Chapter 6 Magic Lesson

Your POV

*It was the third day of school and that's the time when you have to do actual school work in class

*You were in Alphys's class who was teaching the fundamentals of magic.You know all of what's she's explaining since she taught you when you were but a boy.Everyone had to take notes on what Alphys's explanation but you didn't have to because you knew all of this.So you just listen on what Alphys is saying

"C-Can anyone tell me why humans can use magic now?"Alphys asks the class while she was keen on anyone's hand being raised
(Fine.I'll play the smart student)

*You raised your hand
"(Y-Y/N)!"Alphys said in a relieved tone

"Because of the concentrated magic that was inside the Underground or Mt.Ebbot has been released to the Surface or Ebott City "You said a clear tone
"A-And what else?"Alphys asks in a curious teacher tone

"The CORE.It's like a power plant that uses geothermal power, from the lava in Hotland, to produce magical electricity and magic energy throughout the Underground.And now to the Surface"you replied in a clear tone

"C-Correct.P-Please take note of that as it will be on the test"Alphys said

*You see everyone writing but Frisk quickly passes you a sticky note saying

"Smarty pants"

*You smiled and you looked at Frisk who was writing in her notebook while she was smiling too.Alphys waited to see if everyone is done writing then when everyone did she continues on her explanation in magic

"E-Everyone must have notice something different from monsters and humans"Alphys said

*Alphys draws a human and a monster soul on the white board

"Human souls are shaped like monsters souls but it's upside down.V-Vice-versa for humans to monsters.N-Now everyone is capable of using the same type of magic but in a-a different shape or technique that's been past down from your parents or your a-ancestors"Alphys explains

*Alphys starts to draw 7 human souls with 7 different colored markers.Then a monster soul after

"C-Can anyone tell me the 6 common human soul types?I-I will give a 15% percent increase to any class work, test or project of their choice to anyone who can explain one out of 6 human soul types"Alphys said

*Mostly everyone in class raised their hand and Alphys chose a monster student to go first

"The Green soul means Kindness.Green magic can heal others.Even monsters can use that magic"A Monster Student explains

"Very good"Alphys replied
*Alphys chose a human student to go next

"Orange soul means Bravery.I don't know what it really does but I feel strong when I use magic"A Male Human Student said excitedly

"T-The soul of Bravery are t-those who are courageous and yes, those who have it are always strong.F-For monsters, it's a magic attack, anyone who stands still in an orange attack will get hurt so please be careful when you practice this magic"Alphys explains

*Alphys picks another monster student

"The Blue Soul means Integrity.Only strong monsters can make someone's soul turn blue to make their body's feel really heavy"Monster Student

"E-Excellent"Alphys said happily

*Alphys's chooses another human student

"The Cyan or Light Blue soul is Patience.I've seen people use magic to stop someone from running away or they'll get hurt if they move"Female Human student explains in a calm tone

"C-Correct.T-There's been confusing between Blue and Cyan Magic.Blue magic is capable of manipulating someone's soul to feel heavy and Cyan Magic creating a magic attack to stop someone. If the person chooses to keep moving to this attack, they will get hurt to a feeling similar to running into a wall"Alphys explains

*You see Frisk write that down then you chuckled under your breath and she notices you smiling at her.Frisk blushes and she looks at Alphys

*Alphys chooses Asriel to go next

"The Yellow soul means Justice.I don't know about humans but Monsters can use it to switch directions of yellow attacks"Asriel explains

"H-Humans on the other hand are capable of firing yellow magic like a bullet.A-Also be careful in practicing this magic.You can seriously hurt yourself"Alphys explains

*Alphys chooses Chara to explain the final soul which was

"The Purple soul is Perseverance.I don't know what it can do"Chara said

"T-That's alright.I'll give you the credit since Purple magic is a bit hard to explain.The soul of Perseverance is one of the strongest human souls we know.It was known for being the well rounded soul type for its capabilities to defend, attack, and support.Purple magic attacks can vary from being a sword,shield, or even a book that's strong as iron.It's durability is depended on the users will"Alphys explains

(I wonder Muffet's tea is something similar to that.She made my soul turn purple after all.I should ask that)

*You raised your hand

"Q-Question?"Alphys asks you
"There's certain monsters in the Underground that could make someone's soul turn purple and another who could turn someone soul green.How can they do that?"You said

(I honestly don't know this question)

