Chapter 9 Secret Found

Elizabeth POV

I hear voices talking. I try and remember what happened then it came to me. Starscream got me and start to squish me.

'Wait what happened to my child. Is he/she okay' I thought.

I then start to open my eyes then start to sat down on the berth that I was on.

I look around to see all the Autobots in the room then I turn to my left and saw Miko face on me. She had a large smile on herself then.

"Hey Liz you're pregnant and didn't told me nothing. I thought we were best friends" Miko said making my eyes wide.

The room got quiet and then I broke the silence by asking.

"Miko how did you found out" I asked.

"Will Ratchet here said the he scan you and found out that you were pregnant" she said.

I look toward were Ratchet was and saw him looking at me. I then look down not wanting to meet no one eys.

"Elizabeth that was not the only thing that Ratchet found out. He also found out that the father is not human but cybertronian" Optimus said. I look up to meet his gaze.

'Oh no they now know. But wait they just said it was cybertronian so that means that they don't know who's the father is' I thought. I look toward were Wheeljack was and he nod his head like he just read my thoughts.

"Eliza please tell us who the father is" Arcee said.

I look at her but shake my head I as a no.

"Elizabeth you have to tell just in case you life is in serious danger" Optimus said.

My answer was still a no. I didn't dare to tell them who was the father because One they will not approve of my love. Two they my might separate me from Knockout. Three am scared how will they react when they find out.

I hear Optimus sigh.

"Liz you have to tell us who's the father so we could help you in this together" Jack said.

"I can Jack. I just can't bring myself to tell you guys" I said with my head low.

"Will we could go to plan B" I hear Ratchet said.

'Wait plan B what are they talking about' I thought.

"Guys please are you guy really going to go that far to find something out. Don't you see that Liz does not want to tell you guys she want to keep it a secret for a reason like Raf said" I hear Wheeljack said.

"What are you talking Jackie are you saying that you know who the father is" Bulkhead told him. I saw Wheeljack sense up.

"So you do" Bee beep.

"Wheeljack tell us who is the father " Smokescreen said.

Wheeljack look lost for words. He was not going to tell them because he promise he was not telling no one.

"Forget it I'm taking the sample to check for myself" I hear Ratchet said. I then feel him pick me up. He had a human needle and was going to put in my hand.

'So they want to take a sample of my blood to look up the Dad. No I can let them' I thought.

I took my arm away from Ratchet and move a little away from him.

"Elizabeth don't make this more hard as it is already" he said.

"No" I said and wish to be able to jump down but with me and the pregnant thing is was impossible.

"Elizabeth we are doing this for the best" Optimus said and then got me on his servo. Having a good grip on my body letting a hand out.

Ratchet got my sleeve up and then inject the needle on my arm.

"No please guy don't" I said trying to free myself but it was impossible when Optimus is stronger and bigger than me.

The others just look not even dare to move waiting for the result. Optimus put me down on the ground and then look toward were Ratchet was scanning my blood and looking with who will match with.

The scan was finish and Ratchet was reading what it said. He look shock when he stop reading and then look at me.

"Ratchet what wrong. What were the results" Asked Arcee.

"The result of the blood sample was confirmed that the father is
KNOCKOUT!" he said but yell the last part.

"WAIT KNOCKOUT!" They all yell at the same time.

They then turn to look at me. I was looking down this whole time then look up to meet the bots and my friend eyes.

They didn't said nothing but Smokescreen broke the silence with an angry yell.

"Wait you're telling that Knockout made you pregnant. That little glitch how dare he get Liz pregnant. That good for nothing trash car!" he yell. I got mad when he said that about my boyfriend.

"Don't you ever call him that. For your information he's my boyfriend" I yell. They were shocked when I yell at Smokescreen. They have never seen me angry just happy or sad.

"Wait your boyfriend" Arcee asked.

"Yes and I love him so don't you guys talk bad about him" I said anger still inside of me.

"So you're telling us that you been dating a Decepticon and never told us nothing" Jack asked.

"Yes have a problem with that Jack" I said giving him a glare.

"Yes we do your been dating a Decepticon the once that are trying to destroy the world! How will we know that you're not just working for them right now!" Smokescreen yell.

"Smokescreen calm down" Optimus told him.

"No Optimus I can calm down! I just found out the girl that I love since a long time ago is dating a scrap of Decepticon and to make matter worst she's pregnant with his child. I just can calm down!" Smokescreen yell with anger in each word he said.

"Smokescreen calm down" Bee beep.

"You have to calm your anger Smoky" Bulkhead said while he put a servo on his shoulder. Smokescreen then push the servo away.

"You know what I don't want to see no one nor what to see her right now" he said and transform to his car mode and drove away.

"I will go for him" Bee beep but got stop by Optimus.

"Bee leave him. He needs time by himself. Now about you and Knockout we can have you keep dating him nor seeing him" Optimus said and turn to me.

"Wait what. Why? Optimus he's the father of my child that I'm going to have. You can expect me to not see him no more" I said.

"Sorry Elizabeth but this is for the best. You could be in danger with Knockout and might get hurt we can afford that. So from now on Ratchet will do your checkups for your sparkling and Bulkhead and Wheeljack will be outside you house guarding you the 24/7. BUlkhead will switch places with Arcee, Bumblebee, and me others week" he said.

"Wait no Optimus you can keep me from seeing Knockout. I love him so much. I don't want my child to be born without his father" I said with tears coming out of my eyes.

"Sorry Elizabeth but it for the best" he said making me look down to my stomach.

"Liz why didn't you tell us about this earlier" Miko asked.

"What so you guys could act like you're acting right now and separate me from the person I love" I asked.

They look taken back when I said that. I then turn to Wheeljack signaling him that I wanted to go home. He got the message because he transform to his car mode.

I turn to look at the ones that were there.

"You don't want to know how much I hate you all right now" I said and got on Wheeljack driving seat not letting them answer.

Once inside he close the door and drove out of base and then that went I broke in tears
