
"Secrets can only been kept hidden for so long."


Riley and I were currently going through magazines in search of new dresses to wear to the next award show I was invited to.

"I want to wear something that makes my eyes pop," I commented.

"I read somewhere that if you wear brown it will help make blue eyes pop," Riley suggested.

I laughed, "I'm not wearing a brown dress to an award show."

"Yeah. Okay wearing a brown dress to an award show does seem a little odd."

"I mean a lot of people have before, but I think I'll still with something red."

"Something like this?" Riley asked.

Riley was pointing at a fabulous dark red dress that was ballroom length. The dress is absolutely perfect.

Riley added, "And those earrings Shawn got you for Christmas would look amazing with that dress."

"Oh I broke the back off of one of them while I was out shopping."

"If you bring me then I can fix it for you."

"I think they are still at the guy's apartment."

Riley smirked, "You spend more time over there than I do."

I scoffed, "That's because you and Farkle spend your time over here."

"Just go get the earrings."

I got up and walked over to the boys apartment and began my search looking for my earrings.

I searched under their couch and in between all the couch cushions. For two boys living in the apartment they kept things very neat and tidy.

The earrings were probably in Lucas' bathroom. The earrings were so special to me that I always took them off when I got a shower.

I walked into his bathroom, which was equally clean, and searched around. I gave up searching after twenty minutes.

My best bet at finding them would be calling Lucas.

"Hello," Lucas answered.

"Hey," I replied.

Lucas said again, "Hello."

I laughed, "Okay enough with the hellos."

"Okay. What's up?"

"I'm trying to find my earrings. Do you know where I left them?"

"Oh yeah sorry I'm actually wearing them right now."

"Ha ha ha you're so funny."

"I am, aren't I?"

"No, but really where do you think they are?"

"When was the last time you wore them?"

I thought back to only a couple days ago. Lucas had taken me out to dinner and I wore a fancy dress along with my earrings.

"Yeah I wore them to dinner on Wednesday."


"Shut up."

"They might have fallen under my bed."

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"I know you're smirking."

Lucas laughed, "Okay I have to get back to class."

"Alright bye."

I hung the phone up on Lucas and searched under his bed for my earrings. I found one earring under the bed, but the other one was lost.

Maybe the earring fell behind the bed frame. I jumped up on the bed and stuck my hand down until I found something.

A piece of paper.

It was from Franklin.

Dear Lucas Friar,

We are pleased to announce that after much consideration you have been accepted into Franklin.


