Chapter 29

Arosio De Luca

One month.

One whole fucking month.

Katerina hasn't looked me in the eyes, touched me, nor spoken to me first for one fucking month since we got back from the hospital. Every time, it's me who speaks to her first and the only responses I get are her tight smiles and one word replies. Whenever I try to touch her or become intimate, she quickly expresses discomfort due to the pregnancy symptoms and runs away from me. 

She's even made every excuse possible to avoid going back to our childhood home every weekend in the past month. Sometimes it's morning sickness, other times it's migraines or something else similar. And every  time I get a near heart attack at the thought of my sweet wife being sick and I call our family doctor over, only for him to say everything is perfectly fine. 

Mother advised me that it was normal for Katerina to feel shocked by what happened at our childhood mansion last month and to be more understanding and patient with her, especially for our baby's sake .

And believe me, I have been very patient and tried to take it slowly with her but nothing has worked.

Every night, she runs off with Elijah right after dinner and sleeps with him in his room. Sometimes I try to join them and slide into the bed beside her like we always used to do but even while sleeping, she tenses up and scoots away from me.

Other times I get a little impatient and just carry her back to our master bedroom. She remains asleep in my arms at first but always manages to get to the furthest end of our bed in the middle of the night.

By the time I wake up in the morning, which was always a few hours before her, she is already awake, showered, and out of our bedroom. She makes breakfast like she always did but it doesn't taste the same. 

Call me fucking psychotic but I can taste the difference between the food my wife made with love versus the food she has been making in the past month. 

She smiles at me like she always has but those empty smiles don't reach her beautiful radiant green eyes. Speaking of her eyes, they were the first thing I always wanted to look at every morning along with her beaming smile but I haven't seen both in the past month.

To say I am about one second away from losing my fucking mind would be an understatement.

I miss her angelic laughter and beaming smiles.

I miss her beautiful soft voice. 

I miss her touches.

I miss my wife.

"Figlio, stai ascoltando? Sbrigati e vieni, tuo nonno ti sta aspettando!" mother practically screeched into my phone as I pulled it away from my ear and rolled my eyes. (Son, are you listening? Hurry up and come over, your grandfather is waiting for you three!)

I was currently seated in our breakfast room with Katerina who sat perfectly silent to my right while feeding Elijah who sat in her lap. My gaze remained on her as she kept her eyes focused on Elijah and never looked up at me. I couldn't help but clench my fists tightly in jealousy at the fact that all of her attention has been on our son and none on me for the past month. 

Great, now I'm jealous of my own son...

"Yes, mother. We will be there soon, bye," my words seemed to shock Katerina as she finally lifted her beautiful eyes up to meet my darkened gaze. My jaw clenched in slight anger when she flinched back as soon as our eyes met though. 

"Are...are you going somewhere?" Katerina spoke lowly, barely an audible whisper as she fed Elijah another spoonful of eggs and looked away from me again. It was as if she couldn't bare looking at me for more than five seconds and that thought alone almost had me throwing my plate across the room. 

My brow rose in frustration as I raised my hand up to massage the tension between them. Elijah giggled from his spot before he lifted a finger and poked her cheek, causing Katerina to catch his finger and playfully bite it. My gaze instantly softened as a small smile made its way onto my face and the previous tension I felt instantly disappeared. 

"Silly mommy! It's Friday, we need to go to grandpa and grandma's home!" Elijah reminded her and I took notice of how all of the color seemed to drain from her face. Her frightened wide eyes instantly snapped up to meet my steady gaze as she tried to come up with another excuse. 

"But...but I'm not... I feel a bit sic--" Katerina began but froze mid-sentence as I stood up and leaned over her. Our lips were merely an inch away and I had to use every bit of self-control to stop myself from taking her lips hostage. 

"No buts, tesoro. Nonno has arrived and is waiting to meet you and I already packed your bags. Let's go," I felt my resolve shatter when her big round eyes watered slightly before she quickly masked her emotions and gave me one of her signature fake smiles while nodding her head. 

I really didn't want to force her back there, I wanted to give her enough time and bring her back when she was ready. But my grandfather, who retired in Canada, flew down and will be staying at our childhood mansion for one month before we all fly together to Italy for my step-cousin's wedding. 

