
"I'm not the best, but I promise to love you with all my heart."


"Oh my god!" Maya screamed.

Maya scream scared Riley enough that she dropped the bowl of cereal she was holding.

"What! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Riley shouted at her.

"Why is everyone yelling!" Farkle yelled through the room.

"Everyone be quiet. I'm trying to play video games," I yelled at everyone.

Maya jumped up and down holding her phone in her hand.

"I'm going to premiere of City Home!" Maya sang.

City Home was a huge deal to get invited to. Only half of the best singers and actors would be able to come and Maya made the cut.

The three of us engulfed her in a huge bear hug and jumped up and down yelling. The people that lived below us probably hated all of us.

"The best part is I can bring four guests with me," Maya added.

"Oh my god that's amazing," Farkle and I both said.

"I have nothing to wear to a big movie premiere like that," Riley whined.

"Let's go to the mall!" Maya yelled jumping up and down.

"Ughh no," Farkle and I shouted.


Maya and Riley dragged Farkle and I all over the mall into every store looking for a stupid dress. Our arms were getting tired and I could barely hold into any of the dresses Maya and Riley were throwing into my arms.

"How much longer will I be your personal dresses holder?" I asked.

Maya grinned and shook her head, "You need to learn to have some patience."

Maya continued searching the racks full of dresses in different colors. Riley and Farkle were on the opposite side of the store doing the exact same thing as us.

I asked, "Can we hurry this up?"

Maya nodded, "Sure. If you help me find a dress then we can leave soon."

I picked up the closest dress, purple and covered completely in feathers, and handed it to Maya.

"Really? This is nothing close to what I would ever wear to a movie premiere," Maya complained.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked through the rack again. Maya went back to looking at dresses and handing me more of them.

"This is the worst!" I heard Farkle groan.

I figured then that the best way to get this over with was to search for a dress Maya would like. Towards the back of the row I found this long gold dress that looks like something Maya would wear.

"What about this one?" I asked.

"That's perfect."


So I had a two hour delay today and then we got out at 12:30 because of a frozen pipe. Hahahah today was a good day.
