Day 1: Indoors / Outdoors


Summary: Basically just cliche couch cuddle session that turns into kissies because im really fucking unoriginal. I present to you the Espresseleine smooches you all have been begging for (looking directly at you beaawhore fuck you)

idk i probably completely misinterpreted the prompt because im a gigantic dumbass but here you go


Espresso was knees deep into his work, piles of papers and books strewn everywhere along with a large board with numerous equations scribbled messily with a red marker as if he'd fallen asleep while writing them. His handwriting was like chicken scratch, something that could easily get him a position in medical service. Of course, there was the normal nose-scrunching stench of bitter coffee wafting through the air, clouding the room since his laboratory's windows were jammed shut and covered with thick maroon coloured curtains. Thus allowing no sunlight whatsoever, the only source of light the mage allowed was his dull desk lamp which occasionally buzzed and hummed with its grand age.

As he adjusted his light beige glasses and routinely sipped on his warm cup of coffee, he swore he heard the faint sound of a door unlocking and clicking open. The steam emitting from the beverage fogged up his glasses, causing the brunette to huff in annoyance and reach up to wipe them, distracting him enough to not notice the thundering footsteps gaining proximity with his lab, and the door being pushed open roughly.

Well, maybe he did notice his door open, as the mage jumped in surprise, standing from his office chair and summoning a single flaming coffee bean to serve as a warning towards whoever had broken into his home. His gaze immediately softened and the coffee bean dissipated into thin air upon seeing it was only Madeleine, his annoying puppy dog of a boyfriend. A dog, in the most affectionate way possible, since the paladin had first taken the title as an offence. Espresso, being the one who actually thinks in their relationship, had to calmly explain to the big oaf that the reason he'd called him a puppy was because Madeleine quite literally would not leave him alone. Always wanting his attention and such. It was tiring, but he wasn't going to complain.

Espresso sighed heavily, standing straight and dusting himself off, "You're home early. I told you to knock."

"I got off patrolling early today!" Madeleine grinned, completely ignoring his second statement. Even without the sun, the paladin shone as brightly as ever, whether it be because of his glimmering armour, golden hair, or as he says so himself, his incredibly good looks.

Espresso used to hate brightness, due to his sensitive eyes. Which is mainly why he despised Light Magic for most of his life. But after meeting Madeleine and practically seeing him everyday, he embraced his light with the most endearing smile.

Still, those around him would comment on how the mage was almost entirely nocturnal, awake throughout the unholiest hours of the night and either still cooped up in his lab, or working in the Parfaedia Institute by day. There was no in between.

That is, until the Divine's righteous paladin came along and screwed with his normally perfect and precise schedule. Again, he wasn't complaining. Though he would never admit it, his life had really turned a whole 360 as soon as he began to nag him to get more sleep and all that ridiculous banter. Perhaps it was the fact that the paladin cared so much about the lonely little mage that made him fall so deeply in love with him.

Espresso stepped around his piles of books carefully until he reached the door, standing in front of Madeleine and tilting his head up to cater towards their significant height difference. Hey, it wasn't his fault he was stuck with the short genes.

The mage leaned upwards to peck him softly on the lips, the paladin letting out a surprised squeak. Every single one of his kisses still seemed to give him the same butterflies in his stomach and made him flustered beyond compare, it was impressive how often Espresso could catch him off guard like this. It was almost like he'd turned it into a game.

"Go take off your armour and then tell me about your day," Espresso smiled to him, glasses glinting as it reflected the light that his armour so painfully radiated. Madeleine agreed of course, heading upstairs to their shared bedroom where Espresso rarely spends any of his time against the likes of his nagging lover.

Espresso sat on the living room couch with a book in his hands, licking his thumb and flicking to the next page every so often. Finally, Madeleine slowly descended down the stairs and towards their living room where the brunette sat waiting for him. The blond padded over to his bookworm boyfriend and flopped down on the couch next to him. His ears twitched as it picked up the faint sound of rain pitter-pattering at their window.

His good mood had been extinguished just a tiny bit at the realisation it had started to rain, since he felt like going on a refreshing afternoon walk with Espresso. It would mean his introverted lover could get some fresh air as well.

It only appeared to be a light sprinkle, but the clouds had buried the sun, painting the sky in a sleepy grey that could easily make your eyelids begin to droop.

Perhaps it was a good idea to stay indoors afterall.

Madeleine wasn't upset though, it gave him more time to cuddle up with the person he loves most. He scooched over, catching the mage in a 'surprise-attack' as he was shifted into a cuddling position. Espresso laying on the couch on his back with his book still in one of his hands, while Madeleine lay on top of him, his head resting soundly on his chest.

