It's healed

(Levy's POV)

"Did I scare you?" Gajeel asked quietly as we entered the house and sat on the sofa.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't go overboard and hurt yourself" I replied to avoid the question since in all honesty his eyes did spark a small amount of fear in me.

I knew he would never direct that much anger at me but the look in his eyes had sent a chill through me.

"If it's to protect you then it would be worth it" he said kissing my temple.

I gave him a smile before taking one of his hands in mine I pulled it up to my lips and kissed the bruised knuckles.

"Does it hurt?" 

"It's fine" he muttered in response but the way he avoided eye contact with me told me differently.

I quickly got up and pulled out the first aid kit before kneeling between his legs on the floor. I then took one of his hand in mine and wrapped them up.

"Never try to lie to me" I said kissing his hand once more before putting the first aid kit away and sitting next to him again.

"I love you Levy" he stated wrapping an arm around me.

"I love you too" I replied putting my feet up onto the sofa and snuggling into him.

He threaded his fingers through my hair and I knew he was looking for an injury that might have occurred as my head hit the ground earlier.

"I'm fine" I stated trying to lessen his worry but as his features remained unchanged I climbed up onto him so I was straddling him before proceeding to plant my lips into his.

His hands travelled down to my waist to hold me when he pushed his mouth against mine as he fought for dominance with his tongue.

Being me I submitted to him letting him have all of me as he started tugging at the hem of my jumper.

I stopped kissing him for a second, giving him the chance to pull my jumper and t-shirt off in one pull as well as tug off my jeans, before attaching my lips to his once again.

With each moment I could feel my desire for him increase. Gajeel made it instantly obvious that he felt the same as he pulled off his own shirt and started attacking my neck.

To this I instantly responded, without a thought, leaning my head back in a moan giving him more access.

Then he abruptly stopped.

I brought my head back up to look at him and I couldn't read the emotions on his face as he looked at me.

"What is it?" I asked preparing for the worst.

"Levs... It's healed" was all he said.

It took me a second to process those words but when I did a thousand thoughts came racing through my head.

He fingered my neck, stroking it lightly, which I had also started doing out of habit ever since he had marked me. 

As I saw his eyes soften considerably I brought myself to break the silence and ask the question I know he was waiting for.

"What scar?" Was the only way I could think to phrase the question as I placed my hand on top of his which was still on my neck

"Go look" he said and I resisted the urge to pout but let about a small huff and his response.

"Please just tell me" I said cursing the fact that I made it sound like a request.

He just picked up his discarded shirt and pulled it over me before taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom.

He stopped by the doorway and released my small hand from his own. Gajeel was then quick to give me the look as if to say 'go on'.

I let out a breath and slowly walked towards the bathroom sink.

'Why was this so terrifying? I'm still his mate mo matter how the mark scarred so it shouldn't matter too much, right?'

I felt as if I was about to drop to the floor as I faced the mirror with my eyes closed.

I counted to three in my head before slowly opening them and staring into the mirror.....

—Aaaaaaand cliffhanger!!!!! DO NOT KILL ME!!!!!

I liked the idea of making the reveal on a separate chappie but don't worry I'll make sure it's a steamy read 😏😤.

Make sure to leave a comment and vote if you like my story.

Love you all my readers 😘—
