Chapter 13

Arosio De Luca


The only thought running through my mind for the past several hours while I clenched and unclenched my jaw at the pathetic yet still powerful man seated across from me.

If it were up to me, I would have stayed home all day and kept my eyes on my fiery cucciola to make sure that she isn't up to anything. Her drunken words from last night about leaving me at midnight kept replaying in my mind, adding to the fuel of anger that has slowly been building up.

But of course, this bastard refused to reschedule the meeting in his Bairut hotel located in Los Angeles, which is about an hour drive from my childhood mansion. Glancing at my phone, I noticed that there is only about two hours till dinner time at my place and I do not want to miss it.

"Fanculo. Ne ho abbastanza di questa merda, sign the fucking papers Slate," I yelled before standing up and pulling out my gun. Alejandro and Giovanni almost spit out their vodka when they saw me aiming my gun at the infamous Canadian Mafia boss. (Fuck this, I've had enough of this shit.)

The fucking asshole didn't even react, he simply remained staring at his MacBook while his older brother, Lucas, stood up in front of him as if to shield him away from my gun. I let a sinister smile take over as the thought of killing both Moretti brothers seemed quite tempting at the moment.

"Stop it, Aro. Can't you see the man's heartbroken?" the humanist, Alejandro stated as he pointed towards the unfazed Canadian Mafia boss. I was literally aiming a gun at him but he didn't even flinch nor look up from his computer.

Striding forward, I tore the laptop away from his hands and looked at the screen. The image made my brows instantly furrow in confusion. This fucking asshole has been staring at some babies sonogram this whole time? Why is that picture even the screensaver background on his laptop?

"De Luca, I will skin you alive if you don't fucking hand over my laptop right now," Slate threatened before I scoffed and sent him an irritated look. Oh so he finally speaks!

Throwing the laptop back at him, I returned to my seat and signaled Giovanni to hand him the papers. As soon as he signs, I will be out of here and home to my precious princess. The only reason it has taken so long is because Slate keeps finding faults with the deal, resulting in my men printing out a new document, only for him to find another fault with it.

"Sign it and then go fucking sob about your bitch afterwards," I seethed in anger after Giovanni had hesitantly handed the papers over to him and returned to my side.

Within seconds, the dazed man had stood up and pulled out his own gun which was now pressed against my forehead. He did it so fast that none of my men were even able to react in time. I remained calm and simply rose a brow at him, knowing that he wouldn't be able to shoot me. Our fathers had worked together in order to fight the Russian Mafia many years ago, we had a sort of peace treaty between the Italian Mafia and Canadian Mafia now.

"Don't you fucking dare address my wife like that or else I won't hesitate to kill you in the most painful way," Slate bellowed out before he tore the gun away from my forehead and shot one of my men dead instead. The whole room fell into an awkward silence before I leisurely signaled two of my guards to take care of the dead body.

I felt bad for the poor guy who got stuck in between the crossfire but I understood. Slate, much like any Mafia Boss, has a lot of rage and lack of self-control inside him. He needed to kill to prove his words but he knew he couldn't lay a finger on me so he killed one of my men to get back at me. Too bad he thought I would actually give a fuck but I don't.

Unlike him, I'm not some bitch who cares for every single one of my men and blindly trusts people. Yes, I try to be the best Mafia leader and I take care of each of my men, making sure that they are all well-fed and living lavish lives. Rest assured, that dead man's family will receive adequate compensation for the loss of his life. But I am not going to cry and fight about one dead member of my Mafia that consists of thousands of members across America.

"Are you finished with your little bitch fit? Seriously, you defend her so much but she ran away while pregnant with your baby. Isn't she due to give birth any day now? How pitiful, you won't even be able to witness your first child's birth," my taunting words only infuriated the man more but his brother placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from possibly blowing my brains out.

"You have no idea what you are talking about so shut the fuck up before I break the treaty my father made with yours," Slate stated with a murderous glare while I simply smirked at him when he sat down and signed the papers for our deal. He probably just wanted to get rid of me but I wasn't going to let him off that easily.

