Chapter 46: Survival of the Fabulous!

Author's Note 1:

Welcome back, friends!

Here is the latest in this epic saga.

Thanks for sticking with me, after all this time.


Falling Apart, Barely Breathing

In Which Addison meets Meredith in a bar. Things spiral from there. This is the story about what might have happened after Meredith asks Derek to "Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me" but before he decides to do anything about it, and after SHE decides to do something about it. MerAdd. Meddison. Set during "Bring the Pain" GA. An Addison Montgomery/Meredith Grey - Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction. Written by bobbiejelly. NOW RATED E FOR EXPLICIT. You're welcome :)

Chapter 46: Survival of the Fabulous!

They're supposed to be packing up boxes.

Meredith Grey and Addison Montgomery are supposed to be packing up boxes for Addison to start moving into Cristina Yang's spare room in her apartment, which she signed the sub-lease on that very morning, while the men of Seattle Grace hospital plus Joe and Walter are on a 'life-changing' camping trip and Cristina and Izzie are on a date and Bailey and Callie are watching over Shannon Sparks and taking the weekend shift at work and George and Alex are probably getting laid (in their tents?)...

Meredith Grey and Addison Montgomery are supposed to be packing up boxes, but they certainly are not currently actually packing up boxes? Not in the slightest - (Oops? They'll get to that later...)

When Addison Montgomery signed the sub-lease for her new room in Cristina Yang's apartment, she immediately called her girlfriend, Meredith Grey, to ask if she wanted to help her move out from the Archfield and in, as roommates with her best friend.

The result was a resounding "yes!" from Meredith Grey, who said that she'd be by right after work. It's Friday now, and they have the whole weekend ahead of them.

The workday is mostly uncomplicated as they introduce Shannon Sparks to Callie Torres and Miranda Bailey who will be working with her over the weekend. Shannon loves them, because both senior residents are awesome, of course. And neither Callie nor Bailey has other weekend plans, so they pick up the extra shifts and end up enjoying each other's company enough to start becoming friends.

The hospital is eerily quiet without the men. Literally there is no Richard Webber, Preston Burke, George O'Malley, Alex Karev, Mark Sloan or Derek Shepherd because they're all packing to go camping with Joe and Walter for the weekend.

With all those familiar booming voices absent from the halls, it's easier to hear the chatter in the cafeteria from Cristina and Izzie, who sit at a table with Meredith and Addison, as they discuss their plans for the weekend.

"Alright, so we should host a housewarming party for you, Addison!" Izzie suggests warmly.

"If you haven't noticed, all of our male friends are out in the woods for the weekend?" Addison tries not to deadpan.

"The week after that?" Izzie suggests to her.

"We'll see...?" Addison says noncommittally, but with a big smile to show she is flattered that Izzie is thinking of this for her.

"It would be really cool to host a party at the apartment," Cristina affirms to Addison. She's careful not to say 'our apartment,' because it made Izzie frown at her and Meredith frowned at Addison the one time she said that.

"Since the boys are all busy, what if we had our double-date movie night on Saturday?" Meredith pipes in with a new suggestion.

"Sounds good," Izzie and Cristina say simultaneously as Addison squeezes Meredith's shoulders.

"Move in anytime, Addison," Cristina smiles at her new roommate.

"You two better not be naked when we come over!" Meredith says to her best friend.

"Pot meet kettle! You two are practically fondling each other at the table!" Izzie giggles as she points to how Meredith's hand is running up and down Addison's thigh.

"You soooooo fell for Grey just like you said you wouldn't!" Cristina teases Addison.

"When did you say that you wouldn't?" Meredith asks Addison, rather shocked.

"I was trying to be straight?" Addison shrugs and says it was a really long time ago.

"As if," Meredith laughs it off and leans up to place a kiss onto Addison's cheek.

"Nope, definitely not straight, Addison's going red as a beet!" Izzie giggles, as Addison swats her pointing finger away playfully.

"Well, you two are just as bad!" Addison points to Cristina's arm wrapped around Izzie's shoulder and Izzie's fingers tracing circles on Cristina's forearm.

"We never tried not to be gay," Cristina quips back with a familiar smirk and Addison rolls her eyes pointedly.

"Your gay panic was kinda funny," Izzie giggles a bit as Meredith comforts Addison who panics a bit knowing that even Doctor Stevens could tell long ago how she was fighting her urges.

