The Unknown (MY NEW SELF-MOC)



Name: The Unknown (yeah that is his name dont ask)

Alias: Axe , Number 300, Trope Hero, Agent

Species: Robot, Trope Hero

Description: Unknown is @Axemelerus 's self moc fo his Hero Factory Recharged AU,an alternative universe in which Preston Stormer took control over Hero Factory and Makuhero City after the death of Akiyama Makuro[who create the Hero Factory in the canon lore]. Not much is known about him. However he is a ,,Trope Hero'' which is a semi-subspecies for normal Heroes in Hero Factory. The diffrence between a regular and a trope hero is that,trope heroes tend to have less fingers and a bit smaller feat. Other than that they don't have visible appearence diffrence.

However Proto-Heroes function diffrently from heroes. Despite their metal armour and parts looking the same as every mechanical being,the material they are made of is weak. Unlike heroes,who are made of strong metals,trope heroes are made of tins and low-quality metal. They are prone to getting burned and can't survive enormous explosions unlike normal heroes. They can even get easily damaged by stuff like normal guns,which prove on how their armour is really thin.

However they can still be alive without their hero cores. It turns out,that unlike heroes,who will die and lose their personality if the hero core of theirs is removed, trope heroes can still function and not deactivate. However they still lose their personalities and become mindless drones which can be controlled by controls at the Hero Factory's Assembly Tower.

Trope Heroes also do not have thermal visions and other enhanced senses that normal Heroes posses like faster reaction speed.

One of Unknown's lower arms is translucent blue due to it being color of his thin metalli skin,and the other one is silver,due to it serving like a wrist-band used for communicating with the rest of the factory and stuff like browsing the internet. IN OTHER WORDS A PHONE ON YOUR ARM.

It should be noted that Unknown rebelled against Stomer multiple times however each time he got knocked out easily and never managed to damage Preston Stormer. He is one of the very few surviving Trope Heroes in the galaxy. And he was the three hundreth Trope Hero to be ever made.

On one of his legs he carries a dagger which he can grab from and use for self defense. He sometimes brings blasters which shoot lasers or normal bullet-filled guns to his missions. His silver wristband allows him to surf the web and communicate with the rest of the Factory.

 His strenght while not as strong as other NORMAL HEROES which can bust buildings or city blocks,he is still the strongest TROPE HERO. At his best,his strenght can reach those which can be considered Street to Wall level. He is strong enough to rip off a humanoid's creature head off(who was simmilar in structure to a regular human) and can easily knock down doors. He once ripped apart a wooden-like structure apart which resulted in him releasing ver 1,268.7 joules of force.

 He strives for justice and tries to be nice to everyone. He hates doing immoral things even if he can see the use of doing such action. He tries to befriend people often and give them mercy. His laziness however can get the better out of him and he usually is seen annoying other people.

He also carries a smoke bomb

Also a funfact
Most trope Heroes dont wear helmets. But The Unknown is one of the exception to that. Most of trope Heroes arent given a helmet since theyre meant as somewhat army sent at the frontlone to Die and distract the enemy sometimes if thst makes sense.




- Standard Heroes like Jimi Stringer or Natalie Breez are made out of hard metal like titanium,steel or more and can survive large building level explosions. While Trope Heroes are made out of tin and are as strong as a normal civillians (which differs since all civillians are made out of tin and some are able or not able to survive being thrown at a wall.

- Trope heroes used to be mass produced but now there are only a few left,while Heroes are the main thing that are produced.

- (NEW) Trope Heroes have long necks but normal Heroes don't

- A typical hero probably could lift entire train especially in XL form, but a typical trope hero at it's best can rip out spines or throw metal crates around

- Standard Heroes have faster reaction time and enhanced senses,while  Trope heroes have not that fast reaction speed and do not possess wide array of enhanced senses

- Trope Heroes have three fingers on each hand,while normal hero have four/five fingers on each hand.

- Hero's feet are bigger,while trope heroes feet are smaller.

- Trope Heroes can function without a hero core,but then they become mindless drones who listen to orders of whoever controls them in the Assembly tower in Hero Factory(They lose all their personality and free will also). While normal heroes CANNOT function without a hero core and will be deactivated.

(in the official hero factory canon, hero cores are made out of Quaza,which then gives hero's their personality )

- In the RECHARGED AU, Trope hero's cores are severely weakened compared to a Hero's core. This resulsts in Trope heroes having a weaker stamina,and not being able to make forcefields(in one of hero factory episodes,heroes are able to make a hero cell- when they link their hero cores with each other,to form a forcefield which will protect them. Sadly this will result in hero cores being massively drained. A typical hero IN THE RECHARGED AU doesn't have to link their hero core with another hero's core,and he can create a forcefield by his will ,althought that ALSO drains his hero core)

- Trope Heroes weight less than normal Heroes due to being made out of tin