"A-Ah a great question.T-There are two types of Monsters. Your regular Monsters and Boss Monsters.B-Boss Monsters are the strongest magic users compared to a normal monster. Boss Monsters are capable to make someone's soul turn green which they can't runaway from the user.Another Boss Monster could make someone's soul turn purple which they are trapped in a strong sticky substance like a spider web.Not many Boss Monsters exist so seeing them will be rare"Alphys explain

*Alphys clears her throat
"Now continuing on.Now since you all heard 6 human soul types.T-The rarest soul type is the color Red.More know as Determination. It's the strongest of all 7 human soul traits and those who have this trait is capable of almost anything.If they have a strong mind, and if they have a strong will, then their magic won't be comparable to any attack or any thing"Alphys said in a clear tone

*Alphys clears her throat for a moment

"N-Now monster souls.There's only one color which is White.Unlike monsters, humans are capable of revealing their souls.W-Who can tell me why?I-I'll give a 100% percent increase to any class work,project or test"Alphys explains


*You see someone raised their hand

"Y-Yes?"Alphys asks
"Because humans are stronger"A Monster Student
"A-And why are they stronger?"Alphys asks

(I should take it.I don't want to do any project that would take a week to finish)

*You raised your hand
"(Y-Y/N)"Alphys asks

"When Comparing the strength of a human soul to a monster soul.Then a human soul is worth a hundred of monster souls combined.That's why, now, every human who has never used magic before is capable of using it just by giving it a try. Magic is like second nature to them when it's simple as learning how to walk or run"You explained

"T-That's the answer I was looking for.T-Thank you for explaining more on your answer"Alphys said in a happy teacher tone

"No problem teach" you smiled

*Frisk looks at you and she smiles
*You blushed then Frisk quietly and softly giggles

*You hear the bell go off in the intercom
"O-Oh darn not again.I've written your names down for those who answered my questions and please be safe and careful practicing magic"Alphys said to the class

*You and Asriel left the classroom

"See you later (Y/N)"Frisk said while she walks towards her class with Chara
"Ok"you said

"Just ok?"Frisk stops sounding unsatisfied with your plain reply

"I-I'll wait for you two at the doors again"you said
"Ok"Frisk said happily
"Stop teasing him"Chara said to Frisk then she looks at you

"We'll be there quicker this time"Chara said smiling a little

"Ok"you said
"Ok?"Frisk asks again
"Quit it Frisk.Sorry about her (Y/N)"Chara said smiling a little while she pushes Frisk to keep moving

*Frisk happily moves on her way with Chara walking beside her.You looked at Asriel and you just see him smirking

"Don't you have friends next class?"you said
"I think you'll like them too.Maybe we should all hang out together"Asriel said sounding eager

"That's too sudden for everyone.Lets try that later when we get to know them better"you said

"That would mean we'll be separated"Asriel said looking worried
"What?You still need your big bro leading the way?"You smiled
"No!I can be on my own like you"Asriel said while he sounds confident
"Ok tough guy"you said in an almost chuckling tone

"Since you have human friends means school is turning out better than what you expected, right?"Asriel asks curiously

"Heh.Yeah it is"You smiled

*You and Asriel entered your Magic Science Class but this time Kitten happily greeted Asriel and Emo acknowledges his existence.Kitten looks at you and she started a friendly chat with you but that ended when the bell rang again and the monster teacher, who looked to be the same species of Monsters as Alphys, started the next lesson

"Everyone here must have now use magic so I'm sure today's lesson would be easy to understand.But first a quick question.What is..Magic Science?"Lizard Monster Teacher said


*The Lizard Monster teacher stares at you


*You raised your hand
"(Y/N)"Monster Lizard Teacher smiles

"Magic Science is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of magic using systematic methodology based on evidence"you answered his question

*The Lizard Monster Teacher nods

"That's the very definition of what this class is about.Not every one of you completely understand what to learn here so to make it very clear.Lets have a magic science hypothesis and experiment about what happens to materialize magic when they begin to dematerialize.Lets have you all get into groups of 3 or 4 and (Y/N) you can join me since you already know that answer"Lizard Monster Teacher said

*You stood up
"Tell me.Quick"Asriel quickly whispers
"Heh.Have fun bro"you said then you walk towards the teacher

*You went to stand with the monster teacher while the class moves their desks to group up

"Is everything going well the past few days my majesty?"Lizard Monster Teacher quietly asks you

"It's been normal and I'm a student for now"you said

"Ah yes.Now, as my student, I need you to democratic the experiment for the class for participation marks"Lizard Monster Teacher

"Easy enough"you said

*The teacher gave everyone 10 minutes to come up with an answer to share to the class.When those 10 minutes were up you sat back down to your desk then the teacher started to choose group after group to answer