"Whatever," Addison concedes because she has nothing clever to say.

"Hey, at least we're not moving in right away so you can't say anything about lesbian u-hauling!" Meredith sticks up for them both.

"You just want two locations with a bed to make out on, trust me, we have the very same arrangement, now we just need to coordinate schedules to switch off and we're golden," Cristina retorts immediately.

"Ooh, I can make a schedule with the rest of my glitter glue!" Izzie giggles.

"I'm never going to win this one, am I?" Addison sighs.

"Hey, you won me, didn't you?!" Meredith giggles.

"I sure did," Addison smiles at her girlfriend. And the two lean in for a kiss just as Izzie and Cristina do also across the table.


"Are you ready to go, Mark?" Derek says with reverence as he packs the rest of their things into the truck.

"Yup!" Mark exclaims happily as he joins his best friend in the truck. Derek is driving and Mark is in the passenger seat next to his best friend and they cannot wait to spend the whole weekend together.

(Derek cannot wait to share a tent with Mark, and he just hopes that Mark feels the same way about him...)

Mark and Derek pick up George and Alex first, and they sit in the two middle captain's chairs with their stuff in the back also.

The next stop is Preston Burke and Richard Webber, who end up in the back seat with their backpacks between them because there's no more space in the trunk.

"Joe and Walter are meeting us there," Derek explains, as all of them cheer happily.

And with that, they were off...


It doesn't take Addison and Meredith as well as Cristina and Izzie to finish up their lunch and run off with their respective girlfriends in opposite directions in search of a spare on-call room.

"See you later!" Addison chirps with a grin to the two other interns as she ushers Meredith into the Attending's lounge instead because it's closer.

"Are you sure this door locks?" Meredith says as she clicks it.

"It should, but let's move the couch leg in front of it anyway," Addison motions and does this, and Meredith giggles at Addison's determination to get her all to herself in a place where she isn't even supposed to hang out until she's past her residency.

"Is this kinky enough for you, Sugar?" Addison says in a determined, yet still a bit shy voice.

"Ooh, you're catching on well, Spice," Meredith smirks as she pushes Addison onto the same couch that is blocking the doorway.

Addison lands in a heap against the back of it and in a flash, Meredith is crawling onto her girlfriend's lap and running her hands through her hair.

"Kiss me, Sugar," Addison begs as she holds Meredith tight to her lap via her waist.

"Mm, oh, will I ever, Spice, mm," Meredith grins as she leans in to capture Addison's lips with her own.

This is their first makeout session in a few hours and Addison and Meredith are realizing now just how much they needed it.

"Fuck," Addison swears as she feels the warmth of Meredith's body against her own. They are pressed flush as they can, wearing just their scrubs this time and no white coats and they are loving every inch of each other.

Meredith swirls her tongue into Addison's mouth and explores every crevice, devouring Addison's lips and teasing with her teeth nibbling a bit at her lips.

"Oh, oh, oh," Addison moans out, losing herself to the moment as Meredith pulls on her hair to beg her to kiss her harder, and Meredith does.

Addison pushes her tongue up to Meredith's inching it to let Meredith know she wants to move inside of her girlfriend's mouth.

"Mm?" Addison moans out in frustration as Meredith keeps dueling her tongue as she pulls more on Addison's hair.

Meredith is kissing Addison roughly now, and Addison loves it, and she's gripping Meredith tighter to her chest so she can feel as much contact as she possibly can.

"Mm, you'll get your turn, Spice," Meredith pulls away deviously as she latches her lips onto Addison's exposed shoulder.

Meredith kisses her hard there, and plants open-mouthed kisses before suckling hard and replacing her lips with her teeth. Meredith nibbles a long line of hickeys from Addison's right shoulder all the way to the base of her neck.

Addison moans out obscenely until Meredith tells her to cover her own mouth with her hand to stop being so loud as she moves to Addison's other shoulder and repeats the ministrations.

Addison presses her hand to her lips as she tries to keep her moans down as Meredith sucks and nibbles and sucks again.

"Your skin tastes delicious, Spice," Meredith grins as she keeps offering Addison this pleasure as Addison can feel Meredith grinding herself into her lap a bit, clearly enjoying herself just as much.

