Part 1 -Echo-

Echo tried to stop himself from fidgeting while he waited in the main hall of the Hawthorne family's manor after being escorted inside by two large white tigers. The Hawthorne family specialized in wild magic and kept a fair share of animals that had magic abilities, much like the two ice tigers that led him to the main hall before swishing their tails along his legs and retreating back towards the front door. One wrong move and they would freeze him solid.

Echo's head was already aching, he had taken too long to deliver this message to the Hawthorne manor, but it was only his second time making the trip on his own and he underestimated the time it would take on foot. After several gruelling minutes the sound of heels clicking echoed from the floor above and Echo straightened his posture as Lady Hawthorne came into view. She leaned over the railing before picking up her skirt and hurrying to the stairs.

"Ah, Echo, I hope that's what I think it is!" Echo bowed, although not by force, like usual. He had no issues with Lady Hawthorne. She had always been kind to him, unlike some of the other noble families. He would spare her a bow even if the magic in his body didn't force him to. Echo didn't know what was in the parcel he was sent to deliver, but he rarely did. Lord Ferin Taris gave him a job, so he would do it. He wanted Lord Ferin to be proud of him, to finally allow him to receive a family crest so he could be of better use to him. No matter what he did, Lord Ferin was content at best, but more often than not he found something wrong with Echo's job and skipped the confirmation of a job well done.

"I'm sure it is what you were expecting, my Lady." He lowered his head and stepped backwards. "I should return to my Lord." Ferin Taris was not a patient man, and any dawdling was sure to cause issues later.

"Very well, you are such a sweet boy, Echo. I hope they are treating you well. It's good to see you outside the manor." Lady Hawthorne had been to the Taris manor several times since they took Echo in, and she always fawned over his red and black eyes, a trait of his Eldric family blood. There were no more free Eldrics now. As far as Echo was aware they were all killed.

When Echo was five his family and their ally house, Ellis, rebelled against the Royal family of Stellfrost. The rebellion dragged on for several years, and when it seemed like houses Eldric and Ellis were losing, they pled for assistance. House Taris was famous for their Charm magic, and Lord Ferin agreed to use his power on behalf of Eldric and Ellis, as long as they gifted a symbol of good faith. Which they did, they offered Echo. At the age of nine Echo's Father, Lord Eldric, took him to the Taris manor and performed an elaborate blood magic curse, effectively tying him to the Taris family by his very blood. After his father kissed his forehead and thanked him for his sacrifice, said he would return for him, then left. Echo never saw him again.

It wasn't abnormal for noble families to take in wards, but Echo didn't end up being just a ward. He was a child of both Ellis and Eldric houses, a bastard of Lord Eldric, and he felt thankful that Lord Ferin kept him around despite the fate of his family. His master had no need for him now that his family was gone, but he hadn't thrown him away. Lord Ferin knew how dangerous the Eldric clan had been, and had convinced Echo that the blood curse binding him to his master was the only thing keeping Echo from being a danger to himself and others. Echo didn't need to be commanded to do a majority of the tasks Lord Ferin assigned to him now, he craved the man's approval constantly.

Echo kept his head bowed until Lady Hawthorne sighed and waved him away. She always tried inquiring about his well being, but Echo wasn't sure what to say. He was lucky to be a nobleman's ward. Even if he was treated more like the servants, Echo knew that he was chosen by his family to serve a life of subservience to Lord Ferin Taris, and he would do just that.

On the way out, as he passed the two white tigers guarding the front, he turned and bowed their way, knowing they were proud creatures and would appreciate the gesture. There was no response, only those with the Hawthorne crest could talk to beasts, but it made Echo feel better. Everyone deserves gratitude. He prepared himself for the walk to Taris manor, knowing he would have to run part of the way to meet the deadline Lord Ferin had given him.

When Echo stepped into the manor, dripping with rain and heaving with heavy breaths from running, he could already tell he was in trouble. The main hall was dimmed already, no servants to be seen. He was late. The rain had made all the roads muddy, and Echo had twisted his ankle more than once in his rush to get back before the lights were dimmed. He composed himself and continued into the gathering room, already dreading the consequences of a poorly completed job. When he stepped into the room he fell to his knee, bracing himself with his right hand on the floor. Taris commanded he always kneel before him, and Echo was insistent on beating the compulsion before it made him kneel by force. He tried to show Lord Ferin his loyalty in every way possible.

"You're late. I expect better from you, Corvus." Echo nearly winced at his name being used. Nobody but Lord Ferin used his birth name now. Not even the Lord's heir, Darius, used it unless he was extremely angry. It was a name tainted in blood... his, his family's, the man he killed for Lord Ferin. Echo was silent as his master rose from his seat in front of the fire. Echo did not speak unless spoken to in his Lord's presence.

"Tell me you will do better in the future." Lord Ferin waved to show he was allowed to stand.

"I'm sorry... the rain, it- I will do better, my Lord."

"Darius relies on you, Corvus." He placed his hand on Echo's head, and feelings of shame and fear jumped into Echo's mind. "Excuses are meaningless."

A trail of black veins crawled across Echo's skin as Ferin activated the blood curse with a whispered incantation. "You must learn to fulfill your duties promptly."

Echo's body tensed as he grimaced in pain. The creeping tendrils of the blood curse filled his veins, turning them black under Taris' painful manipulation. His punishments rarely left marks, but the fire searing his veins was real enough. His family magic was both a comfort and a painful reminder of his place in the world. He hated seeing it used against him in such a violating way, but it reminded him of the violence his house had been known for. The spell gifted to Taris by Lord Eldric only gave him control over Echo's body. Taris' power was mental, and he had only used it on Echo a few times that he was aware of.

Echo tried to breathe through the pain, familiar with the burning sensation by now. At least it hadn't been Darius, who was recently learning how to manipulate Echo's binding spell. After several days of practice Darius was able to effectively perform requests of Echo, although his punishment was messy and relied on brute force unlike Lord Ferin, whose decade of practice meant he could burn through Echo's veins as liquid fire within seconds. Darius' mind magic hadn't developed very well, so he relied on Echo's obedience to prove his power. This time Lord Taris let the fire burn for a full minute as Echo gasped for air, his body rejecting the artificial control of his blood that Ferin Taris had.

When the pain finally began to fade, black lines tracing back to his heart, Taris spoke again. "Remember this pain, Corvus. Disappoint me again and it will be much worse."

"Yes, my lord." Echo whispered, his voice trembling from a mix of pain and pure submission. Lord Taris was always right, always.

When his Lord finally withdrew to his chambers Echo collapsed back to the floor, his knees too weak to hold him as the after effects of the blood magic set in. It was similar to a bad fever, fatigue and nausea coupled with shaking and sweating. That was just the physical effects, mentally he was just as affected. The constant anxiety of disappointing Lord Ferin, the feelings of losing his identity, his agency, the fear of losing control and hurting others... it would drive him mad if he didn't have Darius, the Taris family's heir.

Darius had been awful to him when he was first taken in, jealous of suddenly having an older brother, but Echo was just an offering. He had viewed Echo as a threat to his future Lordship, even though as a bastard from a ruined house Echo had quite literally no claim. After Echo's breakdown at the news of his family's death Darius started taking it easier on him. Echo didn't care if it was pity at first, Darius was the only one who treated him with kindness. He had been inviting Echo out to the taverns and brothels lately, showing off how loyal Echo was to his friends. Echo didn't mind, he always obeyed. Occasionally he would hesitate when Darius asked him to do something particularly degrading, like licking the counter of a bar, but the compulsion was there to force him through it.
