


The events of the previous day were still fresh in my mind .

Happy thoughts? Probably.

I didn't even know.

I woke up in her bed, confused and unsure.

Until I saw her. We were dating now weren't we?

I thought so; I hoped so.

Well she looked so cute asleep, but we had to go to class.

"Wake up Alicia," I said shaking her gently.

She looked up at me and said "Good morning Baby," then she closed her eyes and turned to the other side.

"Aliiiiciiiiaaaa wakeee up," I said now shaking her abit more vigorously, "don't make me come there."

"Are you threatening me Antonio?"

"Get out of bed before I come get you out Alicia"


"Ok this is what you get for your disobedience"

I went to the front of the bed and pulled her out of the duvet and she landed on me her legs clinging on to my waist and her hands around my neck.

Hand to hand, chest to chest, face to face.

"Good morning beautiful," I told her looking into her eyes.

"Why are you staring Antonio?"

"I lose myself in your eyes."

Kiss. Kiss. Kiss

School was no different , except when the professor called Alicia and I to his desk after class.

Something was up, I was worried.

"Alicia, Antonio, Jeff tells me you've sparked up a newly found romance."

"We're room mates sir," I jumped in before he could say anything else.

"Do not worry Antonio, I am a great fan of love, but only when its real."

"What are you trying to imply Professor?" Alicia asked rather angrily.

"You two are too young to say your in love, you've barely known each other for a month or two. What you feel is lust and it will just wear off after a few sexual encounters you will be looking for new partners."

Alicia spoke again confidently. "You cant just assume that we don't love each other because we're college students, that is very stereotypical of you."

With that she grabbed my hand and led me out.

"Antonio why didn't you support me in there?"

"I just don't share the same view on this matter as you do,"

"You don't love me?"

"I do, but do I?"

Awkward silence.

Alice started crying and it hurt my heart.

She picked up her bag and ran off

I felt like shooting myself in the head, her hurt was painful for me, but did that mean I loved her?