I've never even met my step-cousin and I could care less about her wedding. I don't want my pregnant wife to have to fly all the way to Italy. But my step-cousin is getting married to one of my best friends and business partner, Saverio D'Amore. He actually inherited the Italy mafia from my uncle a few years back when my brothers refused to move to Italy and take over. 

As the leader of the Italian mafia in America, I must attend the wedding with my whole family, something that Nonno is very strict about. He's an old-school type of Italian man who will never let go of family traditions. I have no idea how he will react to my wife and whether or not he will welcome her into our family. 

Well, he has no other choice because Katerina is my one and only for now, for tomorrow and for eternity. 


The short drive to our childhood mansion felt like it lasted hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. My eyes remained on Katerina through the rearview mirror since she had insisted on sitting in the back with Elijah instead of beside me in the front seat. I unclenched my tightened jaw as we quietly made our way into the living room with Katerina carrying Elijah while whispering to each other. 

I remember a month ago when she would whisper into my ear intimately and allow me to do the same to her. Fuck, I miss her beautiful flushed cheeks whenever I touched her or stood beside her. Nowadays, she tries to keep at least a few feet in between us at all times...

"Finalmente, guarda che sono arrivati!" Mother exclaimed from her seat beside father in the living room with Nonno sitting alone on the opposite sofa and Alanzo sat with Adriano across from him. (Finally, look they have arrived!)

Nonno looked the same as ever, his dark hair that was similar to mine held grey streaks and our mafia's tattoo was on full display across the side of his neck as he kept the first few buttons of his royal blue dress shirt open. He didn't look a day over sixty and yet he's already seventy-five years old. 

"Buongiorno a tutti, I'm sorry we made you wait," Katerina quickly apologized before making her way towards everyone with me silently trailing behind her, observing the surroundings to make sure everything is safe. The moment we found out Katerina's pregnant, I made everyone baby proof both of our homes and made sure there were no sharp edges on any furniture.  (Good morning everyone)

Nonno's face remained emotionless as ever, something I inherited from him, as he glanced towards the three of us with slight interest in his deep brown eyes. His hard gaze remained on Katerina for a few seconds, making her flinch back and pause mid-step before shuffling closer to me. This seemed to amuse Nonno even more as his eyes glowed with mischievousness before he let out a booming laugh.  

"Finalmente posso incontrare la mia nuova nipotina, come sit beside me, nipotina," Nonno spoke with his heavy Italian accent and gave one of his rare smiles to Katerina who looked up at me hesitantly before slowly making her way towards him. (Finally, I get to meet my new grandaughter! Come sit beside me, grandaughter)

The rest of my family and I stood in shock since my Nonno, Stefano De Luca, the founder of our Mafia, is the most cold-blooded of us all. Especially after Nonna passed away a year ago, he hasn't been the same and never smiled nor laughed like that anymore. He practically isolated himself away from the rest of us and remained in Canada while taking care of some Mafia business with that bastard Canadian mafia boss. 

The only reason he even came back to Los Angeles is because of my step-cousin's wedding. And yet, my sweet cucciola managed to make him smile and laugh within seconds of meeting. A prideful smile made its way onto my face before I sat down beside Katerina and wrapped my arm around her waist. She instantly stiffened for a few seconds before looking at everyone and relaxing in my hold. 

"Nonno, this is my sweet wife, Katerina De Luca. Tesoro, this is our Nonno, Stefano De Luca," Katerina nodded her head politely as I introduced them before helping Elijah crawl onto Nonno's lap. Nonno has a soft spot for Elijah and always doted on him the most. 

"It's very nice to meet you, Nonno. I am sorry we were late..." Katerina trailed off nervously but jumped slightly when Nonno suddenly held her hand and gave it a comforting pat. 

"Nessun problema, I am grateful to meet my new nipotina and pronipote! I have heard all about you from Eliana and Arsenio, you are indeed a precious treasure! If I had known those bastard Dale's had such a sweet daughter, I would've married you off to Arosio long ago instead of that filthy Isabella," Nonno remarked as he shook his head in disapproval at the thought of that vile woman while Alanzo snickered with Adriano from across us.  (No problem, I am grateful to meet my new granddaughter and future great grandchild)

"Yeah right... remember how Nonno practically dragged fratello to the courthouse to marry that horrid woman years ago?" Alanzo's smirk fell when Nonno sent him a murderous glare before he smiled towards Katerina nervously. 

