Chapter 6

The next day Ginny woke up in an unfamiliar room until she remember what had happened. She went out of the room and found Cho still sleeping in her bed with a saliva on her face. Ginny stifle a laugh and went to woke Cho up. Cho quickly push Ginny out of the bed

"What the heck?" Cho shouted angrily

"It's past eight and I thought you want to wake up" Ginny reasoned

"What the? Past eight? I miss breakfast" Cho exclaimed

"Maybe you can go downstairs" Ginny said sarcastically

"Shut up! This is all your fault" Cho said

"Why in the name of Merlin is it my fault?" Ginny ask

"Your highness" ask someone outside the room

"Yes" Cho ask sweetly. Ginny look at her in disgust, she can turn into a sickly sweet from a bitter girl.

"Queen Lily ask me to bring food to you" said the voice

"Oh! Did I miss breakfast?" Cho ask

"Obviously" Ginny said, which makes Cho glare at her

"Unfortunately yes, your highness" said the voice

Cho opened the door and a house elf entered, she had food in her hands and she bow so low that her head nearly touch the ground.

"Your highness my name is Winky and Winky is gladly to serve you" said Winky

"I thought your a man" Cho said disappointed

"Sorry to disappoint you, your highness, Winky didn't mean to" said Winky

"Now go away and leave my breakfast" Cho said rudely

"Winky will do as you say, your highness" Winky said as she dissapeared

"Now I want you to clean the stairs and the hallway" Cho order

"What!? I didn't have my breakfast yet" Ginny complained

"You'll have it after you do the cleaning" said Cho while eating her breakfast

Ginny was about to complain but Cho silence her with a death glare. Ginny left the room with a sponge and a pail of water. She started to clean the hallway first, she was about to finish but Cho step out of the hallway, having a dirty shoes, she make way to the hallway making it dirty again. Ginny glare at her but she ignore it and keep walking. Ginny started to clean again and after an hour she's done with the hallway. She started to clean the staircase and after half an hour she's almost done with it when two boys came running down the stairs, one with blue hair and one with the glasses. Ginny was about to warn them to be careful but the boy with the glasses bump into the pail of water, which makes it flying upward and releasing the dirty water into Ginny, making her whole self wet. Ginny groaned in annoyance and was about to scold the boy with the glasses or should I say Harry but she step on the sponge and slipped. Ginny thought she would fall, she close her eyes but someone grabbed her arm and steady her. Ginny opened her eyes and found emerald eyes staring back at her. Ginny was mesmerized at first but she remembered what happened, she snatch away her arm from Harry and glare at him.

"What do you think your doing?" Ginny ask angrily

"I'm sorry" said Harry, mesmerized by the beauty of Ginny

"I clean all the way here and now you ruined it" Ginny said

"I'm sorry miss we'll fix it" said Teddy

"I'm not talking to you" Ginny snap, making Teddy back away

"I'm prince Harry" said Harry, hoping that this will make the girl calm

"I don't care who you are" Ginny continue "Not because your a prince, it doesn't mean that you can do everything you want and it doesn't mean that you have a charm for everyone"

Harry felt ashamed and admit that what the girl have said is probably true, he was about to offer an apology again when his mom together with his dad and the Changs arrive

"What's going on here?" King James ask, looking at Ginny who is wet

"It's my fault dad" Harry admit "Teddy and I were fooling around when I hit the pail of water, making the content land on her"

"Who are you young lady" Queen Lily ask , smiling at Ginny

"I'm so sorry, she's my personal maid" said Cho, secretly glaring at Ginny

"Oh and why are you cleaning the stairs dear? The house elves should be the one to do it" said Queen Lily. Before Ginny could answer Cho spoke again, "Pardon me but it is I who added her to clean for repayment of you goodness" said Cho, pretending to be humble

"It's okay dear, it's not you fault however Harry should be the one to fix this" said Queen Lily "And for repayment I will send you....what's your name dear?"

"Ginny" Ginny whispered softly

"Right, ginny I will send you two clothes for you to wear" said Queen Lily

"Thank you, your highness" said Ginny

The Changs, King James and Queen Lily left Ginny, Teddy and Harry alone. Ginny glare at Harry one last time and walk out of the room. She use the bathroom outside Cho's room to take a bath, she cover herself with a towel to go back to her room, she found to piece of a simple dress, one with the color gold and one with the color green. Ginny wear the color gold and tie her hair in a braid.
