Meeting The Exorcists

I appeared in the ORC building, where I found Rias and her peerage, as well as two hooded girls.  The girls turned towards me.

???: Another member of your peerage, I assume?

Rias: This is-

Eko: No, not anymore.  The name's Eko Chirai.

???: That name sounds familiar.

Eko: I've been making a name for myself.  You probably know me as the Lightning Prince.

The girls pulled back their hoods.  The one who had spoken had blue hair with a green streak in it.  The other had ginger hair and twin ponytails.

Eko: Well, nice to meet you.  So what's Kiba's deal?

Kiba: How did you-

Eko: If you were feeling fine, you'd have attacked me the moment I appeared in the building.

Kiba scowled, sitting back down.

Xenovia: My name is Xenovia Quarta.  This is Irina Shidou.  So Rias, do you accept our terms.

Rias: Yes.  This is a matter of the church, it is not our business.

Xenovia: Very well.  I appreciate your cooperation.  We'll take our leave now.

The two girls walked towards the door, but stopped when they saw Asia.

Irina: Hey, you're Asia Argento, right?

Asia: Yes I-

Xenovia: Interesting... I never thought we'd run into a witch on our mission.

I narrowed my eyes as I prepared to summon my sword.  I looked around, everyone else seemed to tense up as well.

Irina: Asia, do you still believe in God?

Asia: I... I do, I can't quite forget my past.

Xenovia: Well then, let me kill you now.  It is a saint's duty to die for the church and their beliefs.  I'll make this quick and painless.

My eyes widened.  Before anyone else could react, Xenovia unsheathed her sword and swung it at Asia.  There was a sound like a thunderclap and I was standing in front of Asia, holding Xenovia's sword with two fingers in my Blitzkrieg form.

Xenovia: That's... not possible.

I threw the sword away, punching the girl backwards as it embedded itself in the wall.

Eko: Are you alright, Asia?

Asia: Y-yes... thank you, Eko.

I smiled at her before turning back to the exorcists.

Eko: I think it's time for you to go.

Kiba: Wait.

Everyone turned to Kiba, who stood up and walked towards us.

Kiba: I challenge them to a duel.  If I win, you give me your holy swords, and I destroy them.

I chuckled, then started laughing.

Kiba: What's so funny?

Eko: It's just that you think those are regular holy swords.  Xenovia's sword is a fragment of Excalibur.  And judging by the power radiating off of Irina's blade, so is hers.  You're nowhere near strong enough to destroy them.

Kiba glared at me as Xenovia smirked.

Xenovia: That is correct, the sword I wield is called Excalibur Destruction.  Irina wields Excalibur Mimic.  How did you know?

I summoned my sword, holding it in front of me.

Eko: I wield the legendary sword, Tordenjeide.  I know my holy blades.

The girls' eyes widened.

Irina: Impossible!  Nobody has ever been able to remove the blade from it's place in Asgard!

Lyn: That was true, until Eko showed up.

Everyone turned towards the voice.  Lyn was standing there along with Kall.  Everyone in the room except for myself and Issei knelt down.  Rias grabbed Issei, pulling him to the floor.

Rias: Lady Kall...

Kall: I told you to drop the "Lady" crap!  It's just Kall now.

Lyn: Hey what about me?  I'm basically a Sacred Gear too y'know!

Lyn pouted as I walked over and rubbed her head.  She blushed, smiling.

Eko: Lyn here was the guardian of Tordenjeide before I retrieved it.

Lyn nodded happily, walking over to Koneko and giving her half of the chocolate bar in her hand.  The two sat down, eating their chocolate and talking.  I smiled at how similar the two were.

Eko: Well, I don't want to interrupt this meeting.  We'll take our leave now.

Lyn walked over as we prepared to teleport away.  I waved at everyone before leaving with the Bifrost, ending up back at the house.  But I wasn't in the living room where I had meant to be.  I was in my bedroom, with Kall standing in front of me.  She pushed me down onto the bed, straddling me.  Then she wrapped her arms and tail around me, pulling my face closer to hers.

Eko: Kall, are you sure about thi-

She kissed me, shoving her long tongue into my mouth.  I tried to fight back, but gave up.  We sat there kissing for a few minutes before she pulled away.  Both of us gasped for air as she laid down next to me, her tail still wrapped around me as she ran her hands through my hair.

Kall: Master... I want you!


