Expensive Thief

"Do you know why you are unhappy? Because of the gap between what you want and the reality. Try to be less greedy."

Jung Joon Hyun
-- Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

See, making a plan and putting it into action are two different things. I was expecting many people to ask me about this after party, but most of them just stared at me then went back to their little conversations. How was I supposed to get everyone to believe Lexi was having an after party no one, but Hayden and I, knew about? I'm sure most of the guests here were hoping to go straight home after the party.

I felt my phone vibrating in my clutch and had an idea. Unfortunately, it was the guy calling about the party. He wanted to know the color scheme and how long he had before anyone started coming. I had to give him a risky estimated timeframe, not knowing how long it was going to take people to believe me and start leaving.

"What?" I yelled into the phone.

"Kera, did you give your mom my phone number?" Tamera asked.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"Of course it is!" She barked. "You know how much I hate that woman. Now she's thinking she can dump your kids on me and I don't like this. I have things I'm dealing with right now."

"I'm sorry, queen. I didn't know she was going to try and make the kids stay with you. Bring them to Jacobi. Maybe his father will look after them. He told me I could have them over any time I needed them out of the way."

"Ugh. I hate seeing Jacobi even more, but I'll do it."


She hung up the minute I said that. Didn't matter. No one knew that. I started a fake conversation with a "friend" who was at the gala. We talked about the after party out of town and how everyone was going to be there. I may have exaggerated a bit on what particular celebrities were going to be there. I mean...from my point of view it was believable. Names and statuses meant a lot.

Soon enough people were asking me for the address. I was hoping the party planners were fast and had everything ready by the time people actually started leaving. Hayden and I met up again just before Cameron spotted us.

"What'd you get?" he asked.

"Not much." I shook my head. "Some people did ask me for the address."

"That's good. Lexi's having a panic attack in the house. Most likely dealing with Luca, but we'll deal with him later." Hayden turned me around to face the very man we had been avoiding since we got here. I'm surprised he didn't come looking for us earlier. It would have done him some good.

"Hayden, it's been a while," Cameron greeted. "How is the office without me?"

"It's alright, I guess. Not as busy as I hoped," Hayden said. "There haven't been many problems since you left."

"What can I say, no one can cause trouble like me." He chuckled. "Sha'Kera, I heard you got a great promotion. How's your new position?"

"Sucks," I said cautiously. He's onto us. "It's like being you, but without all the fun. Have you seen Lexi? I've been meaning to talk to her."

"I don't know where she's not." Cameron smiled. "She's a busy woman tonight. Now that everyone knows about Vincent and Asher, she hasn't been able to hide much."

"That sounds like fun. I should find her and join her."

Without another word, Cameron walked off. I was fine with that. It just meant that we needed to hurry and get people out of here. I could see the yard was emptying on its own, but not fast enough. It was still too crowded. Were we not convincing enough? I'd hate for Luca's money to be wasted. If nothing worked, I'd just post it online and send random people there.

11:30 PM Hayden: we need some of the reporters to go to the venue

11:32 PM Me: you think they'll actually believe us

11:32 PM Hayden: they're reporters of course they'd believe us

I texted the team chat and had one of them distract the reporters with this news. Knowing the crew personally, I knew most of them would try to get there before Lexi and Luca. I also needed to have a group meeting anyway. The next part of our plan was to get inside the house to get the necklace before Lexi found out I was really working against her.

11:45 PM Agent Folsom: people are leaving. I believe they've heard about the party

11:46 PM Me: great. Get me a group around back. Once I get inside the house

there's going to be a lot of people looking for me

11:46 PM Jackson: Do you not trust me Kera? I wouldn't leave you empty handed

11:47 PM Me: oh look it's the amazing Jackson. You're not even here

11:47 PM Jackson: Who says I'm not?

11:48 PM Hayden: I guess you like hiding in trees. Is that branch comfy enough? Do you need a pillow?

11:50 PM Jackson: Ooh not even close, but I would love one for my elbows. Sniping isn't easy when you're uncomfortable

11:51 PM Agent Folsom: Carson and I are going to leave the brothers for you. Good luck

And that was that. We're all going to either die tonight or leave with what we wanted. I was hoping it was the latter. I was praying it was the latter. That necklace was my lifeline. If I didn't get it, I was sure Brad was going to murder me.


I was astounded by how much more empty the yard was when they decided to have the guests take pictures. It was a pitiful and desperate move, but at least it was getting people to leave afterwards. Brad was nowhere to be found. I was assuming he was now with his grandkids. If not, then he was most definitely watching me from afar.

The men in the back were doing well. Just as Cameron walked past me, I was sure he and his team were suspicious of my men in the back. Hayden was standing guard from afar, wanting to get his chance at beating Cameron.

"Knock yourself out," I said.

"You're not going to stop me?" Hayden asked in disbelief.

"I'm not your mother, Hayden. Knock. Yourself. Out."

As soon as I entered the house, I heard the beeping of the alarm. Leave it to them to mess something up before it even started. I made my way past the guard with the intent of using the girls as an excuse. They had probably left already, so it was a risky choice. He didn't second guess me and allowed me to go upstairs. The smell of blood hit me like a ton of bricks.

That's what Hayden meant when he said Lexi had a panic attack. I thought to myself. Of course it had never been this bad.

With no time to lose, I ran into Lexi's room and stopped suddenly. What the hell had happened in here. Lexi's clothing had been strewn across the room. From what I could see she had changed more than once. I could only assume Luca was the reason for both of them. She should really clean up. I'm surprised Asher hasn't said anything. Assuming he had seen this.

I ignored the scene and went over to her vanity. It was a mess, but it was a huge advantage for me. Lexi was the type to forget the simplest things. She'd never know something was missing. Not unless this necklace was something dear to her. Then...we were all in trouble.

At first, I was terrified I wouldn't find it. I swear Brad always told the truth. If he was up here before me when he asked me to take it, he could have done it himself. What if he had done it himself? What if Lexi was wearing the necklace! Ugh, this was frustrating and nothing was helping my case. The necklace was nowhere to be found and Hayden was probably losing the fight right now.

Just when I was about to give up, the light caught something peeking from under the bed. I got on my hands and knees to fetch it. It was better I took a glance at it to make sure it was the necklace before making a run for it. It was pretty heavy for a designer necklace. The yellow rose diamond was a dead giveaway, so I wasn't going to second guess myself. How many of these would Lexi actually have?

After making sure no one could tell anyone besides Lexi and Luca had been in here, I skedaddled. The guard looked at me oddly, but the moment someone opened the door and he heard the screams, he left me at the steps. Well, that was one way to make him forget I was even here. I ran into the dining room through the sliding door. From where I was, I could see Cameron fall face first onto the patio. That's gotta hurt.

I ran out the door just in time to save Hayden from getting the same fate. Cameron should have been out cold, but he was trying to get back up.

"Hayden, come on," I called out over the ruckus. "Hurry up!"

Cameron struggled to sit up and I kind of felt bad for him. Hayden wasted no time and came toward me. Cameron was in his path, so I sort of watched as he helplessly got kicked in the face. Ooh, he was going to be feeling that for days.

"You got it?" Hayden asked.

"Yup." I held up the necklace.


Who's ready for Christmas!!!! I sure am. I'm finally getting everything I wanted this year. I'm doing much better with my mother's death, but I know it's still going to hurt without her here to record out reactions. Stay safe and healthy everyone!!๐Ÿ˜Š

