Prompt: AU/ Free Day

Au- Hockey player x figure skater

Aizawa put his hair up into his hair tie, raising his ponytail up while a few strands still fell out. He tightened up his skates and stepped onto the ice. Finally, the hockey players had ended practice and now Aizawa and Nemuri could practice their skating programs.

Nemuri turned to him as she skated backwards, her light purple skirt fluttering a little. "The blonde was checking you out~" she claimed and Aizawa rolled his eyes as he did a small toe jump to start warming up. Nemuri applauded when he landed and smiled at him.

"He wasn't, you're seeing things." he shot back and she shrugged, stretching her white sleeved arms behind her back. "Naw, Shota, I swear this time he was staring." she claimed and put her hands on her hips. Aizawa rolled his eyes again. "You should be practicing, not gossiping. You couldn't land your triple Salchow last practice and Coach chewed you out." Aizawa said.

Nemuri pouted, putting her hand on her hair bun to make sure it was still tight. "That's only because Yuu called out to me to cheer me on while practice was going on." she claimed. Aizawa hummed. "Sure." he muttered and continued skating in a circle before pushing off into a triple Salchow.

"I'll let you gossip once you land that." he said once he hit the nice, turning around to face Nemuri, who was smiling at something by the door. She turned to him with a bright smile. "Sure!" she said and immediately started racing around the ice before pushing off into a triple Salchow, only to have pushed too hard and lose balance, falling onto the ice.

Aizawa skated over to her, leaning to face her. "You pushed too hard." he pointed out and she wrinkled her nose at him before smirking. "Sure, okay. I failed that. Just so you know, you're bending over like that and londie is staring at your ass." she claimed and Aizawa's face flushed and he stood up straight. He didn't look over his shoulder, instead locked eyes with Nemuri.

'Get up." he said, his voice tight and she laughed. "Okay, okay okay." she muttered and reached out her hand for his help. He sighed and grabbed it and heaved her up to her feet. "There, now, try the triple Salchow again." he said and Nemuri rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." she said annoyedly and skated slower before jumping up.

She smiled brightly when she landed and turned to the raven. "There! See? I can land it!" she claimed and Aizawa shrugged. "Sure, sure. You can do it. Just stay focused when you do the jumps. You'd lose points for that in a competition." he pointed out and she pouted.

"Fine. but! You fell during you're triple Axel last practice too!! You need to practice that!" she argued and Aizawa sighed. "I'll do that later, we should technically be practicing our programs." Aizawa said, trying to change the topic and Nemuri sighed.

"Fiiiine." se whined and skated over to her phone, plugging it into her speaker. "Which program?" she asked, looking up at him as he skated to the center of the ice. "Uhm, the one.... I think you labeled it 'Slut Shota' because apparently that's what my program was too you? It's the one by White Comic." he said and she sighed. "I called it the 'Slut Song', first of all. And second of all, how am I not supposed to call it that? Have you seen your outfit for it? Do you realize you shake your ass a lot in that song?"

He glared at her, mentally telling he to start the music and she turned around to her phone, clicking on the music and it began.

"I can't believe Nezu let you choose a rock song!" she shouted and he glared at her as "This Ain't The End Of Me' started. He skated in a small circle, switching his feet back and forth in beat of the music and the moment lyrics filled the rink, he pushed himself up into a Triple Salchow, landing it before jumping and doing a toe loop.

He skated backwards, leaning forward and moving his arms along to the beat.

Aizawa jumped once again, but this time attempted a split before landing back down. Nemuri watched an smiled as he continued on, finishing by skating across the ice slowly, kneeling.

She smiled at him, ready to open her mouth but was interrupted by someone clapping. Aizawa's face flushed even more than it was before as he turned around to see someone leaning over the edge of the rink wall, clapping and smiling.

The blonde smiled. "That was really good!" he cheered and Nemuri smiled, looking at Aizawa. 'Right?" she asked, looking at Aizawa as he stood on both feet. Aizawa turned to the hockey player and shrugged. "Wasn't that good, I'm thinking of adding a few more jumps." he said and Nemuri's eyes widened.

"Do you want to kill yourself?" she asked and he ignored her. "Shouldn't you have gone home by now?" Aizawa asked and the blonde smiled sheepishly, tugging at the edge of his hockey team shirt. "Well, I wanted to watch you. You're always here waiting for our practice to end so I wanted to see what you did when we left." the blonde claimed.

