Authors Note/Disclaimer

Welcome to Echoes of Betrayal,

This story delves into themes of betrayal, manipulation, and emotional abuse. There are instances of characters facing psychological challenges, including trauma and coercion. Additionally, the narrative includes scenes with violence, though not overly graphic, and explores complex power dynamics.

It's important to note that while this is a work of fiction, the themes and situations portrayed may be triggering or distressing for some readers. Please take care of yourself while reading, and if you find certain content too uncomfortable or triggering, it's okay to step away.

As always, if you or someone you know is experiencing abuse or needs support, please seek help from a qualified professional or a local support organization.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Your well-being and comfort are paramount, so please proceed with caution and prioritize your mental health above all. I hope you can enjoy witnessing the characters as they grow and change. I gave myself butterflies a few times while writing it, so it can't be all that dark.

Happy Reading, you beautiful smut freaks!

Vana Rae
