Your Child Is Born

In the final month of your honeymoon, Anna's belly was larger and she was expected to give birth soon. You and her were casually having a dance together, singing a little song together

When the song ended, you and Anna bowed to each other. Anna had difficulty due to her swelling stomach but she managed. You went to make her a cup of tea to help her relax. You added a little milk and a small teaspoon of sugar, just how Anna liked it and handed it to her

"Thanks Y/N. You're so sweet", Anna said and you shrugged with a smile

"What kind of husband would I be if I didn't make sure my wife didn't  feel as good as possible?", you asked her as she took a sip and leaned back

"Good point love. I'm glad I-", Anna was saying before she lurched forward in pain, dropping the cup on the floor. You noticed a little liquid leaking out from her. You realised she was going to give birth. You laid her on the sofa, took off her lower clothes to clear the way, and hurried to get a towel and a few things to help her relax. You held her hand as she began pushing. She squeezed your hand as she pushed.

"It'll be ok Anna. Don't strain yourself", you said as you stroked her hair to comfort her 

"I'm so scared. I'm so scared", Anna repeated over and over again. You kissed her head

"I know, it's scary. Just try to keep calm and push when you need to", you said as she pushed slowly, screaming in pain. You rubbed her hand in an attempt to comfort her. You went to look at her progress. You could barely see the head

"How is it?", Anna asked through ragged breaths

"I can barely see the head. Push if you need to", you replied and Anna pushed again. You grabbed her hand and she squeezed it. It hurt you a lot, but you tried to ignore the pain. You could see the head, and Anna was now in horrible pain.

"I can't do this any hurts too much", she whimpered. You caressed her cheek

"I know, Anna. I can see the head. You don't have to push now, but a few more pushes whenever you're ready and the baby will be here", you replied. As a way to calm her down, you sung her lullaby that she usually hummed. She'd taught you her lullaby two months ago, and you figured it would be the best time to sing it, to help her relax and gain her strength

(I have no idea what the lyrics are in English, cause there are so many interpretations of the lyrics. If anyone can tell me, thanks)

Anna seemed to relax after you sung the song, and she managed to find the strength to push the last few times. The baby was out. You gently wrapped the newborn up in the towel and sat on a chair next to Anna. She was so tired she could barely speak

"it's a beautiful baby girl, Anna", you said to her as you kissed her forehead. She was crying tears of joy. You were also crying a little. You were finally a father. 

"My beautiful girl", she said as she cried. You gently handed your daughter to Anna and went to make her something to drink to help her energy come back. You returned later with a warm cup of tea, made with the same small amount of milk and teaspoon of sugar. You gently handed the tea to Anna and held your daughter as she drank it. Her energy slowly returned to her and she closed her eyes to rest up, and get the rest of her energy back. You gently carried your daughter to a cot near the double bed, and returned to carry Anna to the bed too. You picked your daughter up and laid next to your wife, stroking her head as the three of you went to sleep. The next day, you were considering names.

"How about Amelia?", you suggested. Anna thought about it

"Amelia...sounds like a good name. Welcome to the world Amelia", Anna said to her new daughter. The newly named Amelia cooed and giggled, reaching for you. You smiled and held your daughter close as you and Anna kissed each other.

"I'm so lucky. Got a perfect daughter, an amazing wife and a wonderful family", you said to her as she smiled and laid her head on your shoulder, the two of you looking at your daughter as she giggled. You both had plans to tell the others, but weren't sure how they would react.
