

First day in class was surprisingly uneventful but of course the universe couldn't have let the day end like that, It had to be 'memorable.'

"Hey, there's that Koala who called his mom on me." Jeff, the school bully had spotted me and my life was officially over. He came towards me with his whole gang of goons.

"Hello Mama's boy"

"Hello sir"

"Where's your mama to save you today"

"You want to see my mum? It's been only one day and you've missed her?"

Enraging the bully was probably not a good idea, but it was really fun.

"What did you say Koala?"

"I said I am biscombulated over the shenanigans that is taking place regardless of the spontaneous deeds that took place in the course of the day before today"


I left him there to process what was happening as I ran to my dorms

The professor had said we should be writing daily on the events of your day. I wasn't a big fan of extra work but I decided to give it a try.

I sat down to start my work when Alicia walked in.

"Hey Antonio"



"Professors work you know."

"The one about who has more drama between a mom and a dad?"

"Well I didn't really grow up with both parents so I asked for a different topic"

"Same, I only grew up with my dad."

"I was raised by my mom for as long as I can remember"

"Let me get my book lets write!"


First day of school wasn't that bad

Mostly happy just a bit sad

It reminded me of my dad

The dad I never had

But good poetry comes from emotion

And this was my inspiration


My emotions are mixed like a blender

This makes me wonder

Is my purpose in life

Just to be a wife

My not knowing isn't a surprise

I didn't have a mom for advice

We finished our assignments and watched a movie. By the time it ended it was almost midnight so we decided to sleep.

" Goodnight Antonio"

"Goodnight Alicia, Love you."

Oh No

What had I done

I hadn't even intended it

It had just came out of me

Not purposely but almost naturally

Oh well there goes my relationship with my roommate

"I love you too."

That's a relief


A surprise that she even answered

It didn't feel wrong

Does that mean it was right?