"Au contraire, I have a little bit of an idea of what happened," I started in a taunting tone and ignored Alejandro who kept signalling me to shut up. This stupid fuck is keeping me away from my family so of course, I want to make him suffer a little bit. Slate's furious gaze snapped up to me as I smirked at him before continuing.

"You, with your soft bitch of a heart, got played by your woman. And how did that happen? Well, obviously it is because someone doesn't know how to tame their woman. I heard it wasn't even the first time that she tried to run away from you, yet you forgave her after the first time and trusted her again...tsk tsk tsk. If my woman ever runs away from me, I will chain her to my bed until she is forced to acknowledge and accept who she belongs to," I smirked in a sinister manner even more when Slate was now visibly shaking with fury at the words that I spoke. Obviously, I had hit a little too close to home.

"Enough. You have your papers, now fuck off," the usually calm Lucas snapped as I held my hands up in surrender before standing up and making my way out of the room.

Before I could step out with my men, I heard another gun shot and another one of my men at the back fell to the ground with a bullet pierced straight through his head. Rolling my eyes, I signaled the same two guards from before to get rid of this body as well.

"A heartless bastard like you will never understand love. I will get my wife and baby back but unlike you, I won't treat my woman sadistically. I've done that once before and learnt my lesson already. You will learn yours too, I hope your woman makes you suffer as much as mine made me," Slate's mocking words filled the room as I pretended not to hear him and exited the hotel room.

There's no way I will ever let my cucciola escape from me. I will do everything possible, moral or immoral, to keep her in her place.


In all 28 years of my life and 8 years of running my Italian Mafia, I can admit to never feeling as much bloodlust and anger as I am feeling right now. After returning home, I didn't even have time to shower since all of my family members were searching for Katerina who had apparently ran off ten minutes ago.

"Where the fuck is my wife?" the furious words left my mouth as I aimed my gun towards the useless maids and butlers. I had ordered all of them to keep an eye on her while I was out and to call me if they see her doing anything suspicious but they couldn't even do such a simple thing. Why should I let them even live for another second?

"Young Master, I saw her heading towards the back patio door," the head butler, Clarence, stated as he remained perfectly calm even with my gun pointed at all of them. Seems like working for the most powerful Mafia family for years helps you to perfect a poker face.

Nodding, I quickly ran off to the back door with my family following me close behind. I could hear two young woman's voices as I got closer to the door. One of them sounded extremely familiar to that whore I married and the other one belonged to my sweet angel.

"Take one more step and I swear to God, nobody will be able to save you from my wrath, tesoro," my dark words and enraged voice made Katerina freeze mid-step and shut her eyes tightly as I stepped out and looked between the two. It was obvious that Katerina had given her clothes to her twin-sister in order to fool us, which only increased my anger even more.

Soon, my parents and brothers came outside and were standing beside me. I could see them looking between the two with slight confusion. I couldn't blame them, they looked almost identical since that whore dyed her hair red and was wearing green contact lens. But my eyes were instantly drawn to Katerina, no matter where she is or who she is with, I will always be able to recognize her.

For a few moments, everything remained completely silent as I fought the urge to drag Katerina up to our bedroom and punish her severely for her actions tonight. Not only did she think and make a declaration of leaving me whilst drunk last night but she actually had the guts to try to do it right now. My furious and darkened gaze remained on her while thinking of all of the sinister ways I could break her will and make her submit to me forever.

I'll be damned before I let that Canadian bastard's words come true.

"What is going on?" father's deep voice boomed as he didn't bother to hide the annoyance in his voice. I could tell that he didn't appreciate Katerina's actions either since he now considers her as his daughter and does not want her to leave.

"I apologize pa--SIR! I apologize, Sir. My name is Katerina Dale, I am Isabella's younger twin sister," Katerina's eyes remained on the ground and she refused to look into father's eyes while lying and pretending as if she hadn't been with us for two days.

