Das Treffen der Magier

As soon as we were a few minutes from the Boarding House, I turned to Elijah apologetically "Sorry but my car is at the Grill."

"That's fine," the Original shook his head pleasantly "Now, I believe you wanted to talk."

"Right," I murmured and rubbed a hand over my head "Before I start… Who undaggered you?"

Elijah tilted his head in thought "I believe it was the Bennett girl."

I groaned "Of course it was. Speaking of Bennett." I pulled my phone out of my pocket "One more moment… I'll explain everything in a second…" I quickly texted Nik and told him that I was with Elijah, explaining the situation to him.

'Be careful, will you? I don't want to lose you to my brother's temper. And he has one, no matter how calm he acts.'

'I will,' I quickly replied and slipped my phone back into my pocket "Alright. Now, I'm not sure what the others told you but… I should maybe… Oh, how to explain that…"

"Just start at the beginning," Elijah pointed out, his eyes glinting in amusement.

I shot him a glare "Yeah, let's see if you think it's funny when I tell you what's going on."

"Angel, just tell me," he sighed.

"Fine," I huffed "Your brother is here."

Elijah's head snapped around to me "What did you just say?"

"N – Klaus is here," I repeated.

"How exactly do you know that Klaus is my brother?" the Original narrowed his eyes at me.

Erm… Oops? I raised a hand to my forehead and winced "Dammit," I cursed under my breath "Alright. Hear me out here."

"I'm listening," he replied shortly, crossing his arms.

"You know that boyfriend that everyone always teased me about? The one I met in New York?" I asked, beating around the bush.

Elijah nodded impatiently "Yes. What does this…" His eyes widened in realization "Niklaus is the boyfriend you talked about? That's how you knew that I was a vampire after just seeing me?"

I shook my head "I knew that anyway. I just knew that you were lying about being a writer. Look, I know that you have your problems with Nik but please…"

"My problems?" the older Mikaelson repeated with a mirthless laugh "Klaus killed our siblings and threw them into the sea."

"He told you that?" I frowned.

Elijah tried to calm down, breathing deeply "My family is gone because of him."

"But that's the thing, Elijah. They're not," I told him, putting my hand on his arm "Nik would never throw them into the sea." I pulled my phone back out of the pocket of my hoodie "See? He undaggered Rebekah a few weeks ago."

Elijah looked at the screen and then up at me "Rebekah is alive? Then why did he tell me… that?"

A voice sounded from behind a tree a few feet away from us "Because I was angry." Nik stepped closer to us and looked at me worriedly "Are you alright, Angel?"

"I'm fine," I told him, leaning against him lightly. Nik wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a short kiss to my forehead.

"So they're safe?" Elijah wanted to know, studying his younger brother's face attentively.

Nik sighed and leaned his head against mine "I realize that you have no reason to trust me but… I want to wake Kol and Finn after the ritual is done. Actually… it's planned for the full moon next week."

The older Mikaelson was silent for a moment before he looked at me "You're going to let him kill your sister? I'm aware that you don't get on but…"

"We're looking for a way for her to survive at the moment," I told him with a small smile "Speaking of finding a way… I should call Sheila and get that meeting organized."

Nik nodded "Maddox and Greta's family are in. They agreed on ten in the morning at the Boarding House Maddox stays at."

"Awesome," I grinned "You two… Try not to kill each other while I call Sheila, will you?"

My boyfriend snorted "I think we'll manage, little Red."

I rolled my eyes at him and dialed the Bennett's home phone, walking away from the two Originals. Not that they wouldn't be able to listen in but I wouldn't get distracted by them talking "Right, hey Sheila. It's Angel."

"What can I do for you?" the older witch asked politely.

"Erm… So I was wondering whether you would agree to a meeting tomorrow with some other witches," I explained, glancing up at the sky that was showing through the trees.

I could practically hear Sheila's raised eyebrow "A meeting with other witches? Why?"

"Yeah. About that… Have you heard about the Sun and Moon curse?" I asked.

"You mean the curse on the vampires and werewolves?" Sheila questioned "I heard about it but nothing more."

I closed my eyes and leaned against a tree "It's about that. Kind of. The curse isn't real. Well, it is but not really."

"You're not making any sense," she laughed in amusement "So what's the curse and why do you need my help?"

"The ritual that is needed to break the curse is… Well, Elena needs to die for the curse to break. I'm looking for a way for her to survive but I need some help. You heard about Luka Martin and his father, right?"

