Chapter 3: It's brawl in the familly

(3 hours later, Dragon's POV)

"And with that, Team SSSN moves on the doubled round !" Exclaims Professor Port. We spent the afternoon watching the tournament fights. It was entertaining, but with Cinder behind us and Mercury and Emerald squeezing in between us, it was tense.

"They're pretty good." Mercury said to me, as he continued to gobble popcorn.

"Yeah, that's right, they are strong." I replied. We watched them dance in the middle of the arena.

"That concludes the matches for today. Please leave the Colosseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION" Professor Oobleck said to us through the speaker. We got up and started to leave. Cinder and his pawns went their own way. As we were leaving, Krystal's Scroll rang. She answered the call. We didn't really understand what she was saying, there was a lot of noise around. She hung up and looked at us.

"We're going to take a detour, my dad is coming." She said to us. We heard a noise of reactor, and when we raised the head we saw an atlesian ship flying over the colosseum.

"Come on, let's hurry!" She orders us.

(15 minutes later, Night's POV)

We ran to the parking area, where the ship landed. We were not alone, Ruby and Weiss were also there. When the door opened, we saw Luka getting off with a white-haired woman.

"Who is she ?" Dragon asks us.

"Winter!" Weiss exclaims. She and Ruby walked over to the white-haired woman, while Luka approached us. Krystal threw herself into his arms.

"Yes, hi, my angel!" Luka said to her before looking at me. "And good to see you, Night." He says to me.

"Me too. Did your trip go well?" I asked him as I shook his hand.

"Very well. I'm not talking about my trip to Atlas either. I think we've come to an arrangement with their army." He replies to me.

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about." Dragon tells us.

"My father is part of the Vale army. He sometimes goes on trips to the other kingdoms." Krystal explains to him.

"Who are they ?" Luka asks her.

"My teammates, Dragon and Resare." She introduces them.

"Hi !" Resare told him.

"Nice to meet you, Sergeant Shin." Dragon told him. Luka began to snicker.

It's "Master-Corporal Shin". Rectifies Luka by showing his badge to Dragon. It was the symbol of Vale, the laurel wreath in green, the two crossed axes in gold, and there were five golden stars below the valian emblem.

"Holy cow!" Dragon exclaimed before looking at Krystal, "Your dad is one of the five Master Corporals in the army!?" He asked her, excited as a kid.

" Well yes!" She replied with a smile.

" Hey, I don't mean to be rude... But who is she?" Resare asks, pointing to the white-haired woman.

"She's the Specialist Schnee, from the army of Atlas" he replied.

"Weiss's sister?" I asked.

"There, it's not a joke anymore, above her, there's only Ironwood." Dragon commented

"You're surprisingly knowledgeable." He answers him before looking at his pocket watch "I got here way early. Why don't we take a walk, while we wait? You can give me a tour of the academy." He offers as he puts his watch away.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Krystal replied. We saw Weiss' sister approaching us.

"What are you doing, Master-Corporal Shin?" She asks.

"I'm enjoying my reunion with my family, just like you do. And since we're early, we're going to take a tour of the academy." He answered her in a serious tone.

"I see." She replied before looking at us. Specifically me, she was looking at me sideways. I could tell, she didn't seem to like me.

"This jacket..." She whispers. Krystal glanced at me, concerned. "I expected a lot of things, but for a Sustrai to join this prestigious academy, that, no." She says to me.

"You know me ?" I asks her.

"I have heard of your father's actions. Given the reputation of your name, I think you don't belong here." She answered me, coldly. I didn't know what to say. I could either tell her to fuck off, or I could prove her right, or I could answer her frankly. I chose the latter.

"I can't say that your name has a good reputation either, considering the actions of yours. Except I'm not my father. You have no reason to look at me that way or to think I don't belong here. Despite the fact that I am a Sustrai, I've worked, and I have earned my place in this academy, no matter what you think." I answered her seriously, with my arms crossed. Her gaze calmed down.

"You are absolutely right. You seem more thoughtful than your father. But it remains to be seen if you can keep up the pace." She answered me before leaving, followed by Weiss. We went towards the academy, surrounded by two Atlesian robots. Suddenly, we heard a strange metallic noise, then we saw a robot head rolling at our feet.

"Hey!" A man calls to us. We saw a man with black hair, unshaven, dressed in a gray shirt and a tattered red cape.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen." He calls out before tossing the robot carcass.

"Who's this asshole?" Resare growls.

"Excuse me, do you have any idea who you're talking to?" Enraged Weiss, who went to confront him.

"Sssshhhh... Not you." The weird guy replies to her before pushing Weiss to the side and stepping forward. "You." He growls.

"Damn it, Luka, who the fuck's this guy?" I asked him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks him, defensively.

