27. Where's My Gun?

(Once I complete this story, It will undergo minor editing)
Drishti's POV:

The stunt that pulled on, like two hours ago was going to get me into deep trouble if my brother got to know about it. I had always been an expert at inviting death for me, great!

I have always told you think before act, but you, have you ever thought of the consequences?

No. It's my life and I can do whatever I want to do with it.

Okie, just pay my regards to your brother for I am not advising you and thus not interfering in your life.

Oh buddy, why do you get angry so soon? I didn't mean that, I meant that you have the copyright to my life.

Who wants copright to a malicious virus?

My life is not a virus.

Letting out a sigh, I pinned my dupatta and did the final touch up. This was going to be insane, when I would be meeting them after that incident.

Special mention- Kavya who was unconscious for one hour twenty nine minutes forty seven seconds straight.

Not only was I beaten up for not telling them what was my plan that I couldn't do anyways as the plan was formed on the spot but also removed from our WhatsApp group for ruining their time to get ready.

Walking towards the hall where their marriage set up stood, I restrained from looking at anyone, especially Amay and Rakshit. Even though I felt an enormous amount of the feeling of greatness pass through me for being bold, I decided to stay low key at this for now.

Romi's POV:

"But Amay do you think she wants this too?" Sometimes my sister is childish for sure due to which I was reluctant to give her hand for marriage to Amay.

"Trust me bro, she likes me too and let's not act, even you knew about her little crush on me" Amay exclaimed proudly throwing his head back at the reline of my bed. The fact was true though but what if she hadn't had a crush on him anymore.

I wasn't willing to get her married only because she had a crush on this guy in the past, getting married was a huge decision that required a lot of thinking. At least I had to talk to Drishti if she actually wanted that or if someone else was in her life.

"I'll talk to her about it" Amay's face quickly dropped but he held a smile to cover it up. Walking towards me he helped me with my wedding dress, adjusting my turban and sherwani now and then. A few documents that needed to be signed were lying at the table so I decided to sign them before we went.

"You know I'll treat her like a queen" Better you do or I have an AK47 in my car, 24/7 with me.

"I don't know Amay" I sighed and he changed the topic.

"Let's go and enjoy. It's your wedding bro! At least put on a smile and don't touch your phone for today" Ignoring his thoughts I continued signing "Come on! Just imagine today is first night and you will be on the laptop rather than being with her how pissed she will be!"

"Haha very funny!" Divya had always been supportive towards my work. She was just the opposite of those girls who needed time when a man couldn't give them, even if she was about to hit me with a bat when I didn't reach the stadium on time for our cricket date.

After mom dad's death I couldn't give much time to my sister. Handling dad's business was not a piece of cake since I was amateur and lacked confidence. The business faced many ups and downs from the day I took it into my hands, the shared of the company fell drastically, most of the employees resigned and half of our deals fell apart along with the loses now and then.

It took me time to strengthen the roots of this business and take care of my sister at the same time. Despite having servants and a nany at home she needed me and I tried to be there for her but most of the times I couldn't.

It was time to get married now, Divya was waiting for me at the mandap, the media was there, some relatives, friends, a few ministers and some important business partners were also present. Amay and I went outside and walked towards the mandap while Drishti saw me and began following me like a sheep throwing flowers at me every now and then.

"Over excited?" I asked Drishti when Amay had left us as she was the one who would be accompanying me to the mandap.

"Hell yah!" She whispered in my ears while smirking looking between me and Divya "Isn't she looking beautiful?"

"Ofcourse she is" she giggled as I replied her.

Once we had reached the mandap, I sat down beside Divya in front of the holy fire waiting to get married. Drishti tied our knots and the wedding went smoothly as we took all vows and were called husband and wife at the end. Taking Divya's hand in mine I lead her towards the room for after two hours we had our reception.

Drishti lead Divya into the room while I had to wait till she came. In the mean time I met a few people, actually not wanting to talk at this moment.

Can a person lead a happy married life? Please?!

When Divya had reached the room Drishti came to inform me. She accompanied me till the room where she stopped me "Bhai"

"What's it princess?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something, but later" she blushed a little making me understand the matter.

Someone's going to get killed today.

"And what's that something to be accurate?" Narrowing my eyebrows I asked her.

"Precisely, about someone I like"

Where's my gun?

"The someone is here and I will introduce him to you tonight or tomorrow morning if you want to meet him"

That's when Amay's words came to my mind. "She likes me too"
