2x15 The Dinner Party

"Do I really have to come on that stupid tour, Aunt Jenna?" I sighed, pulling on my leather jacket. I had been working on paintings the entire night because I was a bit scared to go to sleep and Jay wasn't home "I don't really want anything to do with this. We already established that Elijah isn't interested in writing a book."

Jenna shrugged "He still wants a tour and Carol told me to do what he wants," she murmured "Come on, it won't be that bad."

"You're saying that now," I complained but followed her out of the door and to her car. I really didn't feel like doing anything today but as always, my aunt continued to make decisions for me. Not that I minded too much but it was still a bit annoying. In the car, I curled up on the backseat with Hero and Blue lying on my lap. Today, I was taking out both of them, since I haven't been out with them yet and this was the best opportunity I had.

"Hello, Elijah," Jenna greeted with a small smile. I looked at her incredulously. Was she seriously flirting with Nik's older brother? That was a bit weird. I leaned against a tree a few feet away from them, pulling out my phone 'My aunt's flirting with your brother. It's weird.'

'At least you seem to be having more fun than me.' The answer came immediately, making me wonder what he was doing that was so boring 'I'm shopping with my sister.'

I breathed in sharply 'You undaggered her?'

'Yes,' he replied 'And I'm regretting every second of it.'

'I'm sure it's not that bad,' I typed quickly, glancing up at my aunt's knowing look "What?" I asked defensively.

She shook her head with a smile "It's just interesting to see how happy you are when you write with this guy."

"Is that a problem?"

"Not at all," Aunt Jenna said "You changed so much in the last few months. To be better that is. I'm really happy for you."

I nodded with a small grin "Thank you." I glanced at Elijah "Sorry for that. My aunt is a bit of a... sap."

Jenna gasped, a hand to her heart "I am not."

"Face it," I snorted, glancing down at my phone when it buzzed 'We have so far been to twenty clothing stores and Bekah is still complaining about the style.'

'Yeah, I guess it's a bit different from the 20s...'

I bit my lip to keep from chuckling at the exasperated emoji he sent back 'I'm this close on giving up on shopping with her. You weren't nearly this complicated.'

'Maybe because I'm no thousand-year-old vampire... That's something you don't say often.'

I walked after Jenna and Elijah when they started walking towards the old Fell property. I wasn't too interested in what my aunt was saying since I knew most of it. Hero and Blue were running around my feet happily, chasing each other. I shook my head at them. They were still puppies at heart, no matter how old they actually were.

'Are you Nik's girlfriend?' I blinked down at the message and smirked in amusement. Rebekah must have somehow gotten the phone off of her brother. Maybe he annoyed her with paying more attention to it than her? That's something that I could see happening.

I tilted my head in thought 'I'd say so, yes. Pleasure to meet you, Rebekah.'

'You're good. What's your name? How old are you? How do y...' The message cut off abruptly and I smiled when I got another message a minute later 'Sorry about that, little Red. She stole my phone.'

"Angel," Aunt Jenna called out "Come on. I think I need your help with this."

'It's fine. Have to go now... My aunt needs help. I'm sorry about the werewolf thing... I should have been the one to tell you but I was...'

'Don't worry about it. I understand it, even if I don't necessarily like to hear about that from Maddox. I'm just happy that you're alright.' Nik replied and I slid my phone into my pocket, rejoining the Original and my aunt "What's up?"

"Where does the old Fell property start again?" Jenna questioned with a sheepish smile "I forgot."

I sighed and pointed to the fence in front of us "Over there. The property starts just beyond that fence."

"Ah," Elijah smirked "The Fells. One of the Founding Families."

Jenna tilted her head "Why do you say it like that?"

"They didn't found anything," I cut in "This area was settled centuries before they came here."

The Original nodded "Exactly. It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise."

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860," Jenna laughed "Men are very territorial."

I snorted when she said that because it was the exact same moment I saw Ric walking up to us. My snort turned into a small chuckle when Elijah nodded in agreement "Yes, they are."

Jenna turned around and glowered at her boyfriend "Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman."

"Yeah," Ric smiled tensely "I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along... You know, being a history buff and all. Where to next?"

Elijah sized the other man up "I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history."

Jenna looked at him and then back to Ric and sighed soundlessly "I got that list in the car. Just give me a second." She turned around and walked back to her car but not before throwing me a look that said 'keep them out of trouble'.

"Alaric Saltzman," Elijah spoke up "So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect... Curiously, her sister is not on that list."

They looked at me and I just shrugged, not willing to say anything on that matter. On one hand, I wasn't too surprised but it still hurt that Elena didn't care about me at all. I stumbled back when Blue used the opportunity to jump up at me "Blue," I scolded, trying to get the heavy dog off of me.

Ric looked down at me and grinned "Need a hand, Angel?"

"Shut up and help me," I pleaded, trying to avoid the Border Collie's lolling tongue "Gross. Blue..." When he finally helped me up – of course, not before snapping a picture – we walked after Elijah and Jenna quietly. They were mostly talking about stuff that no one would be interested in any way.

