03 - The Reunion

03 – The Reunion

“What could be the reason and you called us out here?” Mick asked as they sat around an old table.

Within the room are the former members of their club –Mick, the President of the group, John and Jean, the twins who’s very close to Nicole, Cathy, Yuri’s girlfriend and Roman, Nicole’s long time suitor.

The club used to be filled with joy and happiness. This is where they hang out during vacant hours. But when Nicole passed away, they never gathered again. The group has permanently disbanded.

“I am here to speak on behalf of Nicole,” Yuri explained as he stood from his seat.

Roman frowned when he heard the name of the girl he used to admire so much. The twins glanced at each other. Cathy gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands. Mick did not move an inch.

“Nicole has been gone for long,” John broke the silence. “What does it have to do with us?”

“She’s right,” Jean commented. “She may be happy, wherever she is right now.”

“If you can only hear me out for a second!” Yuri begged as he tries to stop the commotion within the room.

“You hide the truth from all of us,” Roman commented. “Now, you want us to listen to you?” Rage can be heard from the tone of his voice.

“You don’t understand!” Yuri desperately shouted.

“Dear, calm down.” Cathy approached Yuri. “I think you’re only over reacting–”

“What? Am I the one over reacting here?” he exclaimed, cutting off Cathy. “Even my own girlfriend does not even care to listen!”

Yuri opened the door of the club room and ran towards the hallway.

“If they do not care for you anymore, then I do!” he whispered to himself. “I will do everything for them to remember what you did for them!”

IN the club room, everyone’s still sitting, contemplating about what happened and what they said towards Yuri.

They badly wanted to remember Nicole. They really do. But the ghost of the past is too painful to handle. They were left with no explanation –no words from her.