"Oh, God, Sugar," Addison calls out into Meredith's ear, too far gone to care if people can hear them.

They're being more bold than usual, knowing that the Chief and the other Attendings are on the way to the woods by now, leaving only a scattered few people who could potentially be wanting to have coffee at this particular moment.

They don't even get caught by anyone, as Meredith keeps moving her hands down to Addison's waist as she keeps planting kisses all the way down Addison's upper shoulders and arms.

"Wow, how is this so erotic, Sugar?" Addison's eyes roll to the back of her head as Meredith kisses down to Addison's forearms.

"Mm, I think out rules are making things even more creative, Spice," Meredith muses as she holds one of Addison's arms now and kisses the tender crook of Addison's elbow.

It turns out to be an erogenous zone for Addison, as Meredith can feel the loud moans reverberate through all of Addison's body.

"I guess you're into that, Spice" Meredith moves on to the other arm, repeating the gesture to hear Addison moaning loudly.

"I guess so, Sugar," Addison muses as she pulls Meredith to her lips again and they make out vigorously until they really do have to go prepare for surgery.

Addison and Meredith's last case of the day is to work with Cristina and Izzie and Bailey and Callie to prepare Shannon Sparks for her treatment plan over the weekend.

"Does anyone have any Friday night or Saturday night plans?" Shannon the patient asks all of them.

Most of the girls wait to see what Callie and Bailey are going to say, because they know they are both not seeing anyone now and they don't want to bum them out with their movie night plans.

"Not really?" Callie says, and then Bailey sees this and says "No plans, either!"

Shannon looks between them as does everyone else in the room, until Callie finally catches on and says to Bailey, "Do you want to hang out sometime?"

And everyone sighs in relief when Bailey says she would love that, "you seem like a great friend, Callie," Bailey offers, and they say that they'll arrange the details a little later.

"Well, I'm moving this weekend to a new apartment," Addison offers, and Cristina adds, "Doctor Montgomery is going to be my new roommate!"

"Well that sounds really fun," Shannon offers, as Izzie says she's hoping to spend the weekend baking some muffins.

"Callie and I will be on over the weekend," Bailey explains to Shannon, who nods at this.

"We're taking over extra shifts as we prepare for our senior exams," Callie adds, as she also explains that Addison, Meredith, Izzie, and Cristina are off until Monday.

"Have a great weekend, girls," Shannon nods at both couples.

When they all say they will, they all seriously mean it.


The tents are being set up in the woods as George and Alex share one and they can't wait to get naked together in it, Joe and Walter have similar plans with each other.

Preston Burke and Richard Webber are sharing a tent platonically because Richard still has a wife, and Burke says he's still not really fully over Cristina anyway.

And Mark and Derek are sharing a tent as well. Derek hopes that Mark will confess he likes him back, but he's not going to say it first, and so far, Mark seems to be a little oblivious...


Izzie and Cristina ask if Addison and Meredith need any help unpacking Addison's hotel to move their things in, but both women shake their heads 'no,' and Cristina just smirks at them as she fishes into her pocket to hand Addison her new key.

"Look, it has an 'A' for Addison engraved on it!" Addison shows off to Meredith.

"See, I told her she'd love it!" Izzie gushes and gives a high-five to Cristina.

"Was this engraved at the place in the mall? It matches mine with the 'M', Meredith exclaims cheerfully."

"Sure does," Cristina smirks even wider as she turns and winks at Addison as if to say 'I know you liked to run your thumb over Meredith's key the same way Meredith likes to run her thumb over yours...'

"Please just tell me first if you copy that key for your girlfriend, I like to know how many of them are out there," Cristina deadpans at Addison.

"Uh-" Addison blushes and stutters, having not thought that far ahead yet but suddenly the thoughts are all there and it's really hard to get them out of there.

"I didn't get to have the romantic moment with Cristina because Mer already had an emergency key to Cristina's," Izzie shrugs at Addison.

"Wait, does that mean that Mer already has a key to our (Addison gestures between her and Cristina) apartment?" Addison asks Cristina in alarm.

Cristina bites her lip, not knowing what to say to her, but Meredith pulls out her key ring to point to the one with an engraved 'C' on it.

"You can still give her one with an 'A' on it to be romantic," Cristina offers Addison with a shrug, Izzie gave me one with an 'I' on it. It's the same door but I use the one that fits who I'm visiting at the time as a habit," Cristina deadpans.