The way she addressed father as a stranger made my anger rise even more, and my fists were clenched tightly at my side to stop myself from throwing her over my knees and spanking her until she begs for mercy.

"Sister?" father questioned as he looked between the two of Dale twins. There was something hidden in his sinister gaze, a form of amusement, much like mine and my brothers gazes but that quickly turned into disgust when we looked at Isabella.

Isabella still remained silent as if she was too afraid to speak and offend my powerful Mafia family. Good, she still has some brain cells left in that airhead of hers.

Katerina's wide, frightened gaze slowly lifted towards my family but her eyes instantly fell to the ground when she met my infuriated gaze. I was becoming even more pissed at the fact that she refused to look me in the eyes. She belongs to me, she has no right to refuse me.

"Yes...Sir. I apologize for visiting without prior notice. I had not seen my sister in a few weeks so I came to visit her. I was just about to take my leave, have a lovely evening," her soft voice rushed out nervously before swiftly turning around. She was about to run off, making me clench my jaw in fury again but she froze when Adriano and Alanzo's voices pierced through the air.

"Sembra che la puttana sia tornata. Fratello, la tua coniglietta sta cercando di scappare, ha persino cambiato i suoi vestiti. Ti ha persino tolto l'anello," Adriano spoke in amusement while I glared at him and my eyes zeroed in on Katerina's left hand. She instantly hid her empty hand when she saw me staring at it. (Looks like the whore is back. Brother, your bunny is trying to escape from you, she even changed her clothes. She also took off your ring as well,)

While a part of me commended her bravery to actually ignore my threat and remove the wedding ring that I placed on her, the other part of me couldn't wait to tie her to my bed and punish her for disobeying me yet again. But that will have to wait until tomorrow night when we return to my personal mansion.

"Quanto può essere sfacciata quella puttana? Pensa davvero di poter ingannare la nostra famiglia nel crederle? La nostra principessa è troppo innocente e pura rispetto a lei," Alanzo added mischievously, as he glared towards Isabella who he hated the most. (How shameless can that whore be? She really thinks she can fool our family into believing her? Our princess is far too innocent and pure compared to her)

I was about to put an end to this shit show but stopped when I heard the patio door open and Elijah came running outside. My furious eyes snapped to the maids, who I had specifically ordered to keep Elijah in the dining room, but of course nobody is obeying my words anymore.

"Mommy!" Elijah called out as he ran towards us and we saw Katerina, who was pretending to not be herself, open her mouth to call out to him but she shut her mouth quickly once I rose my brow at her. If she cares this much about us then why the fuck is she trying to leave?

Katerina froze with shock and horror plastered on her angelic face once Elijah landed in front of her and not Isabella. Pride swelled in my cold heart as I fought the urge to pat his head. What can I say, he's my son so obviously he will recognize my woman.

I watched intently as Katerina stared at Elijah for a few seconds with a painful expression. It was as if she was debating something internally before she finally met his gaze with a determined look. With my brow lifted, my dark eyes bored into the side of her face, silently challenging her to say what I thought she was going to say.

'Cucciola, the moment you say those words, your punishment will become even more severe than it already is going to be,' I sneered in my mind before glaring at her when I heard her next words.

"I'm not your mommy. You must be Elijah? I am actually your auntie, your mommy is over there. I am her twin sister," she grimaced as if the words had burnt her tongue but I was too busy planning out all of the ways to make her beg me for mercy. At first, her punishment was going to be one week but after hearing her words, I think it will have to be two weeks. Or should it be three weeks instead?

I will break you and make you submit to me, tesoro. Nothing will save you from my wrath, not even God nor the heavens can protect you now.

Elijah looked at her in confusion before turning around and looking towards Isabella who slowly nodded her head as if to agree. I scoffed at her in disgust, the things that woman would do for more money.

"I'm sorry, auntie. Mommy!" Elijah quickly apologized to Katerina before hurrying towards Isabella and hugging her legs. What that whore did made me instantly pull out my gun as mother gasped aloud behind us.