About halfway through, Ric leaned down "Hey, want me to take you to the Grill?"

"You're bored, aren't you?" I smirked playfully.

"Yes," he nodded and threw me a pleading look.

I rolled my eyes "Fine," I mumbled, faking a bit of a stumble "Aunt Jenna... Is it okay if Ric takes me to town? I'm really tired." That wasn't even a lie. Ever since the werewolves had taken me, I had nightmares again. And not only of them... The memories had been almost gone and now they were all coming back to haunt me. Voldemort, Uncle Vernon, Logan Fell and the werewolves. That wasn't all of them by a long shot but more than I wanted to deal with. I couldn't even curl up with Jeremy like I usually did because he spent all of his free time with Anna, Pearl and Uncle John recently.

"You haven't been sleeping well, have you?" Jenna stepped forward, looking at me in concern "Maybe you should go home and rest?"

I shook my head "I don't feel like trying right now," I evaded.

"Alright. If you're sure," she murmured, smiling at me slightly "Take care of her, will you, Ric?"

"Always," my History teacher nodded, grabbing the two leashes that I had slung over my shoulder. He quickly clipped them onto my dogs' collars and lead me back to where he parked his car. Alaric quickly drove to the Grill, allowing me to curl up to him at the table where Damon was already sitting with his compelled girlfriend.

My head was leaning on Ric's shoulder when Damon started speaking "Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?"

"No, it was boring," Alaric mumbled, careful not to move too much "Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming... I had to use Angel to get out of there."

Damon laughed "And she played along, I imagine."

"I can hear you," I mumbled under my breath, not opening my eyes. Damon sighed and I heard shuffling. I squeaked when I was picked up from the bench and found myself curled up on the vampire's lap "What are you doing?"

"You're tired and I'm sure Ric is uncomfortable." Damon flashed the part-time vampire Hunter a small, teasing smirk.

I looked up at the older Salvatore and shrugged, snuggling into his chest "You're comfy."

"Coming back to you," Damon started "You sound jealous. Sound a bit jealous?"

Andie nodded like the good pet she was "Kinda do."

Suddenly, Damon sat up a bit straighter, causing me to whine in protest "Sorry, Angel. Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend. Hi."

"Hey, guys," Aunt Jenna greeted cheerfully. I peaked up at her to see her raise an eyebrow at me.

I threw her an exhausted grin "He's comfy."

"Hear that, Jenna," Damon joked "I'm comfy." I pinched his side, causing a small yelp from the vampire "Sorry, sorry. So... I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today."

My aunt rolled her eyes "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this," Alaric muttered in annoyance "I've got papers to grade." He put down some money, getting ready to leave.

"No," Andie burst out, causing me to startle "You know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party."

I looked up at Damon suspiciously. He had something planned and I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not "Ooh," he smiled "My girl. Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?"

Andie shrugged "It's good for me. Jenna?"

"I don't know if tonight works..." Alaric tried to explain but he was cut off by Jenna.

"Yeah, I'm free."

Elijah who had watched quietly so far, inclined his head "It'd be a pleasure."

"Great. Angel, mind cooking something?" Damon questioned.

"What?" I blinked, covering a yawn with my hand "Why?"

The Salvatore pouted down at me "Because your food is awesome. Please?"

"Fine," I sighed "What exactly do you want me to make? Chicken, lamb, pork or steak?"

Damon thought for a moment "How about Roast Chicken with potatoes, string beans and salad?"

I let out a breath "You want me to be in the kitchen for hours, don't you?" I questioned in exasperation "Any dessert wish?"

"Chocolate trifle," Andie cut in, throwing me a look that I didn't even want to interpret.

"Alright," I sighed and glared up at Damon "You're so paying for this."

The vampire held up his hands and handed me his credit card "I'll text you the pin."

I snatched it away from him and got up, grabbing Aunt Jenna's arm "You're going shopping with me."

"Okay," she shrugged, waving to the people at the table "See you later, guys."

"Hold on," Alaric called out "I'll join you."

It took us an hour alone to get everything we needed for the dinner along with some dessert glass bowls for the trifle. The ones I picked in the beginning apparently were too small, so Alaric grabbed two boxes with six bowls in each. When we arrived at the Boarding House Damon was already there with Andie, drinking as usual. Alaric brought the groceries into the kitchen for me and I threw Damon's card at him "You owe me. This is going to take ages."

"Ask Jenna to help you," he shrugged.

I snorted "Hell will freeze over before I let that woman near any food I make. The last time turned out disastrous." I whirled around and started cooking. The dessert was first since it needed to be chilled for a few hours. As soon as it was done, it was chicken time. When it was done, it was time for the dinner party and I could barely keep my eyes open.

"It smells amazing, Angel," Uncle John told me, coming into the kitchen.

I turned my head in surprise "I didn't know you were coming," I smiled lightly "I thought you'd rather spend some time with Jay, Anna and Pearl."