"Umm," Addison tries to process all of this information.

"If you want, I can ask George and Alex and also Izzie if they're cool with me making you a key to my/our house when we're ready for that," Meredith offers.

"Umm," Addison just looks a little shocked at all of this info.

"If you ever lose your key it's convenient that your girlfriend has one anyway, and I'm fine with Addison having a key to the house. It's YOUR house, Mer, you can do what you like, and somehow I think the boys will like the idea of Addison being around more," Izzie giggles, motioning between her and Cristina.

"I AM NEVER HAVING A THREESOME WITH GEORGE AND ALEX!" Addison yelps out at Izzie's teasing, and Cristina gives her girlfriend a high-five from having gotten the best of her.

"Well, that's good right, Mer?" Cristina bursts out laughing, and says that, "I don't have a problem with Addison having a key to your house. I don't officially live there but I do most of the time anyway, and I am your twisted sister and person, so I think my opinion matters, and I'm saying I'm cool with it," Cristina smiles.

Izzie and Cristina go back to Cristina's apartment, and tell Meredith and Addison to text them when they are arriving, to 'make sure the room is ready for Addison,' but they all know that's code for 'make sure we're clued up having sex by the time you want to bring boxes in,'.

"I think I have an idea for us," Meredith muses and smiles to Addison as she texts George and Alex to see if they're okay with Addison having an extra key to their place, as a courtesy, and Addison smiles back at her girlfriend...


"George! Are you cool if Addison has a key to Mer's house?" Alex belts out at his boyfriend from the other end of the tent, having been closer to George's phone anyway.

"Text back sure from both of us!" George bellows as he rearranges their food pile.

That being finished, the two intern boys wrestle into the tent for a quickie while everyone else starts gearing up for fishing or hiking.

Derek is explaining proudly to Mark all of the things about the lines and the buoys in a private tutorial.

Joe and Walter and Burke and Webber all went off for a hike together because one of them knew the area and wanted to show it off.


Meredith drives herself and Addison in her girlfriend's car to Addison's hotel called 'The Archfield'.

"Wow, it's massive!" Meredith gushes, and says she's never been to this hotel over the overpass before.

"Just wait to see the view from the 22nd floor!" Addison gushes herself.

Addison is really glad she gets to show Meredith this view she's been looking at lonely and alone for most of her time in Seattle.

"You know, Spice, I've had a lot of naughty dreams of all the things I could do to you in your hotel room..." Meredith says in a sultry voice the moment her and Addison are alone on the elevator together.

"So have I, Sugar," Addison says in a growl, taking on the role of the aggressor as she walks Meredith back into the wall of the elevator before sealing their lips together in a searing kiss.

"Mm, much better than I ever imagined," Meredith moans out as Addison starts nibbling on Meredith's shoulders the same way that she had nibbled on Addison's beforehand.

Meredith moaned loudly now that they were alone and they could do whatever they wanted outside of the hospital.

"I like you loud for me, Sugar," Addison growls again as she suckles wet kisses onto Meredith's triceps.

"Ooh, that feels nice, Spice," Meredith runs her hands along Addison's hips and digs in a bit with her fingernails to show just how much she likes it, and they continue like this until the elevator reaches their preferred destination...


Callie and Bailey decided to hang out and get some food together in the hospital and share it with Shannon Sparks and Shannon's boyfriend, Felix Smallwood who is also in two for the weekend.

Felix jokes about Callie and Bailey becoming a couple, but they both laugh it off and say "she's not my type," and they say that they just want to be friends, because they do.

"Do you have your eye on anyone?" Shannon asks both of them.

"I do, but I'm not doing to tell you who it is because he's one of your doctors," Callie says, thinking of Mark Sloan and how they had flirted the other day.

"Not currently," says Bailey, explaining that she's going through a separation and that she wants some time on her own.

"Just promise us one thing, no matter what," Felix Smallwood offers, and Shannon Sparks smiles up in agreement.

"What?" Callie and Bailey both say in tandem.

"Never ever play with dynamite!" Shannon and her boyfriend belt out, and all of them just keep laughing and laughing.


"Show me where your bedroom is, Spice!" Meredith says in a chipper way, breaking free the moment the elevator dings and the door opens.

