Chapter 7

It was dinner time and Cho was preparing herself to look attractive while Ginny was helping her to pick up the right dress.

"Give me the blue one" order Cho

"Here" said Ginny. She was annoyed on how Cho prepares herself and she wanted to went out of the room.

"I'm done" Cho announced

"Finally" Ginny said quietly. They both make their way downstairs to the dining room where the dinner would be done

They found Harry and Teddy on the dining table, they were talking animatedly until the arrival of Cho and Ginny. Cho sat beside Harry and Teddy offer the sit next to him to Ginny, which Ginny is going to declined but Teddy insists

"So ladies, what are your names?" Teddy ask, secretly winking at Harry

"I'm Princess Cho of Ravenclaw" said Cho proudly

"We know that" Harry whispered

"We'll how about you?" Teddy ask to Ginny

"I'm Ginny we--" Ginny stops herself before she can continue

"We?" Harry ask curiously

"Wendly" Ginny said quietly, Cho smirk at this

"So Ginny" Teddy started "Where you from? And what kingdom?"

"Oh I'm originally from Gryffindor but the Changs help me from slavery and from then on I become Cho's assistant" Ginny said, boring her eyes at Cho

"So Harry can you tour us around?" Cho ask, tucking her hair behind her flirtedly

"I guess so" Harry answered

"What's your name?" Ginny ask to Teddy

"I'm Teddy, Teddy Lupin" Teddy answered

"How are you kids?" King James ask, as he sat in front

"We're fine dad" Harry answered for all of them

"So there are two lovely ladies"King James said, looking at Ginny and Cho

"Good evening your highness" said Cho and Ginny

"I know a lot about Cho but this red head girl is new" King James said

"I'm sorry your highness. My name is Ginny Wendly" Ginny said

"The girl who got wet?" King James ask

"Unfortunately, yes your highness" said Ginny, glaring at Harry

"Let me ask a question, are you a Weasley?" King James ask

"Sorry your highness but I'm not" Ginny answered hesitantly

Before King James could ask anymore question, Queen Lily and the Changs arrive. Queen Lily sat across from King James. Queen Charlene sat beside Queen Lily and King Charles sat beside King James. The elves serve the food to the table, making Ginny hungry

"Harry your birthday is next week" said Queen Lily

"That's great" said Queen Charlene

"How old are you then?" ask Cho

"I will be turning 17" said Harry

"The marriage age" King Charles added

"Have you seen any girl?" King James ask

"Yes I have" Harry answered, making Cho giggle

"May we meet the girl Harry?" Queen Lily ask

"We are not close but I like her" Harry stated, eating his dinner

"Harry make a move on her" King James order

"Yeah Harry" Teddy said, raising his eyebrow at Harry

"I will but first I will make her soften for me" said Harry staring at Ginny

No one notice except Queen Lily, she smiled at Ginny who is now drinking a water. Queen Lily knew that Harry like her, the way he looks at her even if she's ignoring him

"Harry remember, I will give you a chance to choose" King James said

"How dad?" Harry ask, curiously

"I will held a masquerade ball on your birthday. All of the girls shall be invited, even the slaves and maids. From there you will choose a girl to court" said King James

"What if I don't choose anyone?" Harry ask

"We will see" King James said

After that no one say a word, they ate their dinner in silence, each one of them lost in their thoughts. Cho who is eager to catch Harry's eye, Ginny who misses her family so much, Teddy who wants to know Harry's mystery girl and finally Harry who wants to catch the eye of a certain someone.

Everyone bid their goodnight except Queen Lily who cornered Harry in the balcony. At first Harry wasn't scared but his mother kept quiet which he became nervous.

"You should start talking to her" Queen Lily finally said

"To whom mom?" Harry ask

"I'm not a fool Harry, I know you like a certain red head" Harry's head snap at this

"You know?" Harry ask nervously

"Of course" Queen Lily answered

"How?" Harry ask

"The way you look at her" Queen Lily answered

"Am I that obvious?" Harry ask

"No but I'm telling you, you need to talk to her" Queen Lily said

"I promise mom I will" Harry answered

"Good. We're done here" Queen Lily said. She was about to leave but

"Mom!" Harry called

"Yes Harry?" Queen Lily stop and stared at Harry

"Do you like her?" Queen Lily smiled at him

"Yes Harry I like her" Queen Lily left the room, leaving a happy Harry

Meanwhile Teddy is waiting impatiently at Harry's room. He wanted to know who Harry's like. After a few minutes Harry arrive with a smile on his face.

"What happened to you" ask Teddy

"Nothing just happy" Harry sigh

"Harry who is the girl you like?" Teddy ask

"Why? Are you jelous" Harry tease

"Harry I'm serious" Teddy said, getting impatient

"No your Teddy" Harry said, chuckling secretly

"Harry! I thought were best mates" Teddy whined

"Is little Teddy getting impatient?" Harry tease more

"Harry!" Teddy warned

"Fine I like Ginny Wendly"