"Ah, you're here?" The stranger asks him in an arrogant tone before turning to Winter.

"Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. I guess you're here, too" He said

"I'm standing right before you." Winter replied.

"So it would seem." The stranger answers, narrowing his eyes.

"You realize you just destroyed Atlas military property?" Winter asks, angry.

"Ooooh i'm sorry... See, I mistook this for some sort of... Sentient garbage." He replied arrogantly.

"I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow." Winter replied.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Weiss asks her.

"Geez, you Atlas specialists think you're so special, don't you?" Asks the stranger.

"It's in the title." The corporal replied, annoyed.

"Well, you know what you really are? A buncha sellouts. Just like your boss." The weird guy replied, arrogantly.

"I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough." Winter replied coldly.

"Oh, I heard too. I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin." He replied.

"What is he talking about?" I asked Luka.

"You should go." He replied.

"Weiss, it's time for you to go." Winter said to her sister.

""Yes, kid, listen to the Master Corporal. He's going to protect you is going to protect you. Just like Atlas is gonna protect all of us, huh?" The weird guy replied.

"If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you." Winter replied coldly, drawing his sword.

"Ok then, come take it" the stranger replied.

"You should back up" Luka said. We made sure to back up. Winter charged at the guy, who dodged 8 swords to the face. The weird guy went down. Winter tried to hit him in the back, but his gun was there. The guy drew it before getting into a fighting position. The unknown man started to attack, but his attack was parried. Winter dodged 7 punches with back flips. They exchanged blows, while an audience formed to watch the fight.

"What's going on?" Ruby asks us, who has just arrived.

"Some crazy man has just started attacking my sister!" Weiss replied.

"Oh no! Who could do such a th--aaaaat it's my uncle !" She exclaims

"What?" Resare asks her.

"Kick her butt, Uncle Qrow!" She encourages him by ignoring Resare.

"Teach him respect, Winter!" Weiss encourages her sister. Dragon patted me on the shoulder

"I believe, that Mercury also, knows Qrow." He whispered to me. I looked back and saw Mercury running away.

"It sucks." I growled.

(Narrator's POV)

Winter parried another attack from Qrow before dodging a sword strike and landing a blow to his jaw. Qrow jumped into the air and prepared a diving attack. The young woman dodged the blow with her glyphs. The attack of Qrow was so strong, that it damaged the stone ground. The corporal lands on the grass before dodging a blow from the black-haired man, who cut a pillar. The man tries to put a sword blow on her, but the young woman dodges his blow before landing on the weapon and kicking him in the chin and landing on the base of the pillar before jumping, dodging Qrow's sword, which stuck.

The young woman landed on the structure of the building, pursued by Qrow, who shot at her before joining her on the structure, continuing his shots. Suddenly, a thick white smoke came out from where the specialist was. Winter came out of the smoke and charged at Qrow, who parried her shot. The shock was so great that he was propelled to the ground, destroying part of the structure. The two adults returned their attacks before Winter hit him, causing him to retreat. The black-haired man had to dig his sword into the ground to stop himself.

The young woman plants her weapon in the ground and prepares her glyphs. Qrow begins to transform her weapon, but eventually puts it away and signals Winter to come closer.

(Night's POV)

"What's he doing?" Resare asked. Winter flipped out and ran into the guy who reeked of alcohol.

"Schnee!" A man stops her. She turned around to see General Ironwood there.

"General Ironwood, sir!" She exclaims, coming to attention.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" He asks in an authoritative tone.

"He started the altercation, sir!" She defends herself.

"That's actually not true, she attacked first." Correct the guy who reeked of alcohol.

"Is that right ?" Asks the general. Winter didn't answer and just looked down.

And you ?" Ironwood calls the weird guy. "What are you doing here ?" He asks.

"I could be asking you the same thing." He replied.

"Now, now everyone!" Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch intervened. "There is a sectionned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum. That I can assure you that you would have better seats. And popcorn." He adds.

"Break it up, everyone. We will take care of this mess." Professor Goodwitch orders.

"Let's go." Said Ironwood to Winter before leaving.

"Uncle Qrow!" Exclaims Ruby throwing herself on the weird guy. He raised his arm, and Ruby hung on.

"Ahh, it's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me ?!" She asks him, excited like a 5 year old kid.

"Nope." He replied before putting a hand through Ruby's hair.

"Her recklessness is now justified." Dragon whispers to me.

"Yup." I replied.

"Qrow, a word please." Ozpin asks. Ruby falls from Qrow's arm.

"I think I'm in trouble." He whispers to Ruby.

"You did kinda tear up our courtyard." Ruby replied.

"Yeah, I did. Catch you later, kid." Qrow answers before leaving, accompanied by Ozpin, Glynda and Luka.

