Realitywarper Hedgehog


" Oh great! Another one of these parasites ,huh? What is this a mediocre fanfiction... Oh wait it is!"

- Realitywarper Hedgehog meeting Dark Ogórek for the first time.

Name: Realitywarper Hedgehog

Universe: Sonic the Hedgehog // Other media(despite originally a Sonic fan character he can still be used in non-sonic related stuff by me just incase yorue wondering)

Age: Physically around 2 or so,Unknown mentally

Job: None (He likes destroying stuff in the multiverse and having fun)

Species: Realitywarper taking a form of a hedgehog, A evil programme who likes to destroy stuff


 Realitywarper Hedgehog was a diffrent character made by me( zachmixer64 's fan character). He annoyed him a lot.

- Likes cereal.

- He has random sense of humour.

- Once kicked a mountain so high it hit another planet.

- Had many jobs in many diffrent universes.

- Has a pet scorpion named simply "Bob",which is a refrence to a friend of his in the old canon. Yes,he is aware of his past as a character.


"Nice Scythe there,buddy" First words he said to Grim (zachmixer64's fan character.

"Potatoes are actually pretty healthy. You,guys should eat it someday" Realiywarper Hedgehog talking to Tails and Knuckles.

"Oh look! Empty! Just like my head,since I ran out of ideas for a funny joke" He said this while entering an completely empty universe.
