Bunch of Disgustingness

Last time on Total Drama Island, a note from a secret admirer got Gwen and Bridgette up in each other's business. DJ accidentally knocked out his boy, Trent, off the airplane, sending him deep into the earth's crust. LeShawna showed everybody how to hang on for dear life on the moose ride. Harold showed himself to be an ace fly catcher until e caught sight of Heather's unmentionables, causing him to crash his wave right of the island. Going with him, miss C.I.T herself, Courtney. After finding out she rigged the votes sending Aspen out of her, with that evidence we were able to bring back Duncan's girl. Now let's see what's in store for our campers this week!

After last night with Duncan, I still can't wrap my head around his words. He loves me? Was he just saying that because we were having sex? The cameras? Or did he actually mean it?

Walking into the mess hall, we notice everything is bare. Absolutely no food in sight. "What?! No breakfast?" Trent questions, rubbing his head.

"Oh, don't you worry bro. There will be plenty of food later on." Chris answers, making Chef and him laugh to themselves. My stomach turned, gathering a bad feeling about their actions. "Congratulations to the remaining campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition. You'll all be on the journey for the final episode. The two teams will  become one next week. Everyone for themselves. All girls will be moved to the gopher cabin and guys will be moved to the bass cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself, a battle of the sexes."

Duncan turns to wink at me, causing me to roll my eyes and give a half smile. His eyebrows scrunched up with what seemed to be confusion and concern. He rested his hand on my thigh, in hopes to gain some sort of reassurance.

"For some good news, no one will be kicked off this week! All in good reward. Now, time to relocate and meet back here when you're finished."

The smirk on Chris's face definitely didn't sit well with me. What the hell does this man and Chef have pulled up his sleeve?

Walking back, I was walking next to Duncan and Bridgette when Heather pops up behind us girls.

"Wow, Aspen! Your skin looks absolutely amazing today. totally glowing." Heather gave me a sickeningly, sweet smile.

"Um, thank you." Confusion laced in my words.

"You have to share your skin routine." She latched on to my arm, linking hers with mine.

"It's literally just my face, Heather."

"Watch out for this one, she's nothing but trouble." Gwen nudges me, causing Heather to drop her arm and glare at her. I hid my smile and snuck away from in between them, heading towards the cabin and gathering my things.

Once I had my things, I was walking out as Duncan was walking in. "Hey doll, hope you enjoy the new view, just ignore the smell of Owen in there. It just lingers." His signature smirk plastered on his face. I nudged him with my shoulder and placed a kiss on his cheek before walking to my new place.

Walking into my new cabin, I was met with LeShawna and Heather arguing about pudding pockets. Jesus...this might be just as bad as rooming with Courtney was. Once Heather realized I was standing at the door, her whole demeanor changed.

"Aspen! It's so great to see you! I'm so glad you and Bridgette are joining our cabin. We're like one, big happy family." Heather linked her arms with Bridgette and eye, leading us in.

"Big and dysfunctional." Gwen mumbled, earning a death glare from Heather.

"I made sure your bed was right under mine, Aspen! we can stay up and share secrets with each other. We're gonna be great friends!" Heather gave me another one of her eerie smiles when Lindsay runs up.

"But, that's might bed!" She whined, until Heather stomped on her toes, making her yelp before running off to the other set of bunks with Bridgette.

"Okay...sure." I trailed off, dropping my bags on the bed while taking a look over at Gwen and LeShawna.

"Be careful with that girl, Aspen. She's a snake. Whatever she gives, there's always a price to pay." LeShawna states, hands on her hips as she eyes Heather up and down.

"Mind your business." Heather growls, stomping over to LeShawna.

"We're a team and live in the same cabin. It's ALL of our business."

"Yeah, we're a team. We should be taking this opportunity to get to know each other." Bridgette chimes in, trying to deescalate the situation.

"You wanna play that way? Fine! Be on their side, but once you join the weird girls you're not allowed on our side." Heather huffs, pulling out tape and making a divider in the cabin. "GO ahead, you two pick a side."

