20 . Rage not Fear

She was the storm with her rage

And the rain after with the regret .

There she stood , facing men with guns and some with knives . She was too familiar with all the stuff . It wasn't her choice to be . Rather the only option that was left for her .

There wasn't a hint of fear in her dark eyes , when she met their eyes . She was not the one to cower , but the one to make others tremble in fear . Somebody told her that and she lives by that one sentence ever since . But fear wasn't something that pulled her down . It was her rage . The rage that would spread like fire near hell . Eventually turning everything to ashes .

She was now everything she wished she was when living in that fucking nightmare .


" Let's finish this up quickly okay ? "  you crack you knuckles and crane your neck before smirking a bit seeing some slightly taken aback by how ready you were to fight . But then again they were wrong .

You take a chair from the huge dining table in the middle of the room . You sit with your one leg crossed & kept on your other thigh and relax back a bit .

You were bored with fighting , so now suddenly you wanted to talk . If possible that is .

" You should sit as well . I'm not gonna fight until I have to . Promise . " You mockingly say the last part .

A few minutes pass and you have seven men sitting infront of you with their fists clenched and ready to attack , even though you clearly didn't want to attack .

" Let's talk shall we ? " you start .

" I'll get straight to the point here . I know why you got me and I also know you prepared a lot to keep me here . So I'll make you a deal . " You raise your eyebrow a bit expecting a reply .

" What deal ? " RM asks , folding his arms to his chest .

" I will help you " you smirk knowing they would never have expected you to say that .

" Bullshit " suga spits as others Snicker.

" I was being kind here okay ?  . " You knew this would be there reaction  . You had it all planned . Just in a few minutes that is .

" Why would we trust you ? " Jin smirks as he relaxes a bit too but still not letting his gaurd down .

" Well I've done this a lot of times and by looking at what you have against him . You do need help  . And tell me
Who will be a better help than me ? Hm ? " you roll you eyes thinking just how stupid people are to fall into the lies of your father . He has so much more going on than what people think there is actually .

"You're underestimating us princess. Just because you don't what's going on . Doesn't mean we are clueless here . "

" Well the only thing I did was overestimate you . And that was a mistake " you couldn't help but scoff at what he said .

" How are you so sure huh ? " Suga gritted out

You simply smirk and begin " if I know it right then the first thing you would have got to know about would be his mansion . " Their faces fell and you could see the displeasure in it . Just as I thought .

" Then you would found out about the personal details like date and place of birth , parent details and siblings and I'm 100% sure it even says that he joined the Mafia when he was 20 or something " how did you know about this ? Well you were always curious about everything and this was one thing you sneaked upon one day .

" And please let me tell you something . That shit's a total lie . He wasn't born in September or in Spain and his parents weren't Russians , he had a brother well step brother and he didn't join the Mafia when he was 20 . He was born into this shit " you wished you could capture thier faces.

Well shit happens . You can't blame me for falling for that .  The information was somewhat believable so ain't their fault too .

" Why do you know this? " RM asks calmly .

" You don't suppose I stayed dumb the whole time ? I know more than I'm supposed to know leader  "  the smirk just isn't leaving your face tonight .

" Why do you want to help us ? There isn't a possible good reason why we should trust you when you're on the same team ? " Rm casually addresses the confusion , relaxing a bit as well .

" Fair enough . You wouldn't trust me but you should . This is really a good opportunity for you , that is if you want to bring him down. I mean not everybody is ready to betray so easily now a days you know . " You were pretty sure they weren't going to buy that but it was worth a try .

" You still didn't answer the question yet . " The only person talking reminds .

" That . Just consider it a revenge . Yeah revenge " you lie .

" On what ? " V cuts in between as you smirk again .

" A lot of things actually . " You murmured

" Like what ? We've got time " jimin adds along with V

" Do you want my help or not ? " You change the subject , getting annoyed by the drag .

" No " simple denial and the leader seemed to think about it .

You act surprised to continue your lie . You knew all along this was end but you did something that might make them think twice . Fight inside the group is how it breaks .  Her loyalty was questioned but she knows she doesn't have to prove shit to some bitches she found one night .

" Well it's your loss . Now " you stand up , pushing your chair a bit back with it .

" I get what I want even if you don't want anything " you keep the chair back from where you took it and turn around to few men behind you with guns standing .

You sigh before kicking one guy on his chest and snatching his gun from him , shooting the other two nearby . You take another gun as well .

I really didn't want to do this .

Shooting until the bullets run out or maybe until bodies ran out to shoot . Same difference . You couldn't care less if you got shot or not but you were going to make them afraid . Atleast.

Just as you think that , you get shot . Right at the shoulder  . You scoff before you turn to see the m*therf*cker who decided to get in trouble  . You could see he regretted the decision as bullets go through his arm. You just shoot for a five minutes straight before leaving a few men at the very end and focus on the " kidnappers" for a while .

" Well , you should be thankful I kept you at the end  " not even a second saying this , you're dodging bullets being showered on you by them . You don't stop your shooting until you see a huge chandelier hung from the above and that too right above them .

You smirk before stopping your shooting just to raise the gun high and aiming for the chandelier . You get shot again , on the leg this time . You never shivered for that shit and neither will you now . Your finger on the trigger , the end to everything . You pull the trigger , smirking  and getting shot again .

meet y'all in hell yeah ? "


I'm sorry ( for the cliffhanger babe ;)

That's all .
I'm back . ( Yay not so surprising ik )



