07 - Chain of Memories

07 – Chain of Memories

The twins, John and Jean, received a mysterious letter with their names indicated in the envelope.

“Who could have sent this?” John asked.

“Beats me,” Jean answered. “Just read it!”

And so they began reading the message from the letter.


John and Jean,

If you are reading this letter now then that simply means that I am gone. You have probably forgotten me so I asked a friend to send my last message.

You two are the hottest, I mean, the cutest twins I have encountered and befriended. I owed you a very big favor for being part of the Literature Club.

I wanted to say thank you for sticking with me since the first day of our college lives. You guys are inborn musicians. You have the talent that no man can match. You even helped me improved my skills when it comes in playing my violin.

How I wish we could perform on stage together, but things are impossible now. However, I am still rooting for your success –both of you.

Do your best to achieve your dreams. Make them come true –for me and for yourselves.



“It’s… it’s from Nicole,” John said. “This could be a message she left before she passed away.”

Jean gritted his teeth as he tries to prevent the tears from his eyes. “Nicole is the sweetest,” he commented. “How could we ever forget about her?”

MEANWHILE, Cathy’s currently dumping the garbage in their trash bin when she spotted her boyfriend, standing in front of their house’s door. Yuri’s about to push the doorbell when he heard Cathy’s behind him.

“What are you doing, dear?”

Yuri was dumbfounded. He does not know what to say. “I just wanted to make an apology. Maybe I really overreacted, earlier.”

“Dear, it’s alright,” Cathy replied.

“Here!” Yuri handed over a white envelope containing a letter. And even before his girlfriend can utter another word, he quickly ran away.

She had no idea what happened but Cathy knew that her boyfriend will not come all the way to their street if it’s not really important. She carefully opened the enveloped as she read the message from the letter.



If you are reading this letter now then that simply means that I am gone. You have probably forgotten me so I asked a friend to send my last message.

I remember it like yesterday when you decided to join the Literature club for Yuri. It made me happy to think that you share the same passion as him and that we will have another Venus in a group of Mars. It’s not easy being the only girl in the org.

You’ve been a nice friend to me and I do not know if my best friend is lucky to have you or you are luckier to have him. You guys are perfect. I can never imagine your future without him –and vice versa.

Please take good care of him as he takes care of you. I wish you all the best.


I hope you’ve  never been jealous of me. Yuri and I have been there for each other since we were seven. And I am happy for my friend, for he found you in his life.



Cathy found herself crying after reading the message. “Nicole,” she said between her sob. “You will always be remembered.”
