The Big Sleep

Last time on Total Drama Island, the campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into shark-infested waters. And while most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers. Miss C.I.T Courtney, and nose picking, sexist Ezekiel. In the end, the first contestant voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel. Find out tonight who we will be voted off next at the most drama filled ceremony tonight!


A loud air horn, awoke me, causing me to smack my head into Courtney's bunk. Her head popped down to check on me, giving me a genuinely concerned look. "Damn, did that leave a mark?" She asked, watching me with wide eyes. I shook my head and held onto the throbbing part of my skull, praying it actually didn't leave a mark or turn into a massive headache. "Good, because we need everyone ready to go for our next challenge." I rolled my eyes as she disappeared back into her bunk. Well, I have a headache, but it didn't come from the impact of the wooden bunk. 

After the pain started to go away, I pulled on my clothes and made it outside the cabin to stand with the other campers. Duncan nudged my shoulder as I let out a yawn, causing my eyes to open wider. I flipped him off, trying not to let him see me smirk.

"Morning! Hope you all slept well." Chris said, making me uneasy about what's to come next. There's always a catch with this man.

"Hey Chris. You look really buff in those shorts." Heather attempted to flirt, earning a quiet gag from me, making Duncan and Bridgette bust out laughing. Heather cut her eyes at us, but quickly turned back to Chris, giving her signature, bitchy smile.

"I know! Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute!" Chris seemed excited, which made me even more anxious.

"Oh excuse me! I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen complained to Chris, giving him sad puppy dog eyes.

"Oh you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake!" Eva was not pleased with this challenge, causing her to charge at Chris with a fist ready. Thankfully Duncan and I held her back, with Courtney next to us, trying to help calm her temper.

"That girl Eva has got a HELL of a temper on her. We've literally only been here ONE day and she's already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom stalls! She's literally a crazy bitch."

"On your marks, get set, go!" We all took off running, most of us starting strong. I kept a good place in between Trent and Courtney. I wasn't in last but i definitely wasn't in the lead either, but hey, better than being last. Sorry Owen. I could feel my lungs starting to burn a bit, but I wasn't letting that slow me down. We were almost to the lodge when I could feel a pair of eyes on my ass, making me glance back, only to see the bright green mohawk right behind me.

"Like the view, you perv?" I shouted, smiling to myself, still keeping my place in front of him.

"Oh i'm definitely not complaining, sweetheart." Duncan shot me a wink, getting closer behind me, giving my ass a pat as he made his was around me. I let out a gasp, shocked he actually did it. I'm definitely not gonna say that I didn't like it.

"Why would he do that? I mean not that i'm complaining, he could definitely do it again and I-. Wait, is Chris gonna watch this? Fuck. Don't air this you assholes."

I finally made it to the lodge, there were still some people who had fallen behind so I took a seat with the other Killer Bass. My stomach grumbled in hunger, making me wrap my arms around myself trying to muffle the sound. Harold came in the door last, meaning we lost the challenge, making the Screaming Gophers cheer happily.

"Whoa! Hold your horses. That wasn't the challenge. Whose hungry?" Chris asked, revealing a beautiful buffet. Not having to eat Chefs slop for even just a meal almost made me tear up. Owen literally started drooling staring at the food, I knew he was definitely gonna cry.

The table had been cleared and I felt extremely full, almost as if my stomach would explode. Everyone else was groaning from being so full, some even looked as if they were gonna hurl all over the place. Please, don't let that happen, I can't handle that.

"Okay campers! Time for part two of your challenge!" Chris announced into his handy dandy megaphone as he jumped on top of the table. "It's time for, the Awake-a-thon! Don't worry, it's gonna be easy. The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility."

He did this shit on purpose! The good food, all the running. He wanted to make it impossible
for us to stay awake. I wanted to argue but I literally felt to full to even open my mouth. So, I resulted in glaring at him, hoping I could hurt him with my eyes.

We made our way to the campfire that overlooked the lake. I picked a spot by Bridgette in hopes we could talk to each other to keep from falling asleep. Once everyone had picked a spot to get comfortable in, Chris started the timer. 

At the 2 hour mark, Geoff had made his way over and occupied Bridgette's attention. I shot her a quick wink and made my way over to sit by the lake. The way the moonlight danced over the waves and the sound of the water crashing onto the shore calmed my nerves, causing me to close my eyes. "Don't pass out on me so soon, doll face." A deep voice sounded next to me, causing my eyes to snap open. A smirk played at his lips.

"I'm just resting my eyes, I'm not even tired." I stated, nudging him with my shoulder as i brought my knees to my chest so I could rest my head on them. He cut his eyes at me and bit back a chuckle.

"Sweetheart, you look like if you blink you're gonna fall back." He leaned back on his elbows, all while keeping eye contact with me. I shook my head and directed my attention back to the waves. "Why are you secluding yourself?" 

"To get some peace away from the chaos, including guys with green hair and piercing." I peaked at him over my shoulder and watched his eyes rake over me.

"Just say the words, doll and I'll leave you alone with your thoughts, but if you fall asleep you can't blame me." He started to sit up and make his way back to spot near the fire.

"Alright, wait. Maybe your company won't be so bad. Stay and keep me up you punk." He leaned on back and put his arms behind his head. I could see him trying to hold back a smile, but I turned my attention back to the water and watched as the sky changed its color.

Twelve hours in and I was absolutely exhausted. Everyone was still awake, shockingly. Owen was dancing to distract himself, I think, until he suddenly dropped to the ground, completely out. Trent and Gwen began talking around hour 7 and I could see Gwen's face growing more red as their conversation continued. Oh my god, she's totally into him. She made eye contact with me so I shot her a wink, making a suggestive look towards Trent. She giggled softly then flipped me off, putting her attention back to Trent. I swear, if they don't kiss at all during our time here, I think I'd be more pissed than them.

