Chapter 4-That Night

Authors (POV)

The pair climbed out of Beca's car and Chloe was amazed, I mean she knew Beca was doing well for herself with her career and everything but god this was more than she was expecting. Her facial expression was saying "woww" and Beca knew Chloe was shocked, and she couldn't stop grinning at Chloe's antics. Beca guided Chloe out of the garage and upstairs to the rest of her house, she opened the door to let Chloe in.

"Okay the kitchen is on your left just help yourself to what ever you want, the bathroom is right next to it and my studio is after the bathroom, you can go in it just don't mess with anything." Beca was showing Chloe around her living space and she then pointed to where the dining table was which is next to the living room.

Beca then showed Chloe to her bedroom, carrying one of her bags to it.
"Oh and my bedrooms just in here, I don't have a spare room so you can sleep in my room while you are here, I'll just sleep on the sofa, I'll let you unpack." Beca then began to walk out of the room but then she was stopped in her tracks by Chloe's melodic voice...

"Wait, ermm... Beca?" Chloe asked seeming little nervous.

"Yeah Chloe?" Beca said as she turned to the direction of Chloe's voice and began walking towards her.

"Ermm we can sleep together, you d-don't have to sleep on the sofa... I m-mean not like that I mean like in college" Chloe's cheeks were now as red as her fiery locks.
Beca then put her hands on Chloe's shoulders to try calm her down a little...

"Chloe don't worry I know what you mean and sure I'd be happy to, as long as you're okay with it?" Beca said looking straight into Chloe's blue shining orbs, almost getting lost in them...

"Oh totes, I wouldn't have asked otherwise," Chloe said with a wink.

"Great aha, anyway I'll let you get unpacked and everything I've made some space in my other wardrobe for you, I'll go warm up the take away I'll shout you when it's ready." Beca said and then left Chloe to her task.


Chloe's (POV)

Hmmm it's finally happening, I'm now at Beca's house and I'm in her bedroom just unpacking my things, I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I need to tell her how I feel and soon because I can't hold back these feelings any longer, but I don't want her to reject me... Ugh I came here to do this so I'll do it, not straight away but I will this week...

"Chloe... Foods ready." Beca called me and I ran to the kitchen and sat at the island bar she had...

Authors (POV)

Chloe and Beca were digging into the Chinese food they got, they were both so hungry, the food on Chloe's flight was really expensive so she just had some food she brought from home and as for Beca, she didn't even think of food till they got to the takeaway, she was so busy tidying up the house and cleaning her car so she didn't really have much time. They didn't really talk much, they were both just enjoying the food, it was silent but it wasn't awkward, they were both just enjoying being in each other's company.

It wasn't long till they had both finished and Beca took the plates and started washing up. Then suddenly Chloe came from behind without Beca noticing to give her a hug, and she rested her head into the crook of Beca's neck, from this position she could smell the coconut shampoo that she used. Beca's heartbeat was increasing and Chloe noticed this and just smirked.

"Thank you for picking me up today, and thanks for inviting me over" Chloe said.

"You're welcome Red, you can stay here as long as you want, it's all fine by me'" Beca said with a little hope in her voice.

"Really, are you sure?" Chloe said as she unwrapped her arms from Beca.

"Yeah of course Chloe, I love having you here." Beca said as she turned around to face Chloe. She wanted to say something else, but the words just wouldn't leave her mouth...

"Awww thank you Beca," Chloe went to give her another hug but even tighter this time. Beca also returned the hug, she wanted to take it further, but instead she just enjoyed the contact she was getting.

They eventually released each other and then decided to get ready for bed.

Beca headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face while Chloe decided to get into her comfy pyjamas.

Beca's (POV)

I've just finished in the bathroom and headed to bed and I walked into a very very pretty sight... Chloe, but she was half naked... Woww, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her perfect butt I mean come on no one could say they didn't notice it. And her back muscles are to die for. I was then pulled out of my thoughts when I realised there was a mirror which reflected to the door which is where I was stood. Shit!

"Beca, you're staring," Chloe said and she just winked at me. I could feel my cheeks burning and then I knew I was definitely blushing.

"Sorry, ermm, I-I w-was just daydreaming," that was the worst excuse I've ever come up with. Crap.

"Okay if you say so, I'm just gonna brush my teeth," again she just winks at me  and then slaps my arse. And I can't help but smirk. I decided to jump into bed and relax until Chloe got back.

Chloe's (POV)

Okay Beca was definitely staring just then, what if she feels the same way about me, that would be great if she did. I had just finished in the bathroom and then went into Beca's bedroom, by the looks of it she was asleep, I couldn't tell properly because her back was facing me so I went around to the other side of the bed and climbed in and got myself comfy...

Authors (POV)

Beca wasn't really asleep, she just had her eyes closed and was just relaxing, she heard Chloe get into bed and she could smell the sweet strawberry scent in her hair. Chloe's back was facing Beca and she decided to spoon Chloe and see if anything would happen. Chloe relaxed in Beca's touch and she hugged her tighter, you could tell that she missed the redhead. Chloe was smiling Beca couldn't see it but she knew once Chloe relaxed that she was happy in her embrace.

When Beca thought Chloe was asleep she said. "Sweet dreams, I-I love you red."
But what Beca didn't know was Chloe was still awake, but now she could go to sleep with happy thoughts after what Beca had just said to her...

Hey sorry I took so long to update just been really busy with college and everything but I will try update as often as I can. See you later weirdos 😉
