Chapter 5 Telling Wheeljack

Elizabeth POV

"Wheeljack please calm down" I asked

"You just told me that the son of glitch sparked you and you want me to calm down!" he yell.

"Will it was not his all doing. I did also participated in that" I said a little embarrassed.

"Liz you know what does this mean. It means that you going to be a mother at the age of 16. You're not even of age" he said.

"I know Wheeljack but I don't want to get an abortion. I created this now am going to take care of it" I said.

"Oh Primus kid. Wait does Knockout knows" he asked.

"Yes he does" I said.

"And what happened is he going to be responsibly of the sparkling or not" Jackie asked angry.

"Yes he said that he was going to help me take care of him. Oh talking about Knockout I have to get home. He send me a text telling me that he was going to check my baby at home" I said.

"Wait what about your mother. Does she know of this" he said.

"My mom left on a business work to New York for a month and no she does not know about this. I was thinking that I will not tell no one because I don't know how will they react" I said

"Oh Primus kid. They will find out one day you know" he said.

"I know but maybe if I hide my stomach with sweaters in the winter they might not even guess that I'm pregnant" I said.

"Kid I don't know if your plan will work but I be helping you throughout this months" he said.

"Thank you Jackie for your help" I said and lay a kiss on the steering wheel.

"No problem kid" he said.

"So Jackie take me home so I could go and meet with Knockout" I said.

"Okay kid. I'm going to stay there with you. I have some word to discuss with Knockout" he said making me giggle. Wheeljack was acting like my overprotective Dad.

We then got home and I let Wheeljack leave his car mode on the garage. I got out and his hologram appear in front of me.

That how he looks like.

"Come on let go" I said and guided him inside.

I call Knockout to come already but didn't told him nothing about Wheeljack wanting him to get here and get surprise.

Some minutes pass and I was sitting on the couch with Jackie across from me. We were talking about what to do about my little problem that I had.

We then hear a knock on the door so I got up and open it to see Knockout and Breakdown hologram standing there.

That how Breakdown looks. I already had show you how did Knockout look but in different clothes.

"Hello breakdown, Hi my love" I said and hug Knockout. He gave me a kiss and smile. I turn to look at Breakdown with a smile but still holding Knockout.

"Hello Liz nice seeing you again. Knockout told me about you being sparked" he said.

"Yea you don't mind him knowing right baby doll" he said. I giggle a littler.

"No I don't" I said.

"I was shock when Knockout told me that he got you pregnant and was about to kill him" Breakdown said and hit Knockout on the back.

"Will I'm find with you knowing Breakdown. Oh Yeah love I also told someone about me being pregnant" I said as I turn to look at Knockout.

"Really" he asked.

"Really will he saw us together but didn't told nothing to the Autobots so I trust him. He said that he will help me hide the fact that am pregnant in the base" I said.

"Wow and who is this person your talking about" Knockout said. But before I could tell him Wheeljack comes from the living room.

"Me" he said while looking at Knockout with a face you're dead.

"Wow who the hell are you" Breakdown said getting ready for a fight.

"Breakdown wait he's the person I was talking about he's..." but once more I could finish my sentence because Wheeljack answer for me.

"I'm Wheeljack. Maybe that name sound familiar" he said.

"Wait your Wheeljack one of the Autobot Wrecker" Knockout said.

"The one and only. Oh and Knockout am going to kill you for getting my little angel here pregnant so don't you dare and run away" he said and start running after Knockout around the house.

Me and Breakdown just laugh at the sigh in front of us.

Will with a long explaining about how Wheeljack found about me and Knockout and him promising that he was not telling no one about us nor about me being pregnant. Oh and a half and hour trying to concveince Wheeljack to not blow my boyfriend to pieces.

They finally agree to be friend just for the sake of me and the sparkling that I was carrying.

"Will okay love let start on the check up" he said and got out some kind of device from a back that Breakdown had.

He then pointed it at me and start to scan me. I didn't move just waited for him to finish. When the red light went off Knockout start moving the device and a small data pad for humans.

"Okay let me see here" he said to himself.

"So what it's it Doc" Wheeljack asked.

"Will by what I could see from the scan. The sparkling looks healthy and there should not be any problem if you eat healthy and protect yourself from any danger that might damage the sparkling" he said and he put his stuff away and took out a needle.

"Wow love what that for" I asked alarmed.

He look at me and my scarface and then sign.

"Sorry Baby doll but I have to take a blood sample to see if your going to need to drink energon for the sparkling because remember he is also going to be half cybertronian" he said pointing at himself. I then realize that he was right.

"But didn't they said energon is fatal for human" I said.

"Yes that why I need a sample of blood to see love" he said and I nod. I let him take some blood from be.

When he was finished he put the sample on a little case and then turn to us. He made some kind of sign to Jackie and Breakdown. I think they got the idea because then they went over to the kitchen leaving us a lone on the living.

I turn to look at Knockout but be was already in front of me kissing me. I kiss him but and we start to fight for domination. Will as always he won and start to explore every inch of my mouth.

"Knockout" I moan his name when he grab my right breast with his hand. He was about to start kissing me down my neck but we were interrupted by an angry Wheeljack and a Breakdown trying to stop him.

"I left you to alone so you could talk and you to end up doing his. No way in hell am letting you have your way while I'm here" he said and start to chase Knockout once again around the house.

Breakdown and me were laughing all the time they were running. At the end Wheeljack tackle Knockout so me and Breakdown had to save him. Breakdown had to leave so he could cover for Knockout while he stays with me at my house he took the sample and everything with him as well.

With Wheeljack there was in problem let just say that will Wheeljack didn't wanted to leave us alone. But he had to leave but not before sending Knockout a warning glare. Me and Knockout stay that night together. He put his alt-mode inside the garage for in case someone see him.

We both went to bed together sleeping on the same bed but not doing nothing funny. The to lover slept together until sunrise. 
