Chapter 20 Making Plans

<A/N: Another Long Chapter>

Your POV

*Currently, at school, the bell rung meaning the first class of the day is over

*You left your Cooking class with Betty after she waited for you while you were busy talking to the two cooking teachers.You look at Betty's pink eyes and she looks happy with gift you gave her during the weekend.Betty is wearing pink contact lenses that matches her natural eye color which works well enough to suppress her memory vision ability thing

<A/N: They're pink eye contacts because it's easier to find them if they come off>

*The both of you started to head to your next class and once you both did.Frisk and Chara were waiting for the both of you by the classroom door which has a piece of paper taped on the door

"Hey you two"you greeted in a friendly manner

"Hey you"Frisk said in calm flirty tone then she looks at Betty

"Hi Betty"Frisk said in a friendly tone

"We're going out on the field track again"Chara said while she points at the paper on the door with her thumb

"I hope we aren't doing that soul changing color again"Frisk quietly complains

*The four of you started to walk to the gymnasium then head on out to the field track where the weather is cloudy and slightly breezy. You began to catch up with the other students and couple of moments later you stood with your classmates at the middle of the field track

<A/N: In case you forgot.Lara / Red is the teacher of this class.Also she's a Ghost Monster>

*Red floats in the air and she began to quickly take attendance.When she was done with that..

"Morning class.You all will be continuing on where we left off with your magic weapons, and this time no fooling around with them for fun"Red said in a in a clear tone then she was squinting her eyes at certain students

"What is she talking about?"You asked quietly
"You're with us"Frisk smiles
"We'll explain everything"Betty said

*Your class spread themselves out amongst the groups you all started from the first day of school and you listen to Frisk,Chara and Betty as they began to explain today's lesson

*Everyone in class are still trying to be comfortable using magic and right now everyone is just exercising their magic abilities as they all don't have enough concentration to make their magic creations remain physical for less than a couple of minutes

"Anything new with you two?"you ask Frisk and Chara

"I can create these with no problem"Chara said while she casually created a single red knife

"I can make something new besides my shields"Frisk said looking happy
"Can I see?"you ask curiously

"Show us what you can do.Betty is the only one who knows"Frisk said
"I've been using magic with all of you all the time"you replied

"Show them that cute thing"Betty suggested
"Yeah, that you thing"Frisk said with a little smile

*You looked at Chara
"What?"Chara asks
"Usually everyone peer pressures me"you said then you looked away
"We're not"Frisk said worriedly

"I'm just joking"you smiled at Frisk

*You created a fireball then you made it shape into a little cat.Frisk instantly became infatuated with the little fire cat as you made it walk along your arm

"That's adorable"Frisk said while carefully puts her hand close to the fire cat
"Monsters can do things like this too.But only with white color magic"you said

"I've been wondering if other humans can copy monsters like I did.Can you make things move yet?"you said while you look at Frisk

"Not yet"Frisk smiles
"How about you Chara?"you ask looking curious
"Kinda"Chara said
"You two are pretty amazing if you can do that so soon"you smiled

*Betty created her pink scythe
"Betty not here"Frisk said looking worried
"I'm not using it"Betty said while she smoothly puts her scythe beside her

"Ms.Lara wants to see everyone using magic or she might think we need help"Betty explains

*You looked at Frisk
"I'll showed you my magic already"You explained
"I'll show you my new magic.For a price of one flirt"Frisk said in a hopeful tone

"Chara looks very pretty today"You smiled
*Chara blushes and she squints at you looking annoyed

"To me"Frisk whines
"He knows that"Chara said slightly squinting at you

*You smiled then you stared at Frisk.You made your fire cat become a bit smaller for it to sit on your shoulder

"Your haircut looks great"you said sincerely
"..You notice?"Frisk said quietly surprise
"Yeah.Why do you sound surprise?"you said when it felt obvious to you

*Frisk smiles and she had a slight blush on her cheeks.Frisk position her hand in front of her as if she's grasping a small object then something appeared in her grasp

*Frisk created a red stick...or a twig of a sort

"Isn't it amazing?"Frisk said sounding amazed
"I never seen someone create a stick before"you said
"An amazing~ stick"Frisk smiles
"(Little Chuckle)Yes it is"You smiled at her little bit she's doing