Isabella had visibly stiffened before pushing my son away from her legs. Katerina stared at her with her jaw dropped to the floor, she was completely disgusted by her twin sisters behavior as well. Elijah looked up at her with teary eyes since he couldn't comprehend her sudden coldness which differed from the motherly warmth that Katerina had given him these past few days.

"Are you mad at me, mommy? I promised to be a good boy before though," he mumbled sadly while he got up and slowly hugged her legs again.

My eyes became bloodshot and I was sure that my bloodlust and killing intent had filled the air because of that whore's next actions.

Isabella had scoffed at my son who was hugging her before she pushed him away, this time with more force, making him fall into the in-ground pool beside us. I stepped forward with my brothers to save Elijah but froze when Katerina instantly released a blood-curling scream and jumped into the pool herself. Father was too busy holding mother back from ripping that whore apart or else I knew he would have shot Isabella dead for what she did to Elijah.

"It's okay, my little prince. You are safe, don't worry, it's going to be alright," Katerina continued whispering to Elijah once she exited the pool with him and sat on the cold ground. Her body began to shiver from her wet clothes, making me instantly frown. I took off my coat before draping it over the both of them. Her frightened gaze snapped up to me, she looked so innocent and I couldn't help but admire her courageousness for jumping into the pool to save my son.

But don't get it twisted, she will still be punished severely later on. She needs to learn who she belongs to and know that I will not tolerate her disrespectful behavior.

"Unhand me, do you know who the fuck I am? I am Isabella Dale, how dare you touch me?" the whore continued to yell profanities as Katerina hugged Elijah closer to her shivering body and covered his ears from hearing that horrible woman's words. Elijah eventually calmed down, making the both of us to release a sigh of relief and I signaled the maids over to take him away. Katerina seemed reluctant to let him go but eventually handed him over since he needs to be changed into warm clothes.

Now that Elijah was away from us, I was able to place my full attention back on that whore. Nodding towards my guard, I smiled sadistically when he slapped Isabella across her face twice with the back of his gun. Katerina was staring at them in horror with her mouth agape and I could already tell that she didn't agree with what was happening.

Too bad, tesoro. This is the Mafia, and you are now forever a part of it. Better get used to it sooner rather than later.

"No, I won't sign them. What is--" Isabella began to scream when my guard shoved the documents in her face but she froze mid-sentence when I placed my gun against her temple.

"You have three seconds, whore. You are lucky no one here has shot you dead for what you just did to my son," I stated sadistically as I shoved the papers and pen back in her face. I heard Katerina gasp in shock, since she had never seen me act like this before, and saw her crawling away from us on the ground in pure terror.

Isabella quickly nodded her head with tears and before I could even count to one, she had signed each of the papers. A victorious smirk made its way onto my face as I handed the documents to Adriano.

"What were those papers?" Isabella questioned fearfully while blood trickled down the side of her face, making Katerina grimace and shut her eyes. I fought the sudden urge to pull her into my arms and comfort her.

"Divorce papers." my simple two words had Katerina's eyes widening in shock with an involuntary gasp escaping her lips. My darkened gaze instantly snapped to her and she seemed to finally realize the truth. I watched with a smirk as realization hit her full force while she processed the fact that we knew who she really was all this time.

Katerina's fearful wide eyes shifted to the rest of my family who did not look surprised, in fact, father and my brothers looked quite content when they saw Isabella sign the divorce papers. They couldn't help it, we all hated that whore with a great passion.

" could you? Our grandfathers made a pact, a marriage needs to take place between the De Luca and Dale family! The Mafia never breaks a pact," Isabella uttered in shock and was yanked and made to stand up roughly by my two guards. They hated her too, not surprising at all.

Instead of replying to her, I let out a dark chuckle before signalling Adriano over who brought forth documents. Recognition flashed across Katerina's beautiful eyes once she saw the papers, making her slowly stand up and inch further away from my family before freezing when I shot her a challenging gaze. I stared at her, not bothering to hide the pure evil glint in my dark eyes, as if to challenge the little bunny to take another step away from me.

