Avoid This Loser

Quick warning about a certain someone in Dead by Daylight. If you can, avoid them. Their gamertag is in bold so u know. Basically here's what happened.

Ran into this guy on Xbox called CarlUnited, and he claimed he was good at the game. Which is ironic considering he did nothing but loop in the killer shack, never doing generators, sabotaging hooks, cleansing totems or even looking at chests. He claimed that he was being skilled with the looping. Is it really skill if you're just doing the same thing over and over again? I kid you not, that was legitimately the ONLY thing he was doing, and he says he has skill. You don't have skill if you're just looping the shack you moron. Skill is repairing generators without getting caught, sabotaging hooks. True skill is escaping without getting damaged once. You have literally no skill Carl, if all you do is loop the shack. Yeah your teammates did the same but at least they tried to repair generators. What did you do Carl? Literally fuck all.

Before anyone says I should use a ranged attack, I was the Hillbilly that game and even with add ons that help him turn well, I couldn't turn fast enough to catch him as he looped like the cowardly loser he really is. If you see him online, go ahead and give him a piece of your mind.

Speaking of Xbox, if anyone wants to play some DBD with me, let me know and I can private post u my GT
