
M A X I M ' S   P O V
16 year's previous

   "I don't have your money yet, Max." Mario held his gaze on the ground. "What the fuck do you mean you dont have my money? I've given you two months and you still couldn't come up with the money?"

   I was pissed. Mario was one of my best friends, one of my best customers too. I knew I could trust him, but my men were getting pissed that they didn't have their money.

   "Aren't you're parents like rich?" I already knew the answer to that. "They aren't my parents, and I already told you i'm not taking their money." He said, locking eyes with me.

   Mario has always been a troubled kid, he grew up to be a troubled guy. He was adopted by Alessandro and Gemma Russo when he was 8. I've known Mario since I was five sitting in the back of Mrs. Rodrigos kindergarten class.

   He didn't always have what everyone else had, so he turned over to drugs when he turned 13. He somehow found out that my men sold it and began buying from them.

   Look where that got him. In debt. "I'll make a deal with you." I said, leaning against the wall, bringing the cigarette to my lips. "Your deals are never fair fratello." He crossed his arms.

   "I heard you finally got that baby girl in your family." His eyes widened at the sound if little Kinsley. "No. Anything but her." He said, standing up straight.

   I shook my head. "No can do. You either bring her to me, or you die. Simple." I said, dragging another puff. "N- There has to be something el-" "I said No. You bring her to me, or you yourself die." "Fine." He walked out the door towards his car.


A week before.

   That day was the last day I had heard anything from my dear brother. We tried tracking him but he completely fell off the grids.

   For a while, I though that he would actually bring the girl to me, but that idea soon faltered when we discovered he was nowhere to be found. Until I got a surprise phone call.

M: Maxim   MR: Mario

M: Mario, what a surprise.
MR: Were going to the main house, where Kinsley is.
M: I'll text you the address in which you can drop her off at. I'll see you soon.
MR: Maxim. I need you to promise me one thing.
M: What is it?
MR: Please, please do not hurt her.
M: No promises dear brother.

   I hung up the phone with a scoff. Oh Mario, have you not leaned anything from doing business with me? 

I'll see you soon принцесса.

M A T T E O ' S   P O V

   It's been a little over a week since Kinsley got taken from us. Again. It's definitely taken a mental toll on everyone. Even the family that just met her again.

"Jonah, yea. Can you gather up some guys and send them over to the address I'm about to text you." Andrea said from the phone. "Perfect thanks."

"He said he can get like 20 people." He said. "I'll call one of my friends, he can help us." Cyrus pulled his phone from his pocket. "We can use it. I'm sure they aren't very well trained but-" I paused. Cyrus nodded and walked out the room.

"We're leaving in 10, get the boys ready and pack up whatever the hell you think we're gonna need." I looked at the 4 in front of me. "Roman and Keaton, with the stunt you pulled last night, you won't be going. Keaton tell your boys they are more than welcome to come with us."

"Wh- Matteo we're going." Roman stood from the couch. "And you would've, but you decided to be fucking stupid and get shot. So no. You're gonna stay here where you won't get hurt." I pointed to the bandage wrapped around his arm.

He scoffed, "It doesn't even hu- OWW what the hell." he yelled to Keaton who lifted his arm an inch. "See- That's why you aren't going." I turned towards the door, shutting it in his face.

I walked to the main living area where everyone was doing small talk. "Ready?" They looked up, nodding. "Let's go then."

We loaded into the two vans, the older boys in one, the younger boys in the other. "Jonah has men meeting us there, so does someone Cyrus knows." They nodded. "Actually, they said they were doing something else, so we only have Jonah and his men." Cyrus said.

"So were short men?" Uncle Enzo said. Most of us were nervous. Not for the fighting and being short a few men, but for seeing Kinsley. "Yea, I suppose so." Luca said.

"It's alright. When we get there we will talk over the plan, then take immediate action. Don't be dumb about this. We all need to make it back home." They nodded, looking at the warehouse coming into view.