"Certainly, Sugar," Addison leads Meredith by the hand to her hotel room.

Addison's hands shake in anticipation until Meredith saves her from dropping the card key a third time by picking it up and using it to open the door.

The moment they are in, Meredith has Addison's back slammed gently against the door.

She clicks the lock shut as she suckles Addison's neck, leaving bright red marks and pressing into her girlfriend with all of her strength.

"This door is going to wobble like mad," Addison gasps, as Meredith drugs her over to a blank wall instead and grinds her right into that.

Addison remembers how she had many fantasies about sexual encounters that involved her being pressed up against this hotel wall and she moans in delight that her fantasies are finally becoming true.

"God, I can't wait until I can get you naked, Spice," Meredith purrs as she attaches her lips to Addison's earlobe and she bites on it gently.

"Oh, me neither, Sugar," Addison moans as she grips onto Meredith's back the way she knows that Meredith likes it.

Meredith moves to plant wet kisses all over Addison's neck as Addison moves her chin up to give her more access.

Addison's whole neck and shoulders are now almost completely red with sex marks and Addison makes a joke about having a lot of scarves in her drawers.

The joke about the scarves suddenly reminds Addison of something, and she pulls back for a minute as Meredith quirks her eye curiously at her.

"I remember my dream about you, the one I had in the on-call room when I called out your name. It was about you giving sex to me against this very wall!" Addison blurts out as Meredith's eyes darkened considerably to match Addison's.

"Can you tell me what happened, Spice, so we can act as much of it out as we can?" Meredith says in a seductive tone.

"As you wish, Sugar," Addison hushes as she leans in, to nibble on Meredith's ear as she starts to recall the details...

"I remember you shoving me against this wall, I also fantasized about having sex against it many, many times," Addison calls out as Meredith keeps suckling Addison's ears.

"You love being pushed up into things, don't you, Spice..." Meredith hushes as she grinds Addison with even more strength.

"Oh- damn that feels nice, Sugar," Addison reacts instantly to the pressure and Meredith smirks at her implicit answer.

"Mm, I bet you'd love having me on top of you..." Meredith muses to Addison.

"Oh-God-Oh-God-" Addison moans incoherently and Meredith realizes that Addison might be losing control a little bit as she is starting to grind herself into her hip.

"Addison, I think we might need to cool off for a bit, huh?" Meredith coos gently, as she pulls back from Addison's contact and Addison sighs reluctantly.

Addison knows that when Meredith is using her full name instead of 'Spice,' that her girlfriend is being serious.

"You know I really want you, Meredith" Addison whines, and Meredith kisses her cutely on the nose.

"I want you just as much, Addison, but you know the rules, we set them together, right?" Meredith insists to her.

"I just can't wait until our first milestone," Addison says lustfully as she tries to calm down her breathing and leans back against the wall.

"Me too, Addie," Meredith chuckles as she wraps her arm around Addison to lead her to sit down in a chair so she won't just fall over.

"Mm, you're so good to me, Mer," Addison says sweetly. "As are you," Meredith says back.


Cristina and Izzie go to the movies a day early because there are two films that they want to see this week, so they go to the other movie that Addison and Meredith didn't want to see with them as much.

Izzie gets a caramel pretzel combo while Cristina gets popcorn.

They munch on their food from the back row of the theater until about halfway through the movie, when Cristina puts her arm around Izzie, and they put the food containers down.

They end up snuggling for a few minutes, and just enjoying being close with each other.

And then their resolve breaks inevitably, and they miss the last quarter of the film because they ended up making out together as quietly as they can from the back of the theater.


Meredith and Addison realize they're supposed to be packing boxes, and they finally start this after having spent the afternoon making out against Addison's hotel room wall.

Meredith really enjoys this, as she enjoys house decorations but also getting to know Addison a lot more through her possessions.

Meredith asks if there is anything Addison would like to keep private, but Addison says she doesn't really have any secret things. Meredith smirks a bit, thinking of the 'secret things' that she owns that she might someday show Addison, but Addison doesn't quite place her smirk and just looks confused.

"Ooh, Addie is so innocent, huh?" Meredith teases.

"What?" Addison shrugs blankly at her.

"Okay, as soon as these 60 days are up, we're going shopping for some 'secret things,' for you," Meredith explains finally.

