Prompt: Healing/Hurting

Healing (more emotionally though than physially, right after USJ)

After USJ, Aizawa didn't talk. Well, he did when he had too, like for teaching, but other then that, he remained silent. None of his students noticed, but Nemuri did, Nezu did, Vlad did, Yamada definitely did.

When anyone asked him about it, he'd shrug and walked away. Yamada wanted to know though, wanted to know why his friend was so sad. So he did the only logical thing he could think of.

He broke into Aizawa's house.

Aizawa jumped when his balcony door opened, eyes widening and when he realized it was Yamada, his eyes narrowed. Aizawa looked the blond from head to toe before gong back to his work and Yamada sighed, closing the balcony door and pulling up a chair to sit in.

He leaned on Aizawa's desk and stared at the other man. "Shouta!!! Why havent you been talking?" he whined and Aizawa ignored him, fiddling with his pencil since it didn't want to stay uprigt in his bandaged hand.

"Shouta~" Yamada whined, poking the other's cheek. Aizawa smacked the hand away, looking at the blonde quickly before going back to his grading.

"Shouta," Yamada said quieter. "Please tell me." Aizawa sighed slowly, leaning back in his chair. He played with his bandaged fingers before slowly meeting the other's eyes.

Aizawa's eyes had tears in them and the moment he and Yamada made contact, the blonde wrapped the raven up into a hug. "Hey, hey, it's okay," Yamada said in a soothing voice, rubbing the other teacher's back.

Aizawa letting himself be wrapped up in the hug and let himself melt into the warmth. He buried his face into Yamada's shoulder as he let the tears fall down his face. Once Aizawa calmed a little, Yamada pulled back and looked at his face.

"Hey, hey," Yamada said, keeping the quiet tone as he pressed one of his hands to Aizawa's cheek. "It's okay, just-why-are you okay?" Yamada asked, stumbling over the many questions he had to ask. Aizawa bit his lip and looked to the side, avoiding Yamada's gaze. "I just-" Aizawa inhaled slowly, looking at his best friend.

"I almost died, and if Iida hadn't gotten the other teachers, so many of my students could've died and it would have been my fault for not being able to protect them. I should've been able to--" Aizawa broke into sobs half way through his sentence and Yamada hugged him once again, rubbing soothing circles onto his back.

"Hey, it's not your fault. It was you against an entire swarm of villains, which you did take out and stopped them from hurting your students, that Nomu guy and that freaky hand dude. You're alive though, you're students are all alive, nothing bad happened and you're still here." Yamada said, softly as the other teacher slowly stopped crying.

"But they could have--" "Could have, not did. Everyone's still here, no one's dead, they're still alive and nothing like this will ever happen again." Yamada tried to calm down the other teacher.

Aizawa bit his lip and nodded, rubbing at his always red eyes. "Ye-yeah, we should.... We have to make sure the little shits don't die too early." Aizawa said, a small smile being placed on his lips and Yamada laughed, fluffing up the black hair on Aizawa's head, making the other pout jokingly.

"See? Already back to your normal self!!!" I promise you though, this will never happen again." Yamada said.

And a few months after, the villain league attacked, taking Bakugou and Aizawa didn't know what to do. Oh, well. That's a story for another time.
