Part 7


Yes I want you to stop. This is ridiculous Enid. I wanted your help to determine if my visions were triggered by kissing. This is too far Enid, it's too much. This isn't what I asked for

She steps back and turns from Enid, Enid's face drops


Wednesday... it wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry...

She stays still. Letting Wednesday determine the next move


It's ok. No need to apologise. I... just need... to go. I need to go now

She goes to open the door but Enid is still stood in front of it. She doesn't move


I'm going to need you to move Enid


I will. Just first... Wednesday look at me...

Wednesday allows her full eye contact. She doesn't blink


Did any of that mean anything to you?

Wednesday remains quiet and unblinking. She stares at Enid. Her mouth is silent but her thoughts are loud


The way you kissed me... it took my breath away. I know it was just research to you but did you find something more than what you intended to find? Did it mean anything?

Wednesday swallows and leans towards the door handle


I need some air

Enid doesn't move




Excuse me?

Enid shifts slightly and swallows but stands her ground


No. You don't get to just kiss me like the world is ending and then not tell me how you feel. You asked to kiss me Wednesday, YOU kissed ME... and I agreed but something happened. For me. I felt things... and I think at the very least I need to know if you feel the same way. I need to know if you felt more than a kiss... that I was more than research... I need to know... that I... that you...

Wednesday grabs the door handle and starts to turn it, she opens the door by an inch


Enid I'm not having this conversation right now...

Enid leans against the door closing it again


Yes we are

Wednesday glares at Enid




Oh I'm sorry... did you mistake me for someone who is scared of you?

She shifts slightly so they are eye to eye


Not once have I ever felt intimidated by you Wednesday. Not once. You creep me out, for sure... *she smiles* and you've scared me to death when you've put yourself in danger or I haven't heard from you or you get stabbed or impaled... but feeling intimidated or concerned for myself?


Never. You've always made me feel safe. No one else in the school wanted to share a room with you, but me? I cry when I have to go home. Not because I hate San Francisco or because my mother is overbearing and my brothers are annoying... it's because I miss you. I count down the days till I am back by your side because I don't feel whole useless you're here. So don't waste your time trying to intimidate me Wednesday. You're my safe space. My home.

Wednesday blinks and swallows. Words evading her because her emotions are too overwhelming. She attempts to pull the door again but Enid pushes once more


And it doesn't make a difference... what you say. Whether you tell me that you feel things for me or whether I am merely a product of your research. You'll still be my person. You'll always be the place I run to when I'm afraid or in trouble. The first person I want to share good news with, to laugh with and to cry with... so whatever you're too scared to say. Don't be. You're my best friend Wednesday, I'm here for the long run. No matter what


I'm not scared


Then why are you running?

Wednesday frowns at Enid intensely


I'm not running


Then answer my question

She takes Wednesday's hand off of the door handle and holds in her hand


I'm here no matter what...