The blush that rises on Addison's cheeks could not be far less deep than the color in cherry-colored paint, itself...


The boys all end up having a 'survival of the fittest,' competition that involves logging and tree climbing, and many other endeavors in tent teams of two.

Joe and Walter end up winning, beating everyone out by a mile, and bragging that they can outdo surgeons at sports any day!

Alex and George come a close second, thanks to Alex's athleticism and George's quick thinking.

Mark and Derek finish only two seconds after the interns, as they do have great chemistry despite their slight out of sync from being apart for so long.

Webber and Burke finish dead last and complain about their age, and everyone hands them a beer and says they're brave to be competing against everyone else, at all...


Meredith and Addison manage to box up every part of Addison's things in labeled boxes for moving. After all the exertion they land in a huff on Addison's bed.

"It's getting late, if you want to stay over tonight for a sleepover we can move in the morning, I have the room anyway, it would be a pity to waste it," Addison suggests to Meredith who grins happily.

"YAY! Our first sleepover!" Meredith giggles.

"Our first sleepover was when I ended up falling asleep on your couch during 'Sleepless in Seattle,' Addison giggles.

"That was an accident one though, and you were asleep on ME, just how I like it," Meredith says cheerfully.

"Mm, are we going to be able to do this? Sleep in the same bed and not... You know?" Addison wonders.

"It's really cute how you're an OB-GYN who calls sex, 'you know,' Meredith teases Addison.

"Okay, hearing you say 'sex,' makes me think of having sex with you, which only makes me more nervous that I'm going to start screwing you in my sleep," Addison says with a laugh.

"If that happens, and I wake up, I promise I'll either put a pillow between your legs like the first time that happened or I'll wake you up," Meredith promises.

"Wait, you watched me like, have sex with a pillow?" Addison clarifies.

"You knew that, remember?" Meredith says.

"I didn't know the pillow part," Addison says, a bit mortified.

"This is why all the sheets and the pillows were in the laundry right away," Meredith smirks at Addison.

"I was REALLY sticky," Addison smirks back.

"Jesus, Addison. Okay, I might need a cold shower before napping tonight if you keep talking like that," Meredith blushes.

Addison grins that she's the one being able to make Meredith red now.

"Okay, you go do that. I'll have a shower after. I will be picturing you naked though!" Addison smirks at Meredith again.

Meredith takes one last longing look at Addison before kissing her roughly for about a minute then pulling away.

"I'll go have that shower, then," Meredith grins, while Addison raises a pillow and swats her playfully.

"Tease!" Addison says to her girlfriend as Meredith runs off to grab a towel from the shelf, and sways her hips all the way so she knows Addison is looking right at her body as she goes off to the shower.


Author's Note 2:

An earlier version of this text had an error in which Bailey had a son already. Bailey is still pregnant. This has been since corrected due to fan feedback. Thanks!

The title "Survival of the Fabulous", is a reference to a 2013 movie about how homosexuality survived as a trait in evolution.

On a related note, and interestingly, there has been significant animal behavior research about female-female sexual activities in monkeys which evolved as a way for monkeys from opposing traits to bond their tribes together. F/F pairings are also often formed to facilitate alloparenting in monkeys wherein a male father/caregiver may have abandoned the family or have died, and therefore another female monkey may stop into the parenting role with the baby monkey's original mother.

Further research on this subject can be found here:


[1] Benagiano, G., & Mori, M. 2009. The origins of human sexuality: Procreation or

recreation? Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 18 Suppl 1, 50-9.

[2] Bull, C. 1997. Monkey love: Homosexual behavior may have a civilizing influence among

the apes, if not among human beings. The Advocate, (735), 57.

[3] Clay, Z., Pika, S., Gruber, T., & Zuberbühler, K. 2011. Female bonobos use copulation calls

as social signals. Biology Letters, 7(4), 513-516.

[4] Clay, Zanna, & Zuberbühler, Klaus. 2011. The structure of bonobo copulation calls during

reproductive and non-reproductive sex. Ethology, 117(12), 1158-1169.

[5] Dickemann, J. 2008. Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and

people. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 17(2), 313-329.

[6] Kuhle, B., & Radtke, S. 2013. Born both ways: The alloparenting hypothesis for sexual

fluidity in women. Evolutionary Psychology, 11(2), 304-30423.

