Chapter 32

You woke up the next morning and realised you both slept in. 'Babe wake up, we've slept in' You say shaking him to wake up. 'Go in the shower I'll be up in a sec' He says putting his pillow over top of his head. 'No Ivan you need to get up now. Jake and the rest of them will be here any minute now.' You say dragging him out of bed. 'Fine! Go and shower and I'll be ready by the time you're done' He snaps at you. You just looked at him and then got in the shower without saying a word to him. Once you had showered you changed into this as it was another day at the water parks.

You walked out the bathroom and put the black throw over you had on yesterday. Ivan just looked at you and still nothing came from any of your mouths. You picked up your phone and text Jake to tell him you were both ready. You grabbed Ivan's bag and put 2 towels in. 'Are seriously in a mood with me!?' He says to you with an attitude. 'Well don't speak to me like shit then!' You argue back. 'What do you mean I'm speaking to you like shit!' He says back. 'Don't speak to me if your going to constantly snap at me!' You say. 'Fine then I won't speak to you' He says snatching his bag off you and walking out the room.  You get your shoes on and ran after him.

'Ivan! Get here now!!' You whisper shouted so you didn't wake anybody up. You looked behind and saw Jake and the everyone else. 'Where's he going?' Jake asked. 'You look like you about to cry what's happened' Tessa says hugging you. 'I don't know. And we had an argument because when I woke up we slept in so I dragged him out of bed and he snapped at me' You say. 'Ivan wouldn't do that!' Emilio says. 'I know he wouldn't' You say. 'Do you think something happened?' Emilio says. 'Nothing could have happened though, we both fell asleep last night' You say.

 'Right we'll talk in the Uber' Jake says. You all carry on walking to catch him up. You got to the Uber and you see Ivan sat in the middle seat.  'He's in the Uber it's okay' You say to everyone. Everyone gets in the Uber waiting for somebody to say something. You could feel the tension in the air. 'Ivan are you okay?' Emilio asks him. 'Yep perfectly fine' He says giving no emotion. You look out the window and begin to worry what's wrong with him. 'Urm Y/N told us about the argument' Emilio say back to him. 'Of course she did' He says. You turn to look at him and turn back around and start crying. 

'Aww Y/N don't cry' Tessa says. Iva looks at you and he starts to look guilty. 'Look I'm tired, when you woke me up I honestly didn't want to get up' He says. 'Ivan i was trying to have a joke on with you and you literally spoke to me like shit' You say still crying. 'Well I'm sorry I was just tired' He says. 'Common babe stop crying, I said sorry, I won't do it ever again' He says rubbing your thigh. You wipe away your tears and lay your head on his shoulder. 'Right well we've legit just witness a 15 minute argument' Jake laughs. 

You arrive at the park and walk straight to the slides. 'Which one we going on first?' Ivan says holding your hand. 'I don't know. You choose' You say. 'Common just pick one' He says trying to cheer you up. 'Fine. That one' You say and point at it. 'Okay let's go' He says starting to walk there. You waited in the line for the slide and went down. 

You waited for Ivan at the bottom. 'Took your time' You say and laugh. 'Oi don't get cheeky' He says and fireman style picks you up and takes you over to the pool area. 'Ivan don't!!!!!' You scream. 'Too bad' He says and then drops you in the pool. 'Don't do that!' The lifeguard shouts at him. You get out the pool to see what's going on. 'She's my girlfriend!' Ivan shouts back at him. 'I don't care don't do it, she could drown' He shouts back. You start low key laughing. 'I'm not gonna let her drown though am I?' Ivan shouts back. 'Well you just threw her in so you would' He says back. 'So the millions of times I've thrown her in the pool back at home is that a problem to you?!' Ivan says back. 'No because I'm not there' He shouts back.

 'hold up do you have the merch!?' Ivan shouts. 'What!?' He shouts confused. 'The savage merch!?' Ivan says. You got your phone and came back to record it for the vlog. 'Urm no!?' He shouts back. 'Well cop it at!' He shouts. 'You heard that guys' You say to the vlog and laugh. 'Right let's go' You say to him. 'Okay' He says. He leads you both to the next slide and you go down it.


You see Ivan in front of you. 'Ivan I'm gonna fall off!!' You scream. 'Hold on tight. We have a few seconds left' He says. 'I'll try' You say. 


'I'm never going on that ever again' You say. 'You're only saying that because you nearly fell off' He says and laughs. 'It's not funny!'You say and punch his arm. 'Don't punch me or else you'll be going back in that pool' He says and laughs. 'The only funny thing about that was the argument with the lifeguard' You giggle. 'Aww I love it when you giggle. It's so cute' He says and laughs. 'Awh shhhh' You say. 'Right common more slides!!' Ivan says picking you up on his back and runs to the next slide. 

You went on around 20 more slides and by the end you were both tired out. 'I'll text Jake and tell him we'll meet him at the Uber' You say grabbing your phone. While you were texting Jake Ivan gathered everything up and put it in his bag. 'Right let's go' You say. You get Ivan's bag and then jump on his back. 'Love you baby' He says. 'Love you more' You say. 'Impossible' He says back. 'Awwhhh' You say. After a 10 minute walk you arrived back at the Uber and got in. 'So did you guys sort everything out?' Jake says. 'Yep' Ivan says. 'And the best part of this whole holiday, Ivan had an argument with a lifeguard and I got it on video' You say. 'Omg yes that was literally so funny' He says. You show them the video and everyone was nearly in tears because they were laughing.

After 10 minutes of laughing you all arrived back at the hotel. 'Right, goodnight everyone' You say. 'Night guys' They all say back. You and Ivan walk up to your room. 'Right I'm gonna have a quick shower' You say. 'Okay' He says. Once you had showered you chnaged into this.

You went and laid down next to Ivan. 'Aww your my minnie mouse' He says. 'You're my mickey mouse then' You say. He put his hand over your eyes. 'Ivan what are you do-' You say but your were cut off when Ivan lips smashed against yours. You were kissing in sync. You bit his lip and he bit yours. Your kiss was broken. You laid staring at each other you started playing with his hair until he fell aslep. You snuggled up to him and fell asleep on his chest.