Since when did this old-fashion, stubborn man feel nervous?

"Nipotina, don't think your Nonno is an unreasonable man, okay? I am an excellent judge of character. The only reason why I forced Arosio to marry that woman is because Arthur Dale, your paternal grandfather, saved my life once before and he made me promise him a marriage in return," Nonno sighed in annoyance at the memory of that Dale bastard before looking towards Katerina expectantly. 

Katerina gave him a tight smile, not knowing what to say before she looked towards me for help. Taking advantage of the situation, I leaned down and placed a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead. Her eyes widened as a small gasp escaped her sweet lips before she flinched back and sent me a small glare. 

"It's fine, Nonno. What matters now is that Katerina is with me and will always be, right tesoro?" I smiled towards Katerina whose nervousness showed on full display as everyone's eyes focused on her. 

"Yes, of course," she breathed out after a few moments before Nonno let out another deep chuckle.

"Then all is well! I am glad our family is finally complete, and now with my future pronipote on the way, I have nothing else to wish for in life!" Nonno smiled towards Katerina who almost immediately wrapped a protective arm around her small bump. 

She's currently two months pregnant and her stomach has been growing well each day. Mother visits our personal home often with all kinds of Italian delicacies and I hired a nutritionist and team of ten top chefs to prepare each of her meals. Every day, Katerina becomes more and more irresistible as she glows so beautifully, the amount of self-control I have to use to stop myself from throwing her onto our bed every night is killing me. 

"Bisnonno, bisnonno! Did you get me a present?" Elijah hopped off of Nonno's lap before holding his hand out. Katerina giggled at his childish antics and ruffled his hair gently. Nonno seemed very pleased by the fact that Elijah now has a mother in his life unlike before when he was neglected by Isabella. (Great-grandpa)

"Of course! Alanzo, move your lazy self and get the gift from the hall," Nonno ordered as Alanzo grumbled out a few words before disappearing into the hall and returning with a large BMW children's car. 

"Woah! Thank you, Bisnonno!" Elijah exclaimed with a beaming smile before hurrying into the car. Katerina looked slightly worried so I quickly held her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. 

"Thank you, Nonno, it's an amazing gift.My little Eli be careful, okay? Only drive around inside, don't go outside alone, alright?" Katerina spoke softly when she addressed our son and smiled when Elijah nodded his head repeatedly before driving off in the toy car. 

"Don't worry, principessa! I'll watch him," Alanzo promised and ran after Elijah with a few maids following close behind. Katerina quietly thanked him before trying to slip her hand out of mine but I wouldn't let it go. It's been too long since I held her soft hands and I never want to let them go. 

"Hmm, my throat has been hurting since this morning. Nipotina can this old man trouble you for a cup of tea, per favore?" Nonno requested in between coughs and before I could object to making Katerina do any work, she had already agreed and ripped her hand out of mine before hurrying off into the kitchen. (Granddaughter, please)

My darkened gaze remained on Katerina's retreating figure as I clenched my fists in slight annoyance. My sweet wife shouldn't have to do any work, especially when she's pregnant. What do I pay these maids and chefs for? 

Before I could reprimand Nonno, I took notice of how the living room suddenly stilled and the atmosphere instantly became tense once Katerina was out of the room. Looking towards Nonno, I noticed how all of the previous amusement and happy emotions on his face instantly disappeared. Now sitting before us was the previous stoic, emotionless, and coldblooded man that I grew up knowing.  

"Are you all out of your minds?" Nonno suddenly questioned before he sent each of us a hard glare. Adriano rose a brow before questioning what he meant. 

"What do I mean? Quella donna è troppo debole, è chiaramente ancora traumatizzata da quello che è successo qui un mese fa! In quale mondo penseresti che sia una moglie adatta per Arosio? Come può essere la capo della nostra mafia e assistere Arosio quando ha così paura di tutto?" Nonno suddenly bellowed out in anger as I could feel my own anger raise at his accusations against my wife. Unlike Mother who was genuinely surprised at his words, Father and Adriano seemed unfazed and as if they expected Nonno's outburst. (That woman is too weak, she is clearly still traumatized from what happened here a month ago! In what world would you all think that she is a suitable wife for Arosio? How is she suppose to be the head of our Mafia and assist Arosio when she is so afraid of everything?)

