Part 3

Wednesday's lips gently press against Enid's so softly that almost neither of them can feel it. Wednesdays hand feel round to the back of Enid's neck and pull her gently into the kiss. Enid's fingers pull Wednesday close, removing the space between them, chest pressed against chest. Wednesday can feel Enid's heart beating and Enid can hear Wednesday's almost deafeningly



Wednesday covers Enid's mouth with her own as she tries to speak. She doesn't mean to be so forceful but she doesn't want to be soft. Enid's fingers dragging up her back feels like she's on fire and her lips hungrily suck and press against Enid's. She's waiting for a vision that doesn't seem to be coming. She eventually breaks off the kiss. Feeling Enid's resistance to stop, almost makes her smile. They stay silent for a moment, their lips barely apart but both catching their breath.


You didn't... did you?...


I... it's not what I was anticipating... maybe I...

Enid grabs the back of Wednesday's neck and pulls her back into the kiss. The force makes all of the hairs on Wednesdays neck stand up and she grabs Enid's waist to steady herself. Her grasp tightens as Enid pushes her lips in a way that forces Wednesday's open, she shudders as she feels the tip of Enid's tongue career her bottom lip softly. She opens her mouth, inviting Enid inside which is an opportunity Enid immediately seizes. Wednesday struggles not to moan as Enid's tongue glides over hers, instead she softly digs her nails into Enid's skin. Enid still holding Wednesday's neck, deepens the kiss, her body is hot and she feels like she's not getting any air, but she has no intention of stopping to breathe. She'd never kissed anyone like this before and the way Wednesday isn't objecting only spurs her on. It's over a minute before she separates their lips and inhales, maintaining both physical contact and eye contact as if her life depended on it


Wow. Ummm so


Well. Enid. Thank you for the research. I have to... um...

(Jenna ad-lib)

She steps back breaking eye contact and mutters excuses to leave


But you didn't have a vision? Maybe we should keep trying... you know? For the research


I think I've collected all the research. I need thank you Enid

She slips her cardigan back on and heads to the door


But what if I haven't?

Wednesday stops, frowns and turns around. She looks at Enid confused


What research are you conducting?

Enid sits on her bed and pats next to her, inviting Wednesday to sit there. Wednesday acknowledges it and ignores it. Enid rolls her eyes


I know you're not leading me on, I know this is just conducting research. And maybe... maybe I should have told you... but I agreed on ulterior motives...

A short silence. Wednesday doesn't move. Not even a blink


What was the ulterior motive Enid?

Enid looks at the floor


Recently I've been questioning my sexuality... and I've never kissed a girl... so I thought it would be a good opportunity to see how I feel about it?


*pauses* and?...
