Chapter 13 (Spilling My Soul)

Although my eye were still puffy I was not crying at that moment. I took a breath, sat back and got ready to share my story with Dalton.

"Start from the very beginning. I'm ready to listen." He said and looked right into my eyes.

"Okay it all started freshman year. I had a huge crush on him since the beginning of the year. We went to different middle schools so freshman year was the first time we met. We had 6 out of our 7 classes together so it was hard not to get to know each other. By December I could tell that he liked me too but suddenly our relationship stopped going up and I was worried that I did something wrong. HE totally stopped talking to me and then my birthday came along. December 21. And because I didn't exactly have any friends beside him, I was alone. We didn't have school but both of my parents still had to work and Whitney was out with her boyfriend at the time. It was depressing actually. I went for a walk that day to where I guess you could call my "Spot". It was a pine tree on the far side of our park. I'd hung out there since I was a kid. But when I got there Alex was there With 2 cupcakes and a gift bag. He explained that he quit talking to me because he is really bad at surprises and he wanted it to be special. It was amazing. We ate the cupcakes and then he gave me the present. When he was handing it to me he grabbed my hands and told me that he'd never stopped thinking of me since we met. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. The present was tickets to see Maroon 5 in concert in the up coming March."

"Wow" Dalton said.

"Yeah. The Concert was amazing we had such a great time. Our relationship was pretty basic with the late night phone calls and anniversary celebrations. All the anniversaries came on my birthday of course. We always got each other cute little gifts. Everything was perfect. I had breezed through the struggles of high school with him by my side. At the end of junior year I was looking forward to being a senior. All my hard work will have had finally paid off and after watch my sister graduate I couldn't wait until it was my turn. Then my parents told me we were moving. I couldn't believe that they were doing such a thing to me. They said that the day after we got out of school we were leaving. The next day I told Alex and he said that everything would be okay. And I believed him. We started hanging out every day after school and we would meet before school. Then came they day we were leaving. All of our stuff had been packed up and I ready to get in the car when Alex came running down the street. He hugged me and then we kissed for a really long time. Then he put a necklace around me." I stopped and Dalton stared at my for a moment. I realized that I was still wearing the necklace. The diamond in the outside of the snowflake were shining up at me. I unclipped it ran to the window and opened it. Then I threw it as hard as I could out the window. I was again in tears.

"He said everything would be okay. He said he loved me. And I don't know if I'm more upset at him for lying or me for believe him."

Dalton pulled me close to him and was hugging me. "Ellie it's not your fault that he's a dick."

"I just was so sure. Everyone was telling me it wouldn't last and I guess I wanted to prove them wrong so bad It blinded me."

I just sat in Daltons arms for awhile. Until I quit crying.

"Now that you've said what you need to say. Can I say something now?"

"Yeah of course." I said as I whipped under my eyes.

"I know this might be a bad time but
