stopped me saying, "Elliot James, I'd like a word with you."

Unfortunately, I'd come to know that tone quite well in the past few months. Although it was always phrased around a suggestion, there was no denying it was indeed actually a command.

"Yes, Father?" I responded politely, albeit insincerely. I've found it's best just to cooperate to appease him.

"Come here, my boy," he beckoned, motioning slightly with two fingers. Once I stood before him, he gripped my upper arm as he warned, "Do not even consider leaving her behind while on your run and do not let her out of your sight for even one second, mio figlio (my son). I am trusting you with her care. Non mi deludere (Do not disappoint me). Capisci (Understand)?"

"Sì, Padre, capisco (Yes, Father, I understand)," I said obligingly.

"Bravo ragazzo (Good boy)," he replied, patting my cheek somewhat firmly.

Nodding, I silently left my father to retrieve my charity case.

Grabbing my sweatshirt from the hall closet, I snapped, "Let's go, squirt. I don't have all day."

Before I walked out the door, I heard Claire ask, "Uh, Uncle EJ, would it be okay if we didn't go by any of the trails we used to take..."

I closed my eyes and swallowed hard hearing her voice catch, knowing she started to cry. Without turning around, I responded a little more curtly than I meant to.

"We won't be going there, Claire." I heard her sigh in relief. "We're taking the car to one of the parks that's about ten miles from here so just shut-up and get in."

The driver held the door open for her.

"Oh, okay," she replied softly, before climbing in the backseat and buckling up.

When we arrived at the park, I told the driver to wait for us in the lot as we wouldn't be gone much more than an hour or two. I haven't been running in a while and I doubt Claire can go much further than two or three miles since she hasn't done any conditioning. We started out slowly, taking our time jogging on one of the paths on the outskirts of the park. It really is a beautiful morning weather wise and I'm in no hurry to get back to the mansion as I know Father will keep me tied up the rest of the day discussing family business.

"Uncle EJ, who's that statue supposed to be? Is it some kind of politician or army guy or something? What kind of flowers are those tall ones with the reddish green leaves and little red spiky looking buds coming out of the top? You know the ones I'm talking about? They were all along that one path that went around the pond. Not the big pond but the smaller pond that had the tiny wooden bridge in the center that the ducks were waddling over. Remember? I asked you why they would have a bridge on an island in the middle of the pond that no one could even get to and you..."

"CLAIRE!" I shouted, interrupting her ramblings. "You should be quiet while we jog, so you won't be so out of breath. Ok?"

"Ok. Sorry, Uncle EJ."

"I want you to be able to keep up so you're not dragging behind, plus we should be enjoying the tranquility of our surroundings and we can't do that with your constant yammering so just keep your yap shut from now on. Capiscimi, Nipote (Understand me, Niece)?"

"Sì, Zio (Yes, Uncle)," she replied, locking her lips with a pretend key before tossing it aside.

"That's better. Thank you." Fortunately, Tony's little brat kept quiet, allowing my mind to wander as I soaked up the scenery while we continued our run.

Sofia and I stumbled upon this park while taking a stroll after one of our dates at a nearby restaurant. She immediately fell in love with the many gardens, sculptures, and fountains that grace its grounds. I have very fond memories of my time here with her. I wish things could have turned out differently between us but she deserves better than spending the rest of her life connected to the family business. It's truly a curse, not a blessing. I certainly wouldn't willingly subject someone I love to this lifestyle, especially not a child. Sofia always spoke of wanting to have kids so I knew we could never work longterm as a couple.

"How you holding up, Claire?" I called to her rather loudly, since she's been about five metres behind me for the past half hour. After getting no response, I called out a little louder, "Claire?" Spinning around, I stopped dead in my tracks, turning white as a ghost as the color drained from my face. There wasn't another soul in sight.
