I can't control my Dragon Instinct...

(Mira's POV)

I stayed out in the alley with Laxus for a few minutes until he felt ready to go back inside. We walked back in, his hand around mine, and we headed towards the bar.

Laxus took a seat on one of the bar stools and I went behind the bar to give Cana another cup of booze.

"Thanks for covering Lis, I can take it from here" I said to my sister only to realize she wasn't listening but instead glaring daggers into the back of Lucy's head as she was hugging Natsu.

I put my hand on her shoulder to get her attention and she turned to me smiling sweetly.

"Lisanna don't you dare do anything to either Lucy or Natsu, I know what evil thought go on in your head missy" I said sternly making a mental note to keep an eye on her.

"Whatever Mira, I don't know what you are referring to" She said walking off and sitting at a table with Evergreen, Elfman and Bickslow.

I continued to serve people at the bar but I could see Laxus looking slightly distressed so I decided to take a minute to talk to him.

"You ok?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"The dragon instinct... I can still feel it's presence" He said.

"I'm worried that I might hurt you since I can't control my dragon instinct..." He added and I hugged him from behind to comfort him.

"Don't worry I trust you but if it makes you feel better I'll ask Levy and Gajeel if they know anything that could help" 

He nodded and smiled gratefully so I walked over to the table of which Levy was reading a book aloud to Gajeel of whom had an arm around her waist.

I smiled at the sight of the couple before speaking.

"Hey Levy, Gajeel I'm sorry for interrupting but I need to ask you both something" I said and Levy marked her page with a personalised metallic orange ribbon with hers and Gajeel's name sewn onto it.

"Sure what is it?" Levy asked and Gajeel sat up properly to show he was listening.

"Well I was wondering if either if you knew anything else about the dragon instinct. The book wasn't particularly informative about it and I really need to know since even though Laxus marked me" I stopped for a second feeling myself blush before continuing. "He still feels his dragon instincts presence" I finished.

"I don't know anything besides what the book told me, sorry" Levy said looking down sadly.

"I do" Gajeel said rubbing a hand on Levy's back in a comforting manner.

"Quick question, did Laxus mark you after the first week?" He asked and I nodded yes.

"Ok so basically after the first week the dragon instinct gains a will of its own and so even though Laxus marked you the dragon instinct wants him to go futher" He explained.

"D-do you mean...?" I asked shyly.

He nodded and I understood instantly.

"Thank you both, I really appreciate it" I said bowing before leaving to walk up to Laxus.

"You find out anything?" Laxus asked as I approached him.

"Yeah, I'll explain later. Could I maybe come over to your house seeing as you're not allowed in Fairy Hills?" 

"You don't need to ask Mira, my home is your home" He said and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

'Home...home with Laxus...'  I internally squealed at the thought.

I decided we should leave early and so said bye to some of the guild members as I walked out with Laxus by my side.

I held Laxus' hand, intwining my fingers with his as we walked together towards his house. As we walked we were in completely silence. Not the awkward silence that previously surrounded us yesterday, but a comfortable silence that made us appreciate each others presence.

I smiled to myself thinking about how lucky I was before we were stopped.

"Dearie look it's the two from yesterday" The elderly woman said smiling warmly at us.

"Nice to see you again" I said to the couple smiling.

The two must have noticed our entwined hands and smiled at us knowingly.

"Looks like you two got together huh?" The old man said and both me and Laxus looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah" Laxus said squeezing my hand lightly.

"We hope to see you two again miss..." the elderly woman trailed off and I realised that neither of us had actually introduced ourselves.

"Oh sorry, how rude of us" I said shyly. "My name is Mira-Jane Strauss"

"Laxus Dreyar" Laxus added and the couple both nodded.

"Mr and Mrs Hikatchi" the old woman said before her husband added 

"but you may just call us Kimira and Ryuko"

We shared a few more words before we parted ways and both me and Laxus smiled at the pair walking into the distance before continuing to walk. 

It didn't take long before me and Laxus reached his house. I already felt at home as I entered his room and I let myself fall backwards onto his bed closing my eyes in a relaxed manner.

He chuckled lying down beside me before pulling my body close to his.

"You won't believe how many times I used to dream of this happening" He said planting a small peck on my forehead.

"Well you're not the only one" I admitted.

We lay in silence but I knew I had to tell him about what Gajeel had told me.

"I know that it's ruining the moment but I really have to tell you about what I found out about the dragon instinct" I said sitting up.

Laxus sat up with me nodding for me to continue.

"Since the first week of mating season has passed your dragon instinct has a will of its own and the fact that its presence is still there despite you having marked me means that it wants you to go futher...as in....." I trailed off.

"It wants me to literally mate with you as in have...sex" he said and I nodded.

"Hey don't worry" he said seeing the slightly worried expression on my face and pulling me into an embrace.

"I won't do anything until you're ready and as for the dragon instinct we'll find a way to deal with it ok?" He said and I nodded snuggling into his jumper.

--Hey guys! Like I said in the last chapter I tried to update as soon as I could.

Be proud of your Author people! 

This chapter may not have been the most interesting but just wait for the next one, I just know all you perverted readers will like it since I have already planned ahead. I still might take a while typing up as I seem to be getting less and less free time recently and my computer is slow as hell.

Anyways comment and vote and please feel free to mention spelling/grammatical errors so I can correct them sometime in the future. Love you all my readers! 

Bye till the next chappie! 😘--
