Kuoh High

Eko: Are you being serious right now?

Sirzechs nodded, taking a sip from his glass.

Sirzechs: Yes.  My sister... she may not act like it, but she does want to make amends.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair.

Eko: And going back to that school is a good idea, because...

Sirzechs: You owe me a favor as well, don't you?  Consider this my favor.

I sighed, standing up.

Eko: Fine.  Can some of my peerage go with me?

He nodded as I shook his hand, teleporting back home.

Annie: So what did he need?

Eko: Well... some of us have to go to school now.


I walked into Kuoh High, followed by Josuke, Sabito, Annie, and Makomo.  Someone walked up to Makomo, grabbing her arm.

Guy: Hey beautiful... why don't you ditch that loser and-

I spun around, ready to knock the guy across the hallway, but Annie beat me to it.  She swung her leg up, kicking him in the face and knocking out one of his front teeth.

Annie: Beat it, ass wipe.

The guy ran away crying as I knocked on the door to the student council office.  It opened, revealing a girl with long black hair and glasses. 

Tsubaki: Yes?

Eko: Hi, I'm here to register these four.

I pointed over my shoulder at my peerage members, and she nodded, before her eyes widened.  I smirked and crossed my arms.

Eko: Took longer to recognize me then I thought it would, Tsubaki.  I gotta say, I'm a little hurt.

Tsubaki smiled, leading us inside.  Another girl was sitting in the room.  She had short black hair.

Eko: Sona Sitri.  It's been a few years, huh?

Sona spun around, surprised that I knew her name.  Her eyes widened when she saw who I was.

Sona: E-Eko?

I nodded as she jumped up, hugging me.  I hugged her back, before she pulled away.

Sona: Where have you been?

Eko: I was... taking a break, shall we say.  It's nice to see you again, Sona.

Sona smiled, sitting back down.

Eko: I'm here to register these four to the school.  They're all members of my peerage, so you don't need to worry about them knowing.

She nodded, dismissing us to go to class.

Annie: Who was that?

Eko: That was Sona Sitri.  She's the heiress to the Sitri household, but she goes by Shitori while we're here.  She's also kind of my fiancé...

I whispered the last part as the four of them didn't seem to notice, thankfully.  Annie nodded as I knocked on the classroom door.  The teacher let us in, introducing us and giving us seats in the back.  As we walked to our desks, I noticed Rias and Akeno, who looked shocked.  I smirked at them, sitting down.


The bell rang, signaling the end of class.  I packed up my stuff, trying to get out quickly, but alas...

Rias: Eko, can you please come with me?

I sighed, putting my face in my hands.

Eko: How long is this gonna take?

Rias: As long as it has to.

I stood up, groaning.  Annie, Sabito, and Makomo left to go home, while Josuke walked up to me.

Josuke: Mind if I come with you?

I nodded, but Rias looked annoyed.

Rias: Eko, I only need to talk to you.

Eko: Josuke is in my peerage, therefore he has every right to be with me.  If you have a problem with that, then I'm not going.

Rias: Fine.  Let's go.

We followed her out of the room, eventually reaching the ORC building.  I stopped in front of the door.

Eko: Ah, some good memories here.  Shame they're kinda over shadowed by the bad ones.

Rias looked down sadly as I walked inside.  Kiba and Issei were both there, noticing me and immediately drawing their weapons.  Josuke stepped in front of me.

Josuke: Hey, calm down, we're not here to fight.  Rias-

Issei: Yeah right.  Why else would you be here with that shitty hairstyle?

Josuke's face suddenly darkened.  He clenched his fists as his hands started shaking.

Eko: Ooh, ya shouldn'ta did that.

Josuke: Oi... what did you just say... ABOUT MY HAIR!

Crazy Diamond appeared next to him as he rushed towards Issei, hitting him with a barrage of punches.


Issei went flying into the wall, a bloody mess.

Eko: Come on man, we don't really want to fight them.  You'll get blood on your jacket.

Josuke smirked, as Issei's face returned to normal.  Kiba lunged at him, but I appeared in front of him, catching his sword and snapping it with my hand.


Kiba stiffened, stepping back as Rias walked in, followed by Asia, Koneko, and Akeno.

Koneko: Eko!

She ran forward, hugging me.  I hugged her back, before she pulled away and sat on the couch.  I tossed her a chocolate bar, causing her to smile as she started nibbling on it.

Rias: Now, the reason I brought you here...

I was fully ready to say no, because I knew exactly what she was about to ask.

Rias: I wanted to apologize.

Eko: No- wait what?

Rias: My brother told you that he wanted you to come to school here, didn't he?

I nodded, sitting down.

Rias: That's half true.  I asked him to talk to you.  That night, two years ago... it was a mistake.  I shouldn't have thrown you away.

She began crying, and I noticed Akeno also had some tears in her eyes.  Kiba looked a tiny bit upset as well.

Rias: I-I'm sorry!  I regret what I did, and I want to fix it.

I sighed standing up.  She looked worried, but I sighed.

Eko: Rias... I can't forgive you for what you did.  Not yet at least.  However... I am willing to start patching things up.  I won't join your peerage, but I'm willing to have an alliance.

Rias smiled, wiping her eyes away and walking over to me.  She wrapped her arms around me, before pulling away.

Rias: If you don't mind, could you come back tomorrow, with your whole peerage?  I'd like to apologize to them as well.

That statement got to me.  I couldn't tell if she was being sincere before, and I still can't.  But... everyone deserves a second chance.  I got one when she first accepted me, and I got another one when Thor took me in.

Eko: Alright, but there is one thing.  Can I talk to Koneko for a few minutes?  Alone?

Rias looked confused, but nodded.  Koneko hopped up and walked outside with me.

Koneko: What did you need?

Eko: I wanted to apologize to YOU.

She looked shocked.

Koneko: F-for what?

I rubbed her head.  She was caught off guard, but slowly pushed her head into my hand, purring.  Huh, didn't know Nekomatas actually acted like anime cat girls...

Eko: I left for two years, and I never told you that I was alright.  I should've tried to contact you.

Koneko leaned forward, hugging me.

Koneko: I don't care.  What matters is that you're back now.

She kissed me on the cheek, then she began squeezing harder.

Koneko: But if you leave again... I'll break your legs.

I felt something in my back pop as I struggled for air.

Eko: O-okay... can't... b-breathe...

She let go, standing up as I gasped for air.  She smiled at me, before walking back inside.  Josuke walked out, finding me laying on the ground.  He ran over, crouching next to me.

Josuke: Oi, Eko!  You okay?

Eko: I'm fine... J-just heal my back, please...