Sheila hummed "Yes. Bonnie said something about other witches being in town."

"Alright. It's the three Martins – Jonas has a daughter as well, another warlock and the two of us… I really need your help," I pleaded.

The older witch sighed "I want to know more about that ritual and why you agree with sacrificing Elena. When is that meeting?"

"Tomorrow at ten in the morning. Mrs. Flower's Boarding House," I relayed the information to her quickly and smiled when Nik joined me.

"Just one more question," the woman spoke up "Are there going to be any vampires around?"

I let out a laugh at her tone and smirked at Nik "Probably, yes. But they promise not to bite."

Nik groaned and looked up at his older brother "See what I have to deal with?"

"Oh, shut up," I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the phone "You'll be there?"

"Alright, fine. But I will be expecting answers."

I relaxed against Nik's chest with a quiet sigh of relief "I promise. Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me yet," Sheila murmured "I'm not even sure that I can help."

"But you'll try. That means a lot," I told her "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" The older Bennett returned the farewell and hung up. Once my phone was back in my hoodie, I looked up at Nik "Are you pouting?"

"I don't pout," he pouted.

I raised my eyebrow at Elijah "He's definitely pouting."

The older Original was looking at both of us in surprise "You… and… That was unexpected."

"Ooh," Nik taunted "Congrats, little Red. We got Elijah to show emotions."

I hit him in the stomach lightly "Stop teasing Elijah for his less than eloquent sentence."

Elijah groaned "You two are perfect for each other."

"Why thank you," Nik and I chorused.

The next morning, I was lazing on Maddox's bed, while Luka and Maddox were asking Mrs. Flowers' for some extra chairs. Nik and Elijah decided to stay out for a while, catching up on the past century. Jonas, meanwhile, was sitting at the desk. At ten on the dot, a knock sounded at the door.

„Angel," Sheila greeted when I opened the door for her.

I smiled at the older woman "Thank you for coming, Sheila." I stepped to the side, allowing her to walk into the room past me "Sheila, this is Maddox, Greta, Jonas and Luka." When I mentioned their names, they looked up and waved "Guys, this is Sheila Bennett."

"So, this is your ragtag group of witches, huh?" the older woman hummed in amusement.

I snorted "You do know that technically you belong to this ragtag group now as well, right?"

Sheila blinked at me "I forgot." She sat down on one of the chairs that Maddox and Luka had brought into the room earlier "You promised to explain more about the curse."

"I did, didn't I?" I sighed "Anyone want to jump in and help me?"

"You got this," Greta cheered sarcastically.

I threw a pillow at her "Love you too, dear." I turned back to Sheila with a sheepish grin "Alright. One question before we can start. What do you know about the Original vampires?"

"They're the first vampires. Emily Bennett had some information on them… It's in the grimoires," Sheila told me, a small frown on her face.

"Okay, let's start it this way… Over a thousand years ago, a family lived here. They came by ways of Norway or the old world as it was called then. Mikael and Esther – the parents of the Original family – fled from their former home. Long story short, their youngest son died in the year 1001 which prompted Esther and Mikael to find a way to protect their other children. Ayana – your ancestor – knew what Esther and Mikael had been planning but warned her that it was against nature or something. They didn't listen and went through with a ritual. The only problem was that Esther cheated on her husband and had a child with him… The child was Niklaus or Klaus. He is half vampire and half werewolf although his werewolf side is bound. Elijah and Nik faked the Sun and the Moon curse years ago to get the news of the Doppelgänger," I paused for a moment and looked out of the window "Elena is meant to be sacrificed because of what Esther did. We're here to find a way for Elena to survive the ritual. Maddox and I had the basic idea, but we don't really know a lot about Potions."

Sheila sat up in her chair "You would allow your sister to be sacrificed?"

"Once we find a way for her to survive, yes," I nodded "I met Nik in New York when I went to my first Art show and we kind of hit it off."

Maddox snorted "'Hit it off' is the wrong word. They are sickeningly cute together."

My foot shot out, catching the smirking warlock in the side harshly "Really, Maddox? I mean, really?"

"Not like it isn't true," he sulked, rubbing the spot I hit.

Sheila cleared her throat, drawing my attention back to her "That boyfriend that Bonnie thought wasn't real is the Hybrid?"

"You heard about him then?"

"Every witch has," she replied "Well, some of them at least. The Hybrid is said to be an emotionless monster. He kills people without remorse… You want me to help someone like that?"