Espresso didn't mind, only continuing his novel while softly brushing his fingers through the thick mop of blond hair that belonged to his only love. Madeleine didn't mind either, his mind occupied with listening to the rhythm of the brunette's heartbeat as they laid in a comfortable silence. A temporary silence, that is.

"Patrols are so exhausting Espressoooo..." Madeleine whined into the fabric of his shirt, the sentence being incredibly muffled. "I jus' wanna stay here an' cuddle with youu.."

The paladin yawned, obviously very worn out from his day's work.

"Mm, is that so? But what about your big important title? You're our Kingdom's Knight Commander," Espresso replied, eyes still locked on his book as he continued to read while still brushing his fingers through his blond hair. Another thing he was good at was multi-tasking.

"What else?"

"I had to tempt Latte's cat out of another tree.." the paladin began to list off all the knightly duties he had to attend for the day. "..Hung out with Knight for a bit too."

"You enjoy your patrols then?" Espresso teased with a small smirk

Madeleine lifted his head sleepily, leaning up a little to kiss the mage's nose. Espresso's cheeks flushed at the unexpected act, a softer smile igniting on his lips.

"I'd rather kiss you everyday." Madeleine admitted happily.

This prompted the mage to blush a deeper red, brain short circuiting as he attempted to come up with a reply.

"Oh--" was all he managed to spit out.

Madeleine giggled at his reaction, reaching up to carefully remove his glasses so he could cup his cheeks with his hands. Espresso's eyes widened as his partner suddenly dipped in to pepper light kisses all over his face as the mage tried to squirm out of his grasp.

"Hey! Madeleine-- stop that!" he yelled out beneath the various fits of laughter he'd infected the brunette with, "Get off me you—!"

Madeleine shook his head, moving to kiss along his temple, trailing down to his jaw and along the side of his neck, forcing a small shudder out of Espresso as he felt the cold tip of the paladin's nose press against his neck. Though, he adored the sensation, the pleasure. He adored Madeleine.

Eventually the sounds of water itself in the form of raindrops against the window pane were drowned out as the two lovers cared only about being in each other's presence.

Espresso had pretty much dropped the book already, it wasn't particularly important at the moment anyway. Madeleine showed no signs of stopping, until he'd kissed along the top of his collarbone and against the parts of his neck he knew very well was his more sensitive areas, earning a delightful little gasp that escaped from the mage's lips. Oh, how he loved the electrifying feeling of knowing he was the only person allowed the privilege of hearing such noises.

Finally he came to a stop, lifting his head once more to meet his boyfriend's gaze full of adoration and love. Words were not needed, they both knew the least. Their eyes could simply do the talking for them. And their soft gazes, both brown and blue, only shouting three words, them being: I love you.

Madeleine pressed his lips against Espresso's, the mage smiling into the kiss, as he threw his arms over the other's shoulders and his eyes fluttered closed. The two were content as can be, occasionally parting for the chance to breathe. As their bodies pressed against each other and their hearts began to beat to the rhythm of the same song, they failed to notice that it had in fact stopped raining.

The sun revealed itself from underneath it's layers and layers of dark and gloomy clouds, the chirping birds returned to the skies and the sound of children splashing around in puddles outside echoed around the neighbourhood.

Maybe when they're done, Madeleine can take Espresso outside like he'd originally planned.



Summary: What ended up happening later

This is kinda an extra thing so its pretty short


Espresso sat on a local park bench, one leg balanced over his other knee as a book lay in his lap. The same book he'd discarded in order to do things that were higher in his list of priorities. But he still wanted to finish it, so here he was, the slight afternoon breeze playing with his hair and his black robes.

Madeleine peered over his shoulder, quickly pecking his cheek and swiping the book out of the mage's hands.

"Wh--Hey, give that back you imbecile!" Espresso snapped, raising from the bench and turning to the paladin who had the book dangling over him.

"Nope! I brought you out here so we could have fun! Do something!" Madeleine grinned.

The mage rolled his eyes bitterly, crossing his arms. "Tsk. What did you have in mind then?"

The paladin's gaze landed on something behind Espresso, to which he turned his head to follow said gaze. He sighed heavily as he came to the realisation that he was staring at an ice cream stand being run by a bunch of children for some fundraising event.

Madeleine smiled sheepishly, eyes sparkling a little as he silently begged his partner for a word of approval.

"Oh, you are such a child.." Espresso muttered, but his words reeked of nothing but affection. "Come on then," he shook his head, smiling as Madeleine happily took the lead, practically bounding towards the stand.

For a change, the mage decided to order a scoop of Vanilla ice cream, while the paladin decided to try the new coffee flavour.


Total word count: 1884