[7] Macfarlane, G. & Vasey, P. 2016. Promiscuous primates engage in same-sex genital interactions. Behavioural Processes, 126, 21-26.

[8] Ottenheimer C., Leca J., Pellis S, & Vasey P. 2015. A structural comparison of female–male and female–female mounting in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Behavioural Processes, 119, 70-75.

[9] Paoli, T., Palagi, E., Tacconi, G., & Tarli, S. 2006. Perineal swelling, intermenstrual cycle, and female sexual behavior in bonobos (pan paniscus). American Journal of Primatology,68(4), 333-347.

[10] Parish, A. 1994. Sex and food control in the "uncommon chimpanzee": How Bonobo females overcome a phylogenetic legacy of male dominance. Ethology and Sociobiology,15(3), 157-179.

[11] Tokuyama, N & Furuichi, F. 2016. Do friends help each other? Patterns of female coalition formation in wild bonobos at Wamba. Animal Behaviour, 119(C), 27-35.

Okay, yeah, I realize that academic sources are an unusual thing to find in fanfiction. Forgive me.

Maybe you'll find this an interesting subject to research, as I have at some point, apparently.

Hope you will leave a note on Chapter 46 of "Falling Apart, Barely Breathing," !

Let me know if you like the ratio here of MerAdd vs. other characters in the story.

As well, the balance of sexuality versus plot. As the slow-burn increases, there is more 'porny stuff' happening, and I wanted to check in with people as to whether they liked that or not.

Additionally, what do you think might happen next in the plot?

(Tune in to find out but I want to hear your predictions!)


This Chapter is dedicated to (June 1, 2020):


pclauink for the comments on the last chapter! And Ace_of_the_garden11 for the recent comments on earlier chapters.

Also, this story has 33 Subscriptions, 2854 Hits, 142 Comment Threads, and 7 Bookmarks on Ao3 now, thanks!


There are currently 27 Reviews, 19 Favs, 32 Follows, 12128 Hits of this story on that site and it blows me away completely!


stationsurrea for all the comments and reading it all at once the other day, new_being, arizonaslesbianism, Aaliyahjauregui, addiesrep, for commenting so nicely recently.

The 9 people who put a star on Chapter 44 so far. Shoutouts to unicornbaby78, TheNetflixGal, outlawqueenpercabeth, danielaperezsurga, itslexipedia, addiesbaby, naylorholby, JordynMarie05 and AddisonAddek (who will get here soon I think?), and there are more who have voted on this but it's really hard to track on this app.

This has 6.67K Reads, 917 Comments and 334 stars! Plus more people who added this to their reading lists!


As for other recent MerAdd writing projects:

All Too Easy

Meredith once told Derek she could break up with him in her sleep if she had to. Derek never expected her to actually do it.

MerAdd. Meddison. Humor. Fluff. Rated T. Set somewhere after GA-S6-E7, "Give Peace A Chance."

Love The Way You Lie

Derek Shepherd, your husband, hits you- but you stayed until you couldn't stand up anymore. Your best friend Mark Sloan helped you leave him and you two had some adulterous sex. When you see Derek again in Seattle with another woman, all you want is to save her from him. You didn't mean to fall in love with her. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with you, either. But you both did, anyway.

-Addison Forbes Montgomery, for Meredith Grey

MerAdd. Meddison. F/F. Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery. Rated E for Explicit. Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice Crossover.

CW: Domestic Violence. Unhealthy Relationships - Physically & Emotionally Abusive Addek & MerDer. Also briefly okay (non-abusive), Maddison & Mark/Derek.

*This story is entirely fictional. Please seek professional help for abusive relationships in yourself and others. Take all abuse seriously.*


You see your panties tacked to a bulletin board the following morning and all you can think about is the fact that Addison Montgomery-Shepherd once had her hands all over your underwear. - Meredith Grey

MerAdd. meddison. F/F. Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery. Beginning at GA-S2-E27, "Losing My Religion". Rated M for Chapter 1, Rated E for Future Chapters. Femslash.

Let me know what you think of all of that, and I wish you happy reading, friends!


Author's Note 3:

Well, that's all for now, folks, unfortunately, I must say.

Thanks of course for reading, I will chat with you soon in the comments.

Much love and yours, truly,