*From all the answers that were said.None of them were exactly correct, just almost close enough answers

*The teacher tells you to come to the front of the class and use magic.You walked to the front of the class and you created a small red fireball on the palm of your hand

"Please don't make it too hot or the school will have a surprise evacuation"Lizard Monster Teacher told you

"I know that sir"you said when you knew he was making a joke

"You can sit back down now"Lizard Monster Teacher said to you

*You walked away while the fireball you created stayed in place in the air

*The teacher went to his desk to grab a device that looked like a regular flashlight.He turned it on and he points it at the wall but you all see a sea of color the moves and shifts like an aurora

"This "device", is from the Underground.It's use is to find traces of magic in the air.What you're all seeing now is magic in the air.And when it's pointing at materialized magic-"The Lizard Monster explains then they look at you

"(Y/N) can you move your fireball to the light on the wall"Lizard Monster Teacher requested

*You did what the teacher ask and everyone could see how how only one of the colors is interacting with the flame while the other colors are flowing away from it.Like an invisible barrier is surrounding the fireball that only allows one color to pass through

"Before I explain the answer to my question. Can anyone guess why only one color interacts with (Y/N)'s baby fireball?"The Lizard Monster asks

(I'll turn that baby fireball into a dragon)

*Asriel raises his hand
"Because it's the same color as (Y/N)'s soul"Asriel said loud and clear

"Correct.Now (Y/N) please place your hand near your fireball and let's see what's actually happening"Lizard Monster smiles

*You did what the teacher asks and when you place your hand on the light.Everyone could see the one color flowing from your hand to your fireball

"Now no matter how far away you are from your materialize magic.What you all see right now, is the flow of magic, that's coming from (Y/N)'a soul and towards his fireball"Lizard Monster Teacher explains and he checks his watch then he looks at you

"Now before class ends please stop using magic"Lizard Monster Teacher asks you

*You made your fireball disappear and right when it did.The one color that was connecting from your hand to your fireball look like it snapped, like a thread, and the magic that was inside the fireball, disperses, in a dense single colored fog that slowly fades with the rest of the aurora of colors in the air

*The Lizard Monster Teacher turns off the..."magic flashlight"

"So class.This is what happens when materialize magic dematerializes.Magic is everywhere all around you.You all already know there are different colors in humans and monsters so explaining why magic is like a rainbow is self explanatory.Magic flows through each and one of you"Lizard Monster Teacher

"So the answer to my question is, Materialize magic's molecular structure crumbles the moment the user stop's stabilizing it with magic from their own soul"Monster Lizard Teacher explains slowly and clearly

"You may sit down now (Y/N) and thank you for your help"Lizard Monster Teacher asks you

*You sat back down

"From yesterday's lesson.Using magic from your soul exhausts you since you're using your own magic energy and the reason why you can all gain or regain strength is from the magic that's in the air.That's the simple and basic knowledge of magic and my little device here gave us that evidence you just saw"Lizard Monster explains with a smile

"Applaud to yourself class.Today you learn more than you did before"Lizard Monster Teacher gestures his hands to the class

*The class applauded but it honestly for the teacher for giving a great explanation and actual experiment to the whole class

"Now for the remainder of the class please write what just learn if you want but now you can all put your desks back together and wait until lunch time"Lizard Monster Teacher said

*You see the class put their desks back where they were and Asriel was happy about today's lesson.You took his excitement as it was when you know all of this because of Sans and Alphys

*The bell rang and you all left the class to make your way for another lunch break.You spent another lunch time with Frisk,Chara and Betty while Asriel was with Kitten and Emo.You felt more relax and happy to spend time with the new friends you made.Every minute with them made you feel those past memories were just in the past

<A/N: I can't add more Character Development because this chapter went on long enough already so I'll do it next chapter>

*The bell rang then it was time for Geometry Class again which wasn't eventful as you just listen to the teacher explain the first lesson of Geometry
<A/N: I'm not explaining it since I'm not that interested to do so>

*The final bell rang then You and Asriel left the school while you texted Frisk,Chara and Betty that you'll be heading straight back to your dormitory

*Frisk texted about wanting to follow you but Chara texted when she's just wants to flirt.You smiled and texted that they can come over if they just ask and you'll be waiting for them if they actually do

*Frisk sent a "😘" emoji and Chara just texted "Ok"

*You smiled and Asriel teases you about how happy you are all the way to the dormitory. You just ignored his happiness for you while Asriel just smiles how much you're enjoying school compared to your first day

*And that's another day done and over with. That's until

Next Time
