Chapter 8 (Bowling Aftermath)

So yes, of course Dalton beat me. He started dancing as soon as he did. He also began screaming "FINALLY SOMETHING I WIN AT". I was kind of scared. Everyone was staring at us. Then when we went to hand in our shoes I look up at the guy at the counter. Any guesses as to what his name tag said?


Then me being the hormonal teenager that I am. I kind of lost it on the way out to the car. I couldn't believe it. I mean obviously there are other people named Alex out there, but I always hang out with Dalton to forget about that art of my life.

I didn't want to Dalton to see me cry. He has only known me for a couple of weeks and I've been this strong girl. I can't let him think I'm a baby. Even worse I haven't told him about Alex yet.

I walked in front of him trying to hide my face, but him being the gentleman that he is, of course he noticed.

"You're really not the upset are you?" He asked as we got in the car.

Laughing though my tears I managed to shake my head. "I really don't even know why I'm crying." Then a beat passed "Actually I know exactly why."

"Why's that?"

"Look can you just take me home?"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."


"Look I know you've only been here for just under a month, but I know that we've connected fast. Please I can't help but to feel like I did something wrong."

"No actually it's the opposite. You've done everything right. You're such an amazing friend." As soon as I said the word friend I could feel tension building in the air. Like he knew that I was about to tell him I had a boyfriend.

"Then what is it Ellie."



"My boyfriend. From back in Montana." There was silence for a moment and I felt my crying began to get louder. "I just miss him so much. It feels like I have the whole world against me. Every single person since I left that place has told me it wasn't going to work out. Then life threatens me with a great guy like you and you can't help but to do the right thing just to shove it in everyone's face that it did work out. Only, it's kinda hard to shove it in someone's face when there's nothing here to shove. The fact that it's only been this long and I can barely go 24 hours without crying about it is extremely depressing."


"I'm sorry I'm probably over reacting."

Dalton put his hand on my shoulder. "No you're not. I'm glad you told me Ellie. I'll do everything I can to help you through this. Thats what" He stopped for a moment before he continued. "Friends. Are for."