Lindsay was standing on her head, causing Beth to join her. Those two are very odd. I continued laying on grass by the edge next to Duncan, staring up at the clouds, watching them change shapes and the sky turn from a baby blue to an orange/pink color, to complete pitch black. I didn't realize how long i had really been staring until Chris announced the 24 hour mark. At this point, Bridgette, Izzy, Noah, Katie and Sadie were completely passed out.

To make matters worse, Chris began reading fairy tales from a child's book. Oh how lovely. I rolled my eyes, and leaned back again to look at the stars. More snoring began to sound around me as more people began to doze off. 

40 Hours. There were now only 5 awake on Killer Bass and 6 awake on Screaming Gophers. Oh, make that 5, there goes Lindsay face first into the dirt.

"His eyes are painted!! I just saw it!" Eva yelled, cause me to jolt from almost falling asleep. Thank god. Duncan and I turned back towards the campfire, watching Justin and Eva closely.

"Get out I've got to see this!" Chris was so amazed but entirely shocked. "That is so crazy incredible, but you're still out dude." Another one down, getting closer to the end of this shit challenge.

We're now at the 85 hour mark and I've never been up this long in my entire life. The longest I've been up I believe is 2 days straight and that was for a horror movie marathon, so at least that was enjoyable. 

Duncan had put Harold's hand in warm water, causing him to pee himself. I chuckled, shaking my head as I rubbed my eyes. Chris came in with a cup of coffee, rubbing it in our faces. That bastard.

"Alright, you 6 stay with me. The rest of you go shower. You stink." He definitely wasn't wrong, we'd been out here for over 3 days, I knew I didn't smell the best. "Now for the most boring, sleep inducing activity i have."

"Oh come on. Nothing can be that bad." I stated, rolling my eyes as Duncan nudged me as we made our way to sit around Chris like children during story time.

"The history of Canada." Chris opened up a massive book, it had to be over 1000 pages. You've got to be shitting me man. We all groaned, making me put my face in my hands. By the end of the first chapter it was Gwen, Trent, Duncan and I. Scratch that. Gwen, Duncan and I.

"We got this, doll. As soon as Gwen drops, you can finally sleep." Duncan comforted me, rubbing my shoulder, which honestly made me struggle staying awake even more,

"In your dreams, punk. I'm not letting you beat me." I gave him an exhausted smile, straightening up my posture and rubbing harshly at my eyes.

"Time for a bathroom break! Any takers??" Chris asked, shutting that damned book.

"I've held this long, sweetheart. I could go all day." Duncan said, holding onto his junk like he was going to explode.

"Yeah, but can you hold it for another TEN chapters?" Gwen asked, making Duncan's eyes go wide.

"I think it'd be smart for you to go now, sweetheart." I mocked his nickname for Gwen, watching him smirk as he got up and ran to the bathroom stalls. Fifteen minutes went by and we were informed that Duncan had decided to take a power nap on the can, leaving just Gwen and I.

I gave Gwen a pleading look, begging for her to break first. She gave me a sad look, but that's all I remember before face planting in the grass below me. Faint cheering rang through my ears, but I didn't care, I silenced it all out and finally let my body shut down. I felt some hands rub my shoulders, trying to shake me awake softly.

"Come on, doll. I'm tired too but i'm not gonna let you sleep on the grass." Duncan said, sounding completely exhausted. I tried to mumble something, but my face was pushed deeply into the soil. Suddenly, I felt two arms come underneath my body, lifting me up and we began walking. "I said I wasn't gonna let you sleep on the ground. Let's get you into bed before this ceremony, alright?" I was placed onto the firm, but almost comforting bed. It almost felt like a hand brushed my hair out my face, but honestly I was too out of it to give you a play by play.

My eyes opened slightly when I heard commotion and yelling coming from the other cabin. I stepped out the door, rubbing my eyes, and trying to get some sleep out of them. "What the hell is happening?" I asked, getting pissed by the screaming.

"Someone stole Eva's MP3 player." Courtney stated, looking exhausted. Here comes bitchy Heather, trying to gloat. Funny enough though, her looking like shit, made me feel a little bit happier.

"Oh you mean this?" Heather pulled Eva's MP3 out of her pocket and my mouth dropped. This. Bitch. Eva looked so happy and then so embarrassed. My god, she really does have anger issues.

At the campfire ceremony, Chris went over the marshmallow rule again. Marshmallow, you stay. No marshmallow, sock of shame and you go home. I was fighting so hard to keep my eyes open. The exhaustion was basically killing me.

"You've all cast your votes, there are only 10 marshmallows here. When i call your name, grab your marshmallow and take a seat." Chris stated, before started calling names. First Duncan, then me (who didn't get up, I just had the marshmallow thrown at my face), Bridgette, Courtney, Katie, Sadie, Tyler, DJ, and Geoff. The last one was between Harold or Eva. Honestly either could go home and I'd be a-okay.

"Harold. Eva, the dock of shame awaits." Eva started to go on a rampage, but honestly I don't know what she said because I fell back and ended up passing back out. I don't know how long i was there until Duncan woke me up again, and carried me back to my bad.

"You know, you could just tell me you want me to carry you, doll face." He whispered, trying not to wake anyone else. I could hear the humor laced in his voice.

"What fun would that be, then you would know my little secret." I giggled, bopping him on the nose, before falling into a deep, necessary sleep.

Next time on Total Drama Island! The campers face off in a game of dodgeball! After losing two challenges in a row, the Killer Bass are determined to win. They don't expect to win, but they'll sure as hell try.