He shook his head "When Jenna told me that you were making food for a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games. Are you alright?"

"Just a bit tired... Hey, can I stay with you tonight?" I tried to sound nonchalant but I doubt it would work.

"Sure," he nodded, pulling me into an embrace. I leaned my head against his chest, eyes drifting shut for a short moment.

My head snapped up again when I heard Elijah greeting Jenna from inside the parlour "Jenna. Wonderful to see you again. How are you?"

"Nice to see you," Aunt Jenna greeted.

I looked up at Uncle John and rolled my eyes "Talk about oblivious..."

"What do you mean?" he questioned in amusement.

"Elijah is doing it on purpose to annoy Ric," I murmured, watching the interacting uneasily. While the Original wasn't doing any harm, I couldn't help but wish that he'd just keep my family out of it.

When they were all seated, I asked them which part of the chicken they preferred and plated the food up while Jenna poured the drinks. Once everybody had their food, I sank into the chair on my uncle's right. Eating was silent for a while until Jenna spoke up "I hate to break it to you, Damon, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town."

"Hmm?" Damon looked up mirth dancing in his eyes. He loves his banter with Jenna "Do tell."

Elijah put down his fork "Well, as I mentioned to Jenna and Angel earlier, a fraction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution."

"Hmm," Jenna nodded seriously "Because they were witches."

Andie jumped into the conversation. She seemed to like doing that... "Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem."

"Andie's a journalist," Damon hummed "Big on facts."

"Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria," Elijah explained "It broke out in the neighbouring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by fire..." His demeanour didn't change when he turned to look at me "Could you pass the..."

I handed him the mashed potatoes silently, clenching my hand in Uncle John's jacket "It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me," he murmured, patting my hand underneath the table comfortingly.

"So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon questioned, eyes narrowed on the old vampire.

Elijah shifted nervously "You know... a healthy historian's curiosity, of course."

Damon nodded mockingly "Of course."

After everyone had eaten their meals, the others started to get up, while I leaned back a bit, sipping my glass of coke. The caffeine had helped a little but I still felt like I was going to fall asleep any second.

Andie got up last and looked at everyone else "The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study."

"I have to say," Elijah nodded "The food was almost as wonderful as the company."

I looked up at him "I'm not sure whether to be flattered or insulted..."

Uncle John held out his hand to help me up "Wait till dessert. If he doesn't change his opinion after that, I don't even know."

"Fine," I huffed jokingly.

Jenna handed John some plates "Here you are, gentleman, make yourself useful. Hmm?" Uncle John looked down at the plates and walked off into the kitchen, helping us to clean up. Halfway through, I got annoyed and cleaned the plates and pans with a quick Scourgify.

"Well, that's handy," John murmured with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged and walked through to the parlour, flopping down on the couch.

I was almost asleep when I heard Jenna talking about dessert. I heaved myself off the couch and stumbled to the dining room "You still unwrap food because I'm not suicidal enough to let you do anything but unwrap stuff. You're a hazard in the kitchen, Aunt Jenna."

"Hey," she exclaimed before her shoulders slumped in defeat "Maybe you're right."

"So..." Andie drawled "I know this is a social thing, but I... I would really love to ask you some more questions about the work that you're doing here."

Elijah inclined his head with a small smile "I'd love to answer." I sighed and followed Aunt Jenna into the kitchen, but paused in the doorway to see what they were doing. Both Alaric and Damon seemed way too tense.

"Great, that's so great," the reporter exclaimed cheerfully. I wasn't sure why but I really didn't like her. It had nothing to do with Damon compelling her. She just reminded me of someone – even though I couldn't put my finger on it – and I didn't like it "Ric, would you do me a favour and grab the notebook out of my bag?"

Alaric nodded and walked over to her bag, while Damon was lounging in the chair next to Andie "Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle-slash-father?"

The Original nodded "Yes, I'm well aware of that."

"No Ric," Andie interrupted again "It's in the front pocket. On the... you know what? Excuse me, guys. Sorry." She got up to help the man find her notebook.

I turned away from them for a moment when Jenna was asking me what I put into the desserts, only turning back when Elijah let out a grunt. I blinked a few times when I saw that Alaric had stabbed the Original through the heart. The History teacher pulled out the dagger and placed it on the table. I gaped at them for a moment, before I let out a loud yawn. John glanced at me and got up "How about we get you home?"

"Thanks," I murmured, leaning into him "Let's just take the desserts with us. I made enough for Jay, Anna and Pearl as well."

John kissed my forehead "I'm sure they'll love it." We grabbed five of the desserts and walked to his car. On the drive to the hotel, I rested my head on the man's shoulder. I peeled them open a bit when I felt myself being lifted "It's alright, little one. Go back to sleep."

Alright. One more thing before I'm out. So, please tell me what you think in the Reviews.

Do you want me to write a sequel for this story once it's done?

I have an idea what to do in that, so now you'll only have to say whether you'd want to read it or not.

