29. Let Her Decide The Date

Rakshit's POV:

"Help me with the preparations Rakshit, my princess is going to get married" the excitement of Drishti's marrige making it's way to Romi sir's face caused the pain of losing his sister temporarily fade away.

"Yes sir. It's my job" passing him a faint smile I scratched the back of my hand in frustration.

You literally suck at your job. She loves you, love you her but no! Such a fool you are. Getting frustrated cuz she's getting married. Wow! Just wow!

"So, I think we should secretly get them married within this week, like really soom. The marriage will be held again hyonce she completed her graduation, in this way she would get to stay at home too and the contentment of being married to the person she loved would give her happiness too" He smiled looking at the window, when I looked in that direction I found Drishti standing there with binoculars connected to her eyes, typically spying us. "She's so happy" seeing his brother she closed the curtains in a swift movement.

"Yes she is"

Liar! She's happy with you only. This thing can't be happening.

At this point of time Amay arrived with a gleeful face reflecting confidence seeing me in such a spot. "Oh, so Rakshit will be assisting the preparations for our, I mean mine and Drishti's wedding" he passed me a smug look which went unnoticed by Romi sir who simply nodded, standing up to embrace his brother in law.

That hurts.

A sort of yeah, it does.

"You here Amay, any important work? As far as I remember you told me you had an online meeting today"

"Oh yes actually, I was here to talk to you about something important. But before that Rakshit, can you take that lehnga to the room for her?" Amay asked me indicating towards a blood red heavily embroidered lehngha. Ok, where did this guy get this from so fast?



"This lehngha so soon? I mean you've still not decided the date and this of a sudden? It's still a week and did you ask my Drishti first?" Romi sir asked. Being completely uncomfortable about her wedding preparation was another level of frustration, and seeing that lehngha gave me a mini migrane.

"Actually that was what I wanted to tell you. One of my rivals who is always jealous of me got to know about Drishti and now I fear he would try to take her away. As in a marriage thing, he can do that. Afterall that's what he always wanted to do, take my friends and everyone else away. He might marry her by force as my assumptions, and your sister having the heart of a child if any chance married him would stick to him, giving him a chance to work that out" Amay acted like he was being serious about the matter but someone who knew what was going on between us could tell what each of his word meant.

Are you killing him or should I?

"But Amay, who is he? We can help you. And don't worry about Drishti, Rakshit is there for her" Romi sir kept his hand on Amay's shoulder trying to make him understand but he looked at me and whispered "that's the problem" When sir asked him again he simply shrugged it off saying it was meant for something else "Actually if the person came to know about this, I doubt many things would go wrong. I'll explain everything once I'm sure the person is harmless. And about the marriage thing, let it be the day Drishti decides it to be. Are you okay with that Romi?"

"Um, if she's okay then I'm okay too. It's her life afterall" Romi sir shrugged his shoulders before glancing over to me and pointing towards the lehngha. "Take that to princess's room"

"Yes sir" I nodded my head and took the lehngha after a helper set it out on a hanger.

Walking towards the room with the wedding dress of the girl he loves wasn't the thing he would enjoy doing, and here I was not only taking her wedding dress to her room but also arranging her whole secretive wedding. Firstly she told me she loved me, and now she was marrying Amay.

You rejected her like a million times and now you're still expecting more?

On whose side are you?

Don't want to be on yours but I want her to stay close to you because she's funny and you're not. So our life without her would be boring af.

So you are searching for a source of entertainment?

The room, you have reached.

I sighed, conjuring up enough courage to knock the door and face her. Who was I kidding? The guardian was right, I kept ignoring her, rejecting her but somewhere I liked that fact that she never gave up on me. Just because we could never match, I had been constantly fighting with the feelings that were trying to take over me. Maybe it was all in my head or maybe when dad told me 'There Should Be A Difference Between A Master And A Worker' I took that too much. That old theory was long discarded.

Differences don't exist at all.

The knock was answered shortly and the door opened with a jerk exposing Drishti's worried face all over. She looked here and there, inspecting if someone else was present. On confirming that no one was near us she pulled me inside the room and looked at the lehngha.

"Rakshit, listen to me. There's a big misunderstanding. It's all not what it seemed. Divya told me all, I talked to bhai about our marriage not Mine and that two rupee pukish Amay's" she spat, making weird expressions at the thought of Amay. I sighed, deciding not to even try at making things go the way we both wanted it to.

Fate had been an enemy to me whenever Amay entered my life.

"Your brother and your fiance sent this for you. They wanted you to decide the date for your marriage. Rest aloof you might be aware that it's a secret wedding which will be officialized by re-marriage after your graduation" I placed the lehngha on the chair and tried to leave the room when Drishti Stopped me.

"Why are you behaving like this?"