*Frisk pokes Betty's pink scythe
"What are you doing?"Betty asks
"My determination to copy your power to make people flirt with you"Frisk said
"You tried this before already"Betty complains
"I just feel motivated to try again"Frisk smiles

*You looked at Chara tapping the tip of her red knife and she appears to be bored


*You started to speak to Chara but you got immediately cut-off while Lara calls your name.Chara looks at you looking curious but you told her,Frisk and Betty you'll go to Lara

*You went to check what Lara wanted and she asks you to give advice to your classmates who struggle to wield their magic and be able to sustain it with ease.After a long while of giving advice that help almost everyone who had difficulty wielding their magic.The class had to return back inside of the school but your class had to stay in the Gym until it was time for lunch

*You and your friends sat on the bleachers and you started to ask questions about certain decorations in school

"It's Halloween- Oh wait you probably don't remember much about it, right?"Frisk said

"I remember going to houses for candy but I never actually did that though"you replied

"That's sad"Frisk said looking sympathetic then her expression change to excited all of the sudden

"Actually, I wanted to keep this a secret so no telling anyone"Frisk smiles

"Not a single word would be mention"You said

*Frisk leans close to you to whisper..
"Im planning on throwing a Halloween costume party here at school"Frisk whispers

*Frisk leans back
"Does Chara or Betty know?"You quietly said
"Mhm"Frisk nods

"Is there a special invite?"you asked when you aren't familiar with
"No.Anyone can come.Also I ask the principal to give anyone who does go gets some extra credit"Frisk said smiling

<A/N: Yes.I did forget to mention Frisk became Junior Class President.Moving on with the story..>

"Do you need any help?"you said looking interested
"I do.Asriel is coming up with ideas and..I need someone who's an expert in Monster parties"Frisk said while she obviously hints she wants your help

"Did Asriel told you?"You ask curiously
"Yeah.You don't have to help if you don't want to"Frisk said looking sure

"Sounds like you do want my help"You said
"I just don't know anyone else better to ask"Frisk said looking positive

"What's in it for me?"you asked
"Wow.You only help if you're getting something out of it?"Frisk said acting offended

"I remember a lot of times I ask for your help and,like half an hour ago, you want me to flirt with you"you said
"Don't tell them that"Frisk said quietly nervous while she glances at Chara and Betty

"I knew.I live with you"Chara said like it was obvious
"He told me too when he ask for my help"Betty smiles
"I'll give you a special treat after the party"Frisk said to you
"A special treat?"You asked
"I hope it isn't what I'm thinking"Chara said looking suspicious at Frisk

*Frisk,Chara and Betty oddly stares at you

(This special treat must have a big significance if they are staring at me.Or it might be another Frisky flirt)

"I'll help but I'm fine not receiving the special treat"you said looking calm

"Yay"Frisk said and she hugs Chara
"Yeah.Yay"Chara said looking somewhat disappointed

"Are you helping too?"You ask Betty
"Yeah actually.Frisk ask me to help find others to bake the treats and desserts"Betty said

"I could help"you said
"No I need you with me"Frisk insisted
"For?"you ask curiously
"I'll find that out soon"Frisk smiles
"Uhm do you-"You said then

*The bell rang throughout the Gymnasium...

*Time-Skip to the end of school*

<A/N: Why Time-skip?Because, reasons>

*You just had gym class with Frisk and Chara then you made your way through the halls until the three of you left the front doors of the school

"I'll tell you my plans tonight.I'll be busy getting everything ready"Frisk said looking excited
"Do you need a ride?"you asked
"I'll call you if I do"Frisk smiles

"Hey.Could I come by your place?I need to ask for advice in magic"Chara suddenly said to you while she looked serious
"Sure"you said when you don't have any schoolwork to do
"Hmmm"Frisk said to herself
"Hmmm?"you asked

"You have responsibilities.President"Chara said to Frisk
"I wonder if I could demote myself"Frisk said curiously to herself
"(Y/N)"Asriel's happy voice

*You look forward and you see Asriel standing with Emo and Kitten

"How are you feeling?"Asriel asks you
"Not sick"You smiled

"Great.I'm going to the mall with a other people helping the student council.Do you want to come along?"Asriel asks looking like he wants you to join him

