April 10, 2014

I can't allow these voices to control me anymore. They have hurt me way too much. I figured if I do what they want, they would leave me alone, but now that I don't, the voices are worse than ever. They are everywhere, they follow me, sometimes images with them.

I think they are pissed at me. I think they are after me. I mean I knew this was going on for a while but I never knew it would become this bad. It started off with shadow like figures, then laughter, then foot patterns, then images, and then people then mumbling, but now it's full voices loud and clear. I can't get rid of them. I figured It was the medication causing the voices to become worse so I stopped taking it but it's been A week and I still hear them loud and clear.

I can't do what they want anymore. I don't want to lose my trust with the people I love anymore than I have. I Just think they want to fuck my life up even more I need this under control but everyone I talk to calls me crazy. I can't go back to the mental hospital, Its horrible there.

I feel like a danger to myself and the ones around me. I just can't do this shit anymore. That's the only reason I isolate myself. I can't get over this shit. I'm so numbed by these emotions and I hate it but I can't get this shit under control. It needs to be and fast before something terrible happens...

