Chapter 8-Together

Authors (POV)

Chloe walked to Beca's bedside slowly, she didn't want to force her to wake up but then she realised that Beca was actually awake once she heard a quiet and weak Beca speak...

"hello chlo."

Chloe was so hurt to see Beca in this state, it broke her heart. She then quickened her pace towards Beca and gave her a long well needed hug, she has missed Beca so much and she felt the same towards Chloe.

If only she knew...

The pair released each other from their hug.
"I--I'm so g-glad you're alive Beca," Chloe said and then she burst into tears with her hands in her face. She just couldn't control her tears anymore...

Beca's eyes were forming tears themselves and she sat up and moved closer to Chloe.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, I'm fine, look you're not going to loose me that easily" Beca said in a whisper while holding onto Chloe. "Hey do you want to cuddle because I know I want to?"

Chloe looked up from her hands, she smiled and nodded at the question Beca had asked. She then got out of the chair and climbed up onto Beca's hospital bed.
She placed her head on Beca's chest and wrapped her arms around Beca's waist and then intertwined their legs together. She was making herself really comfy and being in Beca's arms was the best place for her.

Beca was now playing with Chloe's hair, she knew Chloe loved it whenever she played with her hair. This calmed Chloe down a lot and she was breathing normally now and she was also more relaxed. They both laid there in a comfortable silence, they were both happy they were in each other's company.

Chloe was the one who decided to speak...

"Hey Becs?"

"Yes Chloe?" Beca said as she look down at Chloe but could only see her hair.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you anything to eat?" Chloe asked. As she sat up from Beca's chest.

"I am actually now that you mention it," Beca said and just laughed and Chloe laughed with her.

"What food are you in the mood for? You name it and I'll go and get it," Chloe said with excitement, Chloe was also hungry, she hadn't eaten since the morning and they could both do with some food right now.

"Hmmmm, how about, PIZZA?" Now Beca was the one getting all excited about food.

"Yeah sure haha, do you want anything else with that Beca?" Chloe asked as she was getting up to reach for her bag that was on the chair.

"Oooo yeah could you get me some cheesy chips with that please?"

"Of course, anything for you," Chloe said with a wink.

"Oh and where's the best place to get pizza I'll look the place up on the SatNav?" Chloe asked, she didn't really know her way around LA, Beca would show her but obviously now isn't the best time to do so. She will have to show her around another day...

"Hmmm I'd say Quatro's, love that place," Beca said and just laughed after, Beca was in a good mood to say she's been stabbed and beaten up...

"Right Quatro's it is, I'll be back as quick as I can," Chloe said and quickly gave Beca a kiss on the forehead, but Beca grabbed Chloe by her back and pulled her in for a hug, she didn't want to let go, she snuggled her face into the crook of Chloe's neck and, she want to be close to Chloe.

She didn't want to be away from Chloe even just for a second...

Beca was always happy with Chloe around...

Chloe's (POV)

To be honest I'm kind of glad Beca wanted me to stay, even though she didn't say that she did, I could tell because she pulled me in for a hug, it was a long hug and she held onto me really tight. It was like she never wanted it to end...

But then I had an idea...

"Hey Beca, does this place deliver because I could ring them to bring our order instead, be easier and I wouldn't have to go there to pick it up and you'll be stuck with me for even longer?" I said as I slowly let go of Beca and sat down on the side of Beca's hospital bed.

"Yeah I think they do actually, I have the number in my phone it should be in the drawer," Beca said and pointed to the little table what had all of Beca's belongings in it.
"And I can live with being stuck with you, you're not that bad," Beca said with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Ah thanks Beca," I said with sarcasm. And that made Beca laugh...

I crouched down to the little table to open one of the drawers and her phone was in there...
But I could feel a pair of eyes on me, again. Beca's staring at my arse again. I really shouldn't have crouched down but I can't complain really. I think Beca just has a thing for my arse. I think that she thinks that I haven't even noticed when she looks but I do, ahhh what the heck she can enjoy the view if she loves it so much...

I then stood back up slowly and passed the phone to Beca so she could find the number for the takeaway. She averted her eyes really quickly to make it look like she wasn't looking...

"Here's the number Chloe," Beca passed me the phone so I could type the number into my phone.

"Thanks hobbit," I said with a wink as I passed Beca her phone back and then I walked outside Beca's room so I could order the pizza...