We parked a few blocks away, not wanting to get spotted. We gathered around on of the vans. "Listen and listen very carefully." I started, looking at the group. "We need to get in and get out. Anthony, Leo, and Gabriel, you guys will take the snipers and snipe the ones you can from a distance, along with a few of Jonahs men." They grabbed the snipers, gathering away from the group.

"Uncle Rocco, Uncle Robert, and Uncle Tomas, you take a group of people, clear out the outside then move inside. Luca and I will take a group, after Uncle Rocco gives us the signal, we will move to the 2nd and 3rd floor. There, we will clear it out and check for Kins. My guess is she's probably on the top."

"After we clear that area out, we will call in Uncle Aldo. He's going to pick a group, preferably guys who can do both knives and guns. You guys will clear the 4th and 5th floor. We will all meet up for the 6th floor. My guess is thats where the most men are. The most skilled men. Now my last guess is, once we get Kinsley, there is probably a bomb planted somewhere in here. We're on a time budget guys. Be quick, be aware." The guys nodded, taking there waiting places as the show begins.

we're coming Kins.

K I N S L E Y ' S P O V

I opened my eyes, tasting the familiar taste of metal. Maxim stood in front of me, blood rolling down his knuckles. "What have I told you about speaking sweetheart." He taunted.

I flinched at his words, closing my eyes again. "I-" hit. "Said." punch. "Speak." kick. I sat on the ground, my arms behind my back. I stopped trying to talk to him. Id end up getting so sort of punishment anyways.

Just when I thought everything was going well, just when I thought that everything was getting even an ounce better, I've been proved wrong. "You aren't even worth my fucking time, you no good s-" bang.

Maxims head snapped towards the door. "I'll be right back. I need to see what my stupid men are fighting about now." The door locked behind him.

I slammed my head against the pole, feeling the blood slowly traveling down my forehead. All the sudden, there were multiple shots being fired somewhere in this rusted place. Heavy footsteps made there was to the floor I was currently sitting on.

The door opened, revealing a pissed Maxim. I gulped, closing my eyes once again. "Get the fuck up and don't make a sound." He unlocked the bar from around my wrists. He grabbed my arm, pulling to my feet, dragging me behind him as he walked.

"KINSLEY." My head whipped around at the sound of one of my brothers. I opened my mouth to scream, a hand slapped me before I could. "Do not make a noice." He seethed, pulling me towards the other set of stairs.

"Now now. You thought you could outsmart us, Maxy." Luca said, my brothers stood behind him, guns in hand. Maxim backed up into the large room we were once in. Men stood around us, there guns pointed at my brothers.

Maxim let go of my arm, causing me to collapse to the ground. "One more ste-" Bang. That's when all hell broke lose. I ducked down, covering my already bloodied head with my arms.

That didn't do much as I was pulled up by my hair. I looked at the culprit, no other then Maxim himself. Men littered the already messy floor, laying in their own pools of blood.

"One more step and poor sorellina gets a bullet through her skull." He said, placing the gun to my temple. I shut my eyes, praying to god this was just a horrible nightmare and that I would wake up any second.

"What do you want Maxim, what's caused you to take my little sorellina." Matteo said, a scary look on his face. Maxim chuckled. "Did Uncle Mario not tell you?" He taunted.

The boys held a confused look before going back to their serious one. "Uncle Mario didn't tell us shit. You have about 30 seconds to ex-" "You aren't going to try to threaten me whilst your little sister in held at gun point? You aren't that stupid right?" He said, a bored look taking over him.

"Just tell us Maxim." Caiden said. "Uncle Mario owed me lots of money. 16 years ago we made a deal that I get little bambina here and he doesn't us anything anymore. If Kinsley wants to tell you the whole story, she can." He pushed the gun further into my temple.

"So you need money. We can give that to you." Andrew said. "No. I have what I want. I mean I don't really need her."



Whos dead?

Who shot the gun?