"Oh, uh, by the way! Name's Yamada Hizashi." the blonde said, sticking his hand out across the nice. Aizawa looked at the blonde before skating over and shaking it. "Aizawa Shouta." he said in a low voice. Nemuri skate over too, leaning against the wall next to them.

"And Iiiii'm!!" she smiled brightly turning t Yamada. "Nemuri Kayama! Best female skater! Skater naaaame!!! Midnight!" she introduced herself overdramatically and Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"I already told you, you don't need a 'skater' name." Aizawa claimed and Nemuri and Yamada pouted. "Aw, do you not have one then?" Yamada asked and Aizawa nodded. "Of course I don't have one." he said and Yamada rested his chin in his hand, closing his eyes and the two figure skaters looked at him.

"I know!" he shouted suddenly, almost making Nemuri fall backwards on the ice. Yamada pointed at Aizawa. "Eraserhead!" he shouted and Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Why that?'' he asked.

"Because," Yamada started." When everyone looks at you, every other thought will be erased from their heads when watching how beautiful you skate!" Yamada claimed and Aizawa felt his cheeks eat up. "Fine, whatever." he muttered, turning away.

Nemuri smiled. "You going to practice that Triple Axel yet?" she teased and Aizawa promptly flipped her off, causing her to giggle.

Yamada watched as Aizawa skated slowly around the nice before jumping up into the air, ankles pressed together so his toe of one foot met the heel of the other. As he spun, the few strands of loose hair fell around his face elegantly and he closed his eyes, breathing out slowly. He looked beautiful, or at least, that's what Yamada thought.

Aizawa spun around three and a half times before landing briefly, only to fall sideways.

Nwmuri snorted and he glared at her with his blood shot eyes. "Shut up, Miss-Couldn't-Land-A-Simple-Salchow!" he shot back and she stuck her tongue out. "Well, I thought it was beautiful, up until the falling part, obviously." Yamada claimed and Aizawa's face flushed again before he stood up. "Whatever." he muttered.


IT was the day of Aizawa's and Nemuri's competition, and they were both freaking out. "There's too many people." Aizawa said, looking at the audience with slightly widened eyes. "Yuu is watching, Yuu is watching. What if I fail?" Nemuri breathed out, grabbing Aizawa's shoulders.

"You're not going to fail, you've 'mastered' the Triple Salchow and your Lutz, which is the hardest jump in your whole program. Besides, as long as you don't fall, you'll still get enough points the win at least bronze." Aizawa tried to calm his friend but she just kept pacing, waving her hands at her made up face.

Nemuri was wearing a light purple tight top that fit her form like a second skin with a skirt that fell in strands around her waist, all a different shade of purple, ending from her knees to her mid-calves. Her hair was up in an elegant bun with little braids going up the side and her dark purple mascara was pointed at the end like a cat. She also wore light purple lipstick, which Aizawa had tried talking her out of but she refused to listen to his advice.

Nemuri stuck her tongue out at Aizawa, careful not to ruin her lipstick. "No, I'm gonna win gold and bump you down to second best skater." she claimed, crossing her arms. Aizawa snorted. "Sure, whatever." he retorted and Nemuri grabbed the edge of his shirt.

Aizawa was wearing a black long sleeved shirt that had see through strips around his mid-torso. He wore black legging that also had, way more, see-through strips, especially around his thighs. A thick, tan scarf was placed around his neck. He had little makeup on, mostly just black eyeliner around his eyes and he hair was done up in a half ponytail.

"I'm totally gonna win, ya slut." she teased and Aizawa's ears turned red. "I'm not a slut.' he argued. NEmuri poked at one of the see-through strips on his leg and he flinched away. "Your very visible thighs say otherwise." she teased and Aizawa smacked her shoulder.

"This is harassment." he claimed jokingly. Someone tapped on the door and the two turned, seeing a very familiar head of blonde hair. Aizawa's face flushed ten colors and Nemuri laughed before running over and giving Yamada a hug. "Did you come all the way here just to see little ol' us?" Nemuri asked and Yamada laughed.