I opened my eyes, immediately noticing two things.  The first thing I realized was that Kall is laying next to me, naked.  The second thing that I noticed is that I am... also naked.  She opened her eyes, yawning and sitting up.  She leaned down, kissing me on the cheek, and disappeared in a burst of mist.  I laughed a bit, standing up and putting on my clothes.  I grabbed the others who were going to school, and we left.  When we got there, I told the others to go to class without me.

Annie: Where are you going?

Eko: There's someone I have to meet real quick.  I'll be there on time, don't worry.  And if anyone messes with you... well, I won't stop you from beating their ass.

Annie smiled, kissing me on the cheek and running off to catch up with the others.  I walked to the student council room, knocking on the door.  A boy opened it, immediately looking annoyed.

???: Who are you?  Do you have business with the Student Council?

Eko: Nope, I'm just here to see Sona.

???: Well she's busy right now.  Get lost.

Eko: Oh, so, you're the new pawn that I've heard about.  Saji Genshirou, was it?  Issei said you've got a stick up your ass, but man!  I didn't expect to meet a human popsicle.

Saji: How do you know about that?  Are you in Rias' peerage?

Eko: Nope.  I'm not anyone's servant.

Saji: Then you're not even on my level.  Now like I said... get lost.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked around, seeing that the hallway was empty.  A sadistic smile formed on my face. as black lightning crackled around me and Saji looked nervous.

Eko: Yeah, you're right.  I'm not on your level.

I kicked him in the gut, sending him flying backwards into a massive stack of paperwork that scattered everywhere.

Eko: I'm leagues above you!

I walked inside as Sona and Tsubaki ran in.

Tsubaki: Saji!  Are you okay?

Saji just groaned in response.  I waved my hand and the papers reassembled themselves into the stack.

Eko: Sorry ladies, but he insulted me.  I don't let that slide.  I came here to talk to you, Sona.

Sona: I see.  I'm sorry about his attitude, I've been trying to teach him to be more respectful.  Still, you could've gone easy on him...

Eko: I did go easy on him.  Anyways, can we talk somewhere more... private?

She nodded, motioning for me to follow her into the office.  She closed the door behind us as I turned to her, seeing the chess board in the corner of the room.

Sona: So... what was it that you needed?

Eko: Just wondering if anyone's beaten you in a chess match since I left?

She blushed, shaking her head no.  I smiled, wrapping my arms around her.

Eko: So it's still just me, huh?

I smiled at her.  She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my head to her level and kissing me.  She pulled away, smiling.

Sona: That's right, my love.

I smiled, kissing her again.  I pulled away, walking to the door.

Eko: If you want, I can bring you to my place later and introduce you to the rest of my peerage.

She blushed and smiled, pushing her glasses back up.

Sona: I-I'd like that.  I love you, Eko.

Eko: Love you too, Sona.

I grinned, walking out.  Saji squeaked, running over to the door and bowing rapidly before opening it to let me out.

Saji: I-I sincerely apologize for my actions upon meeting you, my liege!  I do not deserve to be graced by your glorious presence!

He bowed over and over again as I just deadpanned at him.

Eko: Uh... don't worry about it.  Just try not to offend people as much.

Saji: Yes, of course my lord!  Thank you my lord!

He kept bowing as I waved at Tsubaki and left.  I made it to class just in time, sitting down between Josuke and Sabito.

Sabito: So where'd you go, man?

Eko: I just had to go talk to my fiancé.

Josuke: Oh, alright... wait, WHAT?

Eko: Sona Shitori.  As the heiress of a high-ranking Devil clan, she would've been forced into an arranged marriage, so she set her terms with her parents early on.  The only way for someone to marry her would be to beat her in a chess match.

Sabito: So you beat her?

Eko: It took a few tries, but yeah.

Josuke smirked, punching me in the shoulder.

Josuke: So, how are you gonna break it to the girls.

My smile disappeared, replaced by a look of fear.

Eko: Oh... shit, I'm not sure yet-

Makomo: Break what to the girls?

I turned around to see Makomo smiling at me.

Makomo: What are you talking about?

Eko: I uh... I kinda forgot to mention this, but I sorta am... engaged?

Her eyes widened, and she threw her arms around me.

Makomo: Congratulations!

Eko: W-what?  You're not mad?

Makomo: Not at all, we're all sharing you.  What's one more girl?

I sighed in relief, as the teacher began his lecture.
