Lies cover the truth , acts help the truth escape .
There's a difference .


No one p.o.v

" F*ck " he cursed looking at his wrist that was cuffed by her . While he was lost in her seduction .

" Gottcha" she softly exclaims still having her face near his , tracing her finger from his jawline down to his chest she stands back infront of him with sly smirk on her face.

Another victory to celebrate

She would have entertained him more but she had to leave so she'll keep this for another time maybe .

" You really shouldn't have joined me .. see where you ended up . " She says as she walks around him .

"You ! - give me the key Now ! " He shouts as he tries to stands but couldn't because of the cuffs . The words just skip out of his mouth without any thought.

Key ?

She chuckles before answering " if I had a key with myself I wouldn't have waiting for you or someone and would have left long ago sweetheart ." She mocks him after reaching for the door after giving him a flying kiss and wink .

" Adios hope ".


The whole hallway was empty , not even the maids were seen anywhere .

What happened? Did someone die or something?  Good for me anyway

Ignoring all her thoughts she proceeds walking in the empty hallway while embracing the cold air around.

Yeonjun didn't come again ,I thought he would . Nah I don't care anyway . I thanked him and that's all .

But he doesn't even know why .

Feeling slightly disturbed she continues to walk but abruptly stops when a another realisation hits her .

Jungkook's still here . Oh how could I forget him .

Changing her pace into a more slower and stealth one , she quietly tries to find the main hall once again .
She comes to a halt when several doors come in her vision .

He might be one of these . I'll have to be more careful.

Okay y\n you can do it just stay sharp or get caught . Again .

Tiptoeing , you pass three doors , slowly crossing the fourth your steps stop as you are grabbed inside a room by a big hand and slammed on the door harshly.

Oh no

You got caught . Again . By jungkook. And now you were standing right in front of him well more likely trapped .

He stood there with a expression of confusion and annoyance. When is he not annoyed ?  Bitch always has something to sulk about .

" Um hi ? " You awkwardly start. He raises an eyebrow and then speaks .

" What are you doing? " Seriously ? What did it look like ? Scuba-gliding ?

" Nothing just wandering and roaming " you say as an innocent.

" Why are you out of your cell ? And where is hyung ? "

" I killed him . " I say in a plain tone waiting for his reaction . And it was hilarious .

His face changed into worry for two seconds and then changed into a furious one . So angry that he punched the door beside me , I can't help but sigh at his attempt to scare me .

"  I didn't kill him and he's. Fine " you breathe out trying to reach the doorknob but he sees that and grabs your hand before it could reach the knob and pins your hands at the door while glaring at you.

" Don't . And go back to your cell . Now ! ". He say emphasing the last word . Yeah . As if  you will tell me and I will listen .

"Okay . " You say as you slip out of his grip easily and open the door and silently get out . Let me just get out of here .
As soon as you direction changes you are once again pinned against the wall .

Here we go again . Has some obsession with keeping people in place I see .

" I told you to get back in the cell ! " He grits out .

" As if I will listen to you and I didn't leave because you didn't let me but because I had some work with someone here . Or else i would have been out a long time ago. " You say with a small smirk as his face changes into confusion.

" Why are you behind him ?. Since morning you're flirting him and then even stayed back for him ? Why would you do that ? " He asks as your face changed into a dark one thinking of how he saved you from that disgusting place . You felt loathsome to even think about it .

" He saved me once" . It was the first time he heard the disgust in your deep voice and he didn't fail to catch that .

" When ? ". He question didn't help. your mind was already a mess with just a little memory and you weren't ready to let it out yet.

" When I was young . Some shit happened and he helped me in running  away  So I just wanted to thank him for that but I couldn't ." You just shortly tell him what had happened. There's no way you would try to remember that nightmare again .

" That's why you were like that ." He says as he lets go of you . You start to think he had forgot about you getting out . You slowly slip away from him .

" Okay so I'll go now ." You state as you eye him while walking away.

"Where are you going ? " You stop for a second, you utter
" house " before hastily walking away .

The place you lived was never your home

" Oh okay .- wait ! What yah stop Stop ! " He realises as he runs behind you .

" You can't catch me jk ." You say with smirk and run towards the main hall . Atleast you hope you're going towards the main door .

Hope you don't catch me though .


Hey guys .
Sorry for late update and one more thing . I won't be able to update for some time . Probably after a month or so .
So please just wait for some time and thank you for waiting .

Stay safe & happy .

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