Without a second thought, I stepped over to Gwen and LeShawna. Bridgette cautiously stepped over after thinking for a minute, looking absolutely petrified.

"You both just dug your own grave." Rolling my eyes I reached over and snatched my belongings.


"It's time for today's challenge!" Chris gleams, holding a clipboard and pen.

"Uh, where's breakfast?" LeShawna asks, looking around. Both Chris and CHef let another fit of laughter and my nerves ignite. This can't be good.

"Stop doing that! Get on with it!" I shout, my words coming out before I can process my tone.

"Alright, let's just tell them. Today's challenge is 'The brunch of disgustingness.' You'll be getting a nine course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross or just as gross. Just know, it will most likely be gross."

This cannot be worth winning. I mean no one is going home this week anyways.

"The winning team will spend 2 days at a 5-star resort where they will be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics against anything they MAY have caught while participating in this challenge. The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next 2 days here."


Okay, once again what's the difference? Not like we ever actually get good food any other day so we're always hungry. But, on the other hand, some pampering could do us girls all some good.


We all take our seats at our designated tables, awaiting what disgusting dishes lie ahead of us.

"Take a whiff boys, cause all I smell is victory for me and my girls." LeShawna taunts, exaggerating with a loud sniff.

"I'll eat anything. Even my drawers if I have to." Owen states proudly, holding up the dingest, dirtiest underwear.

"Owen...that-that's really not necessary. I'm really concerned that eating your underwear is one of your first thoughts...and that it's THAT filthy." I state, choking back a gag at the skid marks and holes that littered the large guys tidy whiteys.

"Let's begin the challenge. First, some hours d'oeuvers." Chris announces as Chef lays down our first platters, revealing what looked like kidney's.

"Alright, meatballs!" Owen cheers, almost literally inhaling the foreign food.

"Well, almost Owen but these are kind of special."

"oh my God, please tell me you're joking." I pleaded, picking up one of the meat "balls", shivering at the thought.

"It's beef meatballs bourguignon." Chef gleefully shares, his smile even more evil than usual.

Judging from all the guys reactions, this might not be too difficult. No man wants to willingly eat bull balls. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a generous bite, choking back a gag at the tough outer skin and veins that coursed through the inside.

I looked over to Bridgette after choking down my bite, seeing she hasn't touched the dish.

"Why aren't you eating?" Heather storms over to Bridgette, rightfully annoyed honestly.

"I-I can't. I'm vegetarian. It's against my principles." Bridgette looked like she was almost on the verge of tears.

I like the girl, but if I had to swallow down some bull balls, her being vegetarian goes out the window.

Geoff makes his way over and sweetly convinces her that bulls being castrated usually is medically reasons and causes them no harm. Surprisingly, that helps her actually eat one. Hell, Geoff might be able to help us win.

We ended up winning the first round when Trent and DJ refused to eat anymore, not that I blame them.

The next dish consisted of a pizza with grasshoppers, anchovies and jellyfish sauce. Where the fuck did they come up with this horrendous idea? Note, the grasshoppers and anchovies were ALIVE.

Once Chef set the plates in front of us, I knew someone from our team wasn't having it.

"Hell no, there's no way I'm eating that." LeShawna pushed away the plate, disgust painting her face.

"Oh yes you are. I'm not missing out on an indoor, heated pool because you can't keep down a few-" Heather doesn't even finish the sentence before flipping out when a grasshopper lands on her shoulder. "Grasshoppers. Okay, I can't do this."

"I'm currently digesting a bulls balls right now, you're doing this." I said, grabbing her and forcing her to sit. I hastily took a bit and burrito chew and swallow. "See. Quick and easy."

Bridgette also helped by getting some of the girls to do some yoga meditation to distract from what they were truly eating, pretty smart.

Trent ran out, complaining of a weak stomach. Thankfully he didn't throw up in front of everyone because I absolutely cannot do vomit. After some time outside, Trent comes back and demands the other guys hold him down and force feed him. I mean, whatever works, but my gut tells me this isn't going to end well. 