"I like to but I'm busy helping Chara"You said

"I see.Frisk?Are you ready to go?"Asriel said then asks Frisk
"Hmmm.If I have to"Frisk said suddenly acting she doesn't want to go

"Huh?You were excited about this"Asriel asks
"I'm just thinking ahead of myself.I'm ready to go"Frisk said looking determined

*Frisk stood with Asriel's group

"Bye (Y/N)~"Kitten said
"You better study for the test tomorrow"you smiled
"Haha I haven't forgot"Kitten smiles
"I'll give you my notes if you want"You said

"I'll take them"Kitten said looking thankfully desperate
"I don't have them on me.I'll send pictures of it when I get back to my dorm"You said
"Thanks a lot"Kitten smiles happily

*You looked at Emo
"Watch out for my brother will you"You said sounding a bit worried
"Yeah"Emo said monotone

"Bye (Y/N)"Frisk said sounding a bit sad
"Talk to you tonight Frisk"You said
"Kitten I need to talk to you"Frisk said being very assertive while she walks away with her

"Is it about shopping?"Kitten curiously asks
"Something more important"Frisk said

*You all went on your way while you and Chara started to walk together towards the Monster Dormitory

"So what's on your mind?"you asked Chara
"..I wanted to learn something new.It's been the same lesson in Ms.Lara's class"Chara said
"What are you interested about?"you asked
"Anything really"Chara said looking relax

"Couldn't you ask me sooner?"you asked
"You were busy.You know being sick and all"Chara smiles a little

"We talked a lot during that time"you said
"It's different this time"Chara said while she slightly blushes

(Maybe she's a 'hands on learning' kind of person)


*You and Chara arrived to the Monster Dormitory then you led her up to your dorm room

"Do you mind if I take the whole couch?"Chara asks
"Be my guest"you said

*Chara takes off her bag and she places beside the couch then she fully lays on the couch as she rests her head on the right armrest.You went over to the fridge to look what you could give Chara

"Are you hungry?"you asked
*Chara slowly sits up
"..Got any chocolate?"Chara asks calmly
"Didn't you have chocolate for lunch.Again"You asked
"Yeah"Chara said and you looked at her uncaring expression in her eyes


*You went to the top kitchen cabinets to get several chocolate bars then you went over to Chara to give her the chocolate bars and a cup of soda and a cup of soda for yourself as well

"Is this..from the Underground?"Chara asks curiously
"Yep"you smiled

*Chara quickly unwraps the chocolate bar and you got the Tv remote to put on some background sound.You ended up putting on MTTTV then you lowered the volume a little bit

*You look back at Chara and there was no chocolate bars left

"I was planning to have one"you said sounding surprised
"O-Oh..Sorry"Chara said looking worried
"Heh.I'm just playing.I have more in the cabinet"you smiled

"You want to relax first before I say some suggestions"you said while you lean back

"Suggestions?"Chara said sounding confused
"In all honesty I'm curious to know what you can do with your magic"you said

"Anything right?"Chara said as she folds her arms
"Yeah.If you really want it to be anything.I think you're good at learning monster magic"you gently smiled

"I'm not interested in what you can do"Chara said looking unamused
"Then what do you want to learn?"You ask curiously
"..I just want to learn how to defend myself..and others"Chara said while she oddly looks nervous

"Like..fighting?"You asked
"Self defense"Chara said looking certain
*You looked at Chara's eyes and she looked serious-

"On second thought I feel tired to try anything after gym class"Chara said and she slowly lays back on the couch with her head back on the armrest

"..Yeah.Ok.If it makes you feel relax then next year you could take a class where you can learn how to defend yourself with your magic"You said

"Really?"Chara looks surprised
"It's not official yet but if everything goes well this year then it's up for discussion when this school year is over"you explained

"Oh.."Chara said and she returns back to her calm expression
"Ok.I'll teach you some things.If you tell me why are you eager to learn to defend yourself?"you asked

"I feel a lot better knowing how..and I kinda don't want hurt anyone with my magic.." Chara said looking worried

"I can't make a shield like Frisk can for some reason"Chara said to herself
(Fair enough)

"I can teach you how to defend yourself after school"you said
"After school?"Chara said looking unenthusiastic and she adjust her position on the couch to rest on her side