"Con tutto il rispetto, Nonno, Katerina è mia moglie e non tollererò nessuno che la rispetti, la famiglia o no. Mia moglie non è debole, è la donna più forte che conosca. È sopravvissuta a tutte le buffonate da incubo di quei bastardi Dale. Ogni giorno mi stupisce con la sua forza, gentilezza e saggezza. La prossima volta che manchi di rispetto a mia moglie, non sarò così gentile e paziente, Nonno," I gritted out in annoyance and ignored my shocked family and furious Nonno when I heard Katerina return to the living room. (With all due respect, nonno, Katerina is my wife and I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting her, family or not. My wife is not weak, she is the strongest woman I know. She has survived all of the nightmarish antics from those bastard Dale people. Every day she amazes me with her strength, kindness and wisdom. The next time you disrespect my wife, I will not be as kind and patient.)

"Oh veramente? Minacceresti tuo nonno per questa donna? Segna le mie parole, ti lascerà non appena avrà la prima possibilità. Le sue paure sono di gran lunga superiori a qualsiasi sentimento che potresti aver avuto l'uno per l'altro," Nonno whispered as he smiled towards Katerina who was walking towards us with six tea cups on the silver platter. (Oh really? You would threaten your own grandfather for this woman? Mark my words, she will leave you as soon as she gets the first chance. Her fears are far greater than whatever feelings you might have had for each other.)

Silently glaring at Nonno, I ignored his words and stood up to take the platter from Katerina but she dodged my hands and bent down to serve the tea to Nonno herself. He smiled at her before meeting my darkened gaze and mumbling a few words that had me silently seething in anger. 

"Non mi credi? Bene, ti faccio vedere che tipo di codardo hai sposato, nipote," Nonno stated with a wicked smirk before he reached his hand behind his back. (Don't believe me? Fine, I will show you what kind of coward you married, grandson)

"Thank you, nipotina. The tea smells good, let me get more comfortable on the sofa first," Nonno stated before swiftly taking the gun out from his back and placing it onto the coffee table before lifting his hand up towards the tea cups. 

The sound of glass shattering broke through the silent room as Katerina's eyes widened at the sight of his gun on the coffee table and instantly dropped the silver platter. I immediately reached out to grasp her shaking hands but was met with her ear-piercing scream as she flinched back and fell onto the floor before crawling away from me. 

"No, please, get away!" Katerina's screams for help killed me on the inside as my jaw clenched in anger and I stood silently fuming at Nonno who simply shook his head before standing up and placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"Vedi te l'avevo detto. Questa ragazza è troppo innocente, non è pensata per oscurare il nostro mondo. Facciamo tutti un favore e liberiamo suo, nipote," Nonno stated before sighing heavily and leaving the room as the rest of my family stood helplessly watching Katerina shivering on the floor in fear with her arms wrapped around herself. (See, I told you. This girl is far too innocent, she isn't meant for our dark world. Do us all a favor and set her free, grandson)


I can do anything in the world except for that. 

I will never let her go, I love Katerina and I know that she loves me too. She would never leave me and Elijah. 

We are a family and always will be. 

Or at least, I thought so... until her actions one month later from today will prove me wrong and effectively break my coldblooded heart into a million pieces. 

Mrs. Katerina De Luca, how could you do this to me? 


Hello Lovely Readers, 

First off thank you so much for waiting patiently! We are almost at 200 thousand reads ahh!!! Here's a rare Arosio POV chapter because many of you kept asking! 

I'm sorry for the late update, I have been studying for my final exam for my summer course which is tomorrow! After that, I will be free to update more for the rest of the summer so let's hope I get an A on this final!!

Here's an extra long update to make up for it! How do we feel about Nonno, and his two faced nature? He acts all smiley to Katerina but then badmouths her as soon as she leaves! But pay attention to his last bit of advice to Arosio, maybe Nonno just doesn't want the innocent Katerina to suffer in their tainted world? Comment what you think! 