"Yep! Game ended earlier than we thought it would! The other team absolutely sucked!" Yamada claimed and Nemuri nodded, turning to Aizawa and winking. "Well, I'm skating soon, keep Aizawa company for me?" she asked and ran out of the room before waiting for an answer.

Aizawa looked at the blonde who was looking at Aizawa's outfit, face tinted red and Aizawa shifted a little under his gaze. Yamada smiled brightly at Aizawa after a few moments. "You're outfit's kinda revealing." Yamada muttered and Aizawa shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean, revealing gets attention though, right?" Aizawa said, rubbing his arm and suddenly his face lit up. "Oh, hey, I wanna show you something." Aizawa said, unwrapping about five inches of his scarf carefully. He showed Yamada the inside of the scarf, which had, in big black capital letters, the word 'Eraserhead.'

Yamada's face lit up. "Omigod! You're actually keeping the name?" he asked excitedly and Aizawa shrugged, rewrapping the scarf slowly. "I mean, sure, why not?" Aizawa muttered. "Nezu found it funny though. Oh, we should go watch Nemuri's performance though, I want to make sure she doesn't fail." Aizawa said, walking out of the room and Yamada snorted.

"You got so much faith in your girlfriend." Yamada said and Aizawa froze, turning to look at the blonde. "Girl-what? I'm gay." Aizawa said and Yamada's face flushed. "Oh, I thought you two were...." he trailed off awkwardly and Aizawa let out a small laugh.

"Now dude, anyway, even if I was straight, I would have better taste than Nemuri." Aizawa claimed and Yamada laughed. "Well, okay. That's--that's good." Yamada said quietly and the two walked side by side.

"Why? Did you want to date her? Because if so, she's got a mega crush on one of our friends." Aizawa said and Yamada shook his head. "Naw, it's not her I'm into." Yamada muttered and his face turned red once he realized the words that came out of his mouth.

"Uh-I mean-well that's just--" Yamada stumbled over his words and was suddenly stopped by Aizawa yanking the front of his shirt down and Aizawa looked into his eyes. "Do, do you mean that?" he asked Yamada, eyes looking into Yamada's.

The blonde swallowed and smiled slightly. "That I like you? Uhm..." Yamada breathed out slow, his breath fanning over Aizawa's face. "Yeah..." Yamada said slowly and Aizawa smiled.

"Good, I like you too." Aizawa said and Yamada smiled. "I'd also kiss you but you'd mess up my makeup and I'm on after Nemuri is so maybe later." Aizawa said and smiled to himself when Yamada's face flushed.

"O-okay." e stuttered out and the two walked out just as Nemuri was called onto the rink.


In the end, Aizawa won Gold (like he almost always did), some jumpy blonde named Yuuma won Silver and Nemuri won Bronze (also like she almost always did).

Aizawa ran over to Yamada after interviews and pictures were done and smiled at Yamada. "So... I'm not skating anymore." Aizawa said, smiling up at Yamada who immediately connected their lips, placing his hands on Aizawa's shoulder and Aizawa smiled before pulling away.

Aizawa was about to say something but was interrupted by Nemuri squealing, running over and dragging Yuu behind her. "You two!!!" she squealed and Yuu laughed. Nemuri punched Aizawa's shoulder and he winced, holding his shoulder after putting his bouquet of flowers (courtesy of his old classmate Tensei) in his other hand.

"Kayama!" he shouted at her and she shrugged. "Your supposed to tell me shit like this." she argued. "You were skating." he whined and Yamada laughed, wrapping an arm around Aizawa's waist and Aizawa leaned toward him.

Yuu ran her hand through her platinum blonde hair and smiled. "You two are cute." she stated and Aizawa's face paled. "Whatever," he muttered and a few people took pictures of him and Yamada before running off.

"Nemuri pouted at the two, then turned to Aizawa. "You cheated." she claimed and Aizawa smirked, leaning more into his new boyfriend. "I have no clue what you're talking about." he said and she stomped her foot angrily. "You were totally practicing that Triple Axel behind my back! You aced it!!" she whined and Aizawa laughed.

"That's what happens when you practice." he said and Yamada chuckled. "That would help. Like I won't rush into a game without having studied the other teams skills and practicing on my own skills. Besides, Aizawa did amazing." Yamada claimed and Nemuri frowned.

"You're biased." she pointed out and he shrugged. "Yep."
