Chapter 21

The next morning you woke up at 1pm,  so you quickly got out of bed and got into the shower. Once you showered you changed into this.

You went downstairs to grab something to eat and sat down to watch Netflix. Ivan came downstairs and sat next to you. He looked at you up and down looking confused. 'Is that my hoodie cropped?!' He asks you quite angrily. 'Urm yes' You sa carrying on eating. 'Oh right it looks cute' He says smiling. 'I thought you were going to have a go at me' You say focusing your eyes on the tv. 

'No why would I' He says. Everyone else began to appear from outside. 'Can we continue this somewhere else' He asks you. 'Yeah' You say looking like your about to cry. You put down your bowl and followed Ivan out to the front. 'So why do you think I'd have a go at you for?' He asks you. 'Because this is your hoodie not mine and I've cropped it, but I didn't think about asking you, I'm sorry, I'll buy you another one' You say wiping a tear from your face.

'Aw baby, what's mine is yours. I wouldn't have a go at you for that. And don't buy me one I'll buy it myself. Don't worry about it and stop crying' He says hugging you. You hugged him back leaving his T-shirt wet from your tears. 'Good thing your not wearing makeup because this would be ruined' He says laughing.  'OMG THEY HUGGED!' You heard a voice shout from the gate. 'AWW THEY ARE SO CUTE!' Another person said. 

You and Ivan quickly went inside and went upstairs. You washed your face and put on some makeup. You sat on the bed and put on Vampire Diaries again as the new episode was out. 'Babe can wego clothes shopping?' You ask him. 'Yeah of course, I'll ring a cab and we'll go to the mall' He says to you.

Ivan rings a cab to pick us up and you went to the mall. Once you arrived you went into loads of shops and found these tracksuit bottoms, baseball cap, shoes and a hoodie and you decided to buy them all.

You went into a different shop and bought these new shoes, hoodie, Calvin Klein baseball cap, Calvin Klein shorts and crop top.

You bought all these and then left the mall to go back home.

You went back home and hung everything up into your wardrobe. 'At least you won't be stealing my hoodies now' Ivan says winking at you. 'No no I will still be wearing them' You say smiling. 'It's okay, you can wear anything of mine' He says going up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He helps you hang up the rest of your clothes. After you had put everything away you went to shower and changed into this.

It was starting to get really late quite late so you got into bed and laid with Ivan for a while. You watched Netflix for the rest of the night until you fell asleep.

BANG! You instantly woke up to see Ivan getting up off the floor. 'Are you okay!!' You said worrying. 'Yeah you just pushed me off the bed' He says laughing. 'Aww I'm sorry baby' You say. 'It was that big arse of yours' He says winking. 'Ivan Martinez, you naughty boy' You say winking back at him. You grabbed his hand to pull him back up onto the bed but, he pulled you ontop of him and your lips smashed together. This ended up turning into a make out session, until you got up into bed and settled down for the night again. 

He hugged you and you turned around to hug him back. You fell asleep in each others arms until the next morning.