It was Jonas who answered this time "I can't tell you how Klaus was before he met Angel – I'm guessing not very nice." He glanced at Maddox and his daughter for confirmation "But he's nothing like I thought he would be. She changed him."

"I didn't do anything," I murmured.

"You were yourself," Maddox pointed out with a grin "You accepted him for who he was… I think that it was the first time someone didn't care who or what he was. You didn't want to gain his favour or hate him for the things he did."

I bit my lip "That's because I can understand why he did everything he did. I might not like it or be happy that he killed but I do understand where he's coming from."

"And that's why he loves you," the younger of the two warlocks said.

"All of you trust him?" Sheila questioned, looking at all of us in turn.

The others nodded and I quirked a grin "You're most likely going to meet him later. He's out with Elijah at the moment, talking about plans and whatever else they can think of."

"Let's just hope that they don't kill each other," Luka muttered under his breath.

"I don't think that they will," I spoke up "Elijah only wanted to kill Nik because he thought his family was lost. Since they aren't and Elijah has prove of that… He won't kill Nik."

Sheila narrowed her eyes at me again but nodded "Alright. I'll help," she agreed "You said that you already had an idea?"

"Yup." I sat up on the bed "Now, I'm not going into too much detail here but I'm a witch. Not your kind of witch though but more the… Harry Potter type witch." Here I stopped, shuddering at how accurate that description was "I was brought to this world for some reason from my own. But anyway… We had this Potion that could replenish the blood levels of a person who lost a lot of blood. I think I could get the ingredients together… But I can't remember how to brew it. We're probably going to have to make some changes anyway… That's why I need your help. I don't know much about Potions and how to make them."

Jonas rubbed at his beard "I can see your problem. But the Doppelgänger needs to be completely drained of blood for the ritual to work, right? How are you going to accomplish that?"

"We somehow have to mix magical and non-magical medicine. If we can fuse the blood replenisher together with adrenaline… Something that jump starts the heart while the Potion works on restoring the blood count," I sighed.

Sheila had a small frown on her face, thinking what I just said over "You said you knew the ingredients? The quantities as well?"

I shook my head "No, I only know the actual ingredients. It has been over ten years since I had anything to do with Potion making… I only remember this much because I started sorting my memories a while back."

"Greta, right?" Sheila questioned, looking at the younger girl "Can you write down the ingredients?"

The girl nodded and pulled out a pen, grabbing a notepad that Maddox had lying around "Sure."

"Alright…" I hummed, closing my eyes "For the Potion you need… Valerian roots, Nettle leaves, Rose petals, Dittany leaves, Silverweed extract and – something that I'm sure we don't have access to – Boom Berry Juice."

"Boom Berry what?" Luka blinked "I would have thought that it would have been some mythical creature or something."

I snorted "Not in that one, no. But they do have unicorns, trolls, fairies, pixies and basically everything you can think off."

"What does Boom Berry Juice do?"

"It has restorative properties, so it can help the body produce blood," I explained.

Jonas nodded thoughtfully "So we need to find something that is high in iron, copper and folic acid?"

"Beetroot?" Sheila asked him "Pomegranate?"

"It could work," he replied "So we substitute the Boom Berry Juice with Beetroot and Pomegranate?"

"Then we only have to figure out how to balance the ingredients," the Bennett witch nodded "I should have everything but the Silverweed at home."

Luka got up and followed Sheila out of the door "I'll come with you to grab it. What about the Silverweed?"

"I'll call Elijah. He should be able to procure some." Jonas pulled out his phone, dialing before any of us had a chance to react. He had a short conversation "They're on their way back."

I looked down at my phone when it buzzed and paled 'Damon told us your boyfriend is in town. John, Pearl, Ric, Jeremy and I expect to have the two of you home for lunch at one.'

"Crap," I breathed.

Maddox who had read the message over my shoulder started laughing "Oh, good luck telling Klaus about this."

"Telling me what?" Nik questioned. I handed him my phone, causing him to slump onto the bed "Why do I put up with you?"

I leaned my head onto his shoulder "Cause you love me?"

"True," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I was made aware that TWDCarlGrimes on Fanfiction was copying my story. So far the first chapters are practically identical with the first five chapters of my story. I mentioned it to them and they accused me of stealing their idea.

My problem with this is that I reported it and nothing happened and they don't care that they're using my work either. I'm only telling you guys cause I want you to know. I don't care if you use my ideas but tell me about it first.