Second round ends in the guys favor since LeShawna couldn't bring herself to bite of an "innocent" grasshoppers head.

Third course, Chef's spaghetti, which consisted of worms covered in some odd green sauce and hairballs. MY stomach churned as the worms wiggled around. All the boys blindfolded themselves and Duncan even plugged his nose, taking their first bite and ab;e to scarf down their "entree".

Taking a bite, I could feel the worm moving, causing my gag reflex to really kick in. Running to the quickest trash can, I threw up everything I had ingested. As i kept heaving, emptying my stomach, someone came up and pulled my hair into a makeshift ponytail. 

"You're good, doll." Duncan rubbed my back soothingly. I gagged once more before letting out a shaky breath. 

"Speak for yourself, punk. You guys just won another round." My voice coming out hoarse from the acid coating my throat. 

"Come on, you got this."

"Are you actually trying to help me win?"

"Maybe, but only if you think you can beat me."

There's the playfulness I love. Wait, did i say love? Like love Duncan?

Round four, french bunion soup. Yup, toenails and all included. With the help of Bridgette again, all of us girls were able to funnel the soup down our throats without a single taste. Shockingly. Making us win this round and tying the teams.

"Only five more courses! Bon appetit." Chris smiles devilishly, as always.

Course after course, like Chris said earlier, it just gets worse and more disgusting. Half of these things didn't even seem edible. By the last round, we were still tied.

"Alright guys! Last course is, dolphin wieners! Almost like hot dogs, but dolphins!" Fuck, we're done for.

"But, dolphins are our friends." Bridgette cried, absolutely devastated. I knew then, we lost. Bridgette is not going to eat that.

"It's already dead. If you don't eat it, we don't win." Heather glared, smothering the sea creature in ketchup.

"I can't! I'm a surfer."

"Heather, lay off. We all want to win, but you have to admit, it means something to Bridgette." I stated, still taking a bite, giving sad eyes to Bridgette.

"I'm right there with you, Bridge. I'm not eating it either." DJ states, pushing the plate away, crossing his arms over his chest. After a few minutes of neither of them budging, Chris let out an irritated sigh.

" Okay, enough. We will solve this by having an eat off." Chris declares, pulling LeShawna and Owen to do the challenge."Whoever drinks the most shots of blended up cockroaches, wins. On your mark, get set, go!"

They both started off strong, disgust washing over their faces, which for Owen to be disgusted with anything is mind boggling. Shot by shot they down the blended insect and their faces turned more green. At the last three shots, LeShawna takes too long and Owen absent mindlessly finishes off the shots before dropping to the floor. 

"And Owen is the winner, meaning the guys win the getaway!!"

Before the guys can actually celebrate, LeShawna begins violently vomiting all over the table. I plugged my nose and tried to suppress my urge to join. Joining her minutes later was DJ and Trent, making me run out side and puke out into a bush. I hear footsteps grow closer to me and more gagging. 

"If you're gonna throw up too I need you to move. I can't do it anymore." I cried, puking until it was bile. 

"I'm sorry, doll. That was too much, even for me." Duncan groans, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve before coming out pull my hair back again. 

After spitting a couple times, I weakly stood up, but didn't last long when my legs gave out from lack of hydration of electrolytes. "Woah, come on. Can't have you passing out here." Duncan scooped me up, carrying me to the cabins. 

"Don't worry about me, you go enjoy that resort. I'll be here waiting for you when you get back."

"Now you know, I'm gonna be counting down till I'm back here to you. I also can't wait to brag about how amazing it was."

"You're lucky I'm falling for you, punk." 

Duncan didn't even say anything, he just pressed a kiss to my temple and I could feel him smile into my skin. 


Next time on Total Drama Island, teams have dissolved and it's now every camper for them self, well besides the couple of love birds. Contestants must either answer trivia questions or spin the wheel of misfortune.