I will make her regret every single disobedient action she took today later on.

"Indeed, we never break a pact. I am married to a Dale family member and will always be married to her for the rest of eternity," I started with a smirk as Katerina continued to look between me and my family in pure terror.

"What? To who?" Isabella's brows furrowed and she tried to take the documents away but was pulled back by the guards who twisted her arms behind her back.

"To my sweet Katerina, of course. Guards, take this whore off of my property and throw that ring on her finger into the trash. I will need to make my tesoro a new ring," my deep voice penetrated the silent night and I swear, I think I saw something snap in my innocent bunny's round eyes.

Throwing my suit jacket onto the ground, she rushed towards me and tore the papers out of my hands. She didn't even pay attention as the guards dragged Isabella away. Instead, she was focused on reading each page and saw the signature that she had left on the papers during breakfast.

It was our marriage document and she had officially signed and sealed her fate away for forever. She is officially mine for the rest of eternity, I thought to myself with a victorious smirk that faltered drastically when a sob escaped her sweet lips. With tears pouring down her eyes nonstop, she turned to look at Adriano and Alanzo with an accusing glance since they had tricked her this morning along with me. They both looked slightly guilty and turned their faces away from her.

"Ah, my little cucciola. Did you really think you could fool the Mafia family with your terrible acting?" my words interrupted her inner monologue as her gaze snapped up to meet my wicked smirk while I chuckled at her darkly. This instantly resulted in her glaring at me before taking several steps back. My jaw clenched in anger, not appreciating her disobedience one bit.

For a few moments, Katerina remained perfectly still and silent as if she was trying to keep her emotions under control. I smirked at her adorable pissed off expression and suddenly wanted to know just how far I could push my sweet angel before she finally broke.

Of course, I would be there to pick up the pieces as her knight in shining armor and slowly help to rebuild her once again. That way, she will forever be at my mercy and never think of leaving me again.

Smirking evilly, I stalked towards her and leaned down towards her frightened face. My lips brushed against her ear, making her instantly shiver which brought a smile onto my face at the effects I had on her body.

"Behave and be a good obedient wife from now on. If you listen well, I will lessen your punishments for trying to leave and for taking off the ring, tesoro" I whispered huskily into her ear and I think I heard something snap again in her mind.

Her beautiful green eyes darkened before she pushed me away with sudden force and slapped me across my face. I could hear my family gasp in shock as I myself was surprised at the sudden fury she was displaying.

"FUCK YOU" she screamed before ramming her knee up into my private parts, making me instantly double over in pain. I could feel my anger intensify even more and any thoughts of being gentle with her during her punishment in our bedroom afterwards flew out the window.

As if she hadn't done enough, she had the nerve to land a punch across my jaw before she kicked me straight into the pool. I heard my family scream in shock before water completely engulfed me. Quickly swimming up to surface, I jumped out of the pool and watched in shock as Katerina sprinted faster than a fucking cheetah towards the back gate.

You, my fiery girl, have sealed your fate tonight. I will break that defiant spirit of yours and watch you fall at my feet, begging me for mercy.

Without wasting another second, I ran after her with my brothers and guards hot on my trail. For the first time in many years, I felt the familiar fear of losing someone I love take over my mind as I saw her make it out the back gate and run towards a parked car.

"DRIVE NOW!" I heard her yell as soon as she ripped the front door of the black Audi open, and pushed my legs even faster. Right as I reached the car, they drove off leaving me staring after her with nothing but a trail of dust left behind.

'Mark my words, tesoro, I will make you regret this very day. Within 24 hours, you will be withering in pain on my bed as I punish you for every disobedient act you have committed today, my sweet angel," I thought to myself with a sinister smile before returning to the backyard, leaving my stunned brothers and guards staring at my calm demeanor.


Hello lovely readers,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I felt that Arosio's perspective is important too ya know? (even though his thinking is very messed up Ahahaa)