"I guess you aren't that eager to learn"you said sounding disappointed

"I have projects and homework to do"Chara said sounding annoyed

"I'll help you with them"you said
"No that's-"Chara said but
"I don't mind it.I'm pretty good at multitasking"you said looking sure of yourself

"I'm not making you do my schoolwork"Chara said
"That's why I said helping"you smiled
"What if you're busy?"Chara asks

"I have time over the weekends"you said
"Alright.I only want to learn if both of us aren't busy"Chara said

"Cool.Glad we got that settled"you smiled
"Hah yeah..Cool"Chara smiles

*Seeing Chara smile is always nice to see when she rarely does so without having chocolate to be the main reason

"Want to start now?"you asked
*Chara grabs one of the couch pillows behind her

"I'm too tired"Chara said and she hugs the pillow
"Eating that much chocolate I-"you said

*Chara glares at you and you instantly stopped talking
"Excuse me?"Chara sternly asks
"N-No excuse me.I'll get myself something to eat"you said as you stood up

*You use magic to get the chocolate wrappers and made them float over to the trash bin.You walk to the kitchen to get some more chocolate bars and prepared a little snack


Chara's POV

*I hear (Y/N) making something in the kitchen while I watch some tv
(Ah shit.I just haaad to say it.I only wanted to come and hang out but I ended up giving myself more work.I can't change my mind now)

*(Y/N) comes back, surprisingly, with a bowl of round plain looking cookies for me and him then he had another bowl full of chocolate bars

"What's all this for?"I asked
"I wanted to share a chocolate style"(Y/N) said
"Chocolate style?"I said with a little smile

"I don't know what to call it.I just bake cookies and I dip them in fresh melted chocolate"(Y/N) explains

*I see (Y/N) take a chocolate bar then he started to show me the chocolate style

*(Y/N) creates a floating fireball that gave off a warm feeling like the last time.I see him put the chocolate bar right into the fireball and it started to melt onto the bowl of cookies

"Couldn't you do that before?"I asked
"Yeah.It just has that fresh melted chocolate tasted.Like eating a freshly bake chocolate donut"(Y/N) explains

"I never tried that before"I said while I stared at the cookies
(Especially the bakery in the city a long walk from my apartment)

"..You never..Here"(Y/N) said and he uses his magic to make the cookie in his hand float towards me

*I took the cookie covered in delicious chocolate then I took one bite out of it

(This is better than eating crackers with Nutella)

*I look back at (Y/N) with a happy surprise expression
"Teach me fire magic"I said feeling determined

"I'll help you with anything"(Y/N) smiles
"Anything?"I asked while I had something in mind

"If you explain what it is, then yes"(Y/N) said then he relaxes

"Good"I smiled
*I place the bowl of cookies on the table in front of me then I got up to go over to my bag to get my laptop and I sat back down on the couch

"You don't want the chocolate?"(Y/N) asks
"I didn't say that"I quickly and sternly said

*I started to click on a certain game I wanted to personally share with (Y/N).I waited a few seconds to make it load up


*I notice a floating chocolate covered cookie coming close to me.I didn't want to give in but remembering how that melted chocolate taste gave me enough reason to give in.I grabbed the cookie and I ate it

"Want another?"(Y/N) asks
"Yes"I said and another floating cookie comes my way
"What are you doing?"(Y/N) asks
"..Come sit closer"I said when I suddenly felt nervous after I said that

*(Y/N) sits closer and he looks at the laptop's screen to see a horror game called FNAF or 'Five Nights at Freddy's'

"It's a normal game.It's simple to learn"I said
"You want me to play?"(Y/N) asks
"I had fun with this game already and I think you will too"I smiled

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

<A/N: If you don't know FNAF

Click if you want to know what to expect.Also if you want to see something very interesting>

*A few minutes later*

*(Y/N) has my laptop while I'm enjoying myself with the cookies and chocolates as (Y/N) provides me his little warm gentle fireball

"This game is very..eerie"(Y/N) said when he notices something wrong
"What?"I ask ever so innocently
"Chara"(Y/N) said in a worried tone
"What genre is this?"(Y/N) asks

"A uhhhhh fun genre"I said trying my best to not smile
"One of them is gone"(Y/N) said sounding very worried

"Don't let it in"I said helpfully
"Or what?"(Y/N) asks

(This is more fun than I thought)

"I thought you said this was fun"(Y/N) complains
"It is fun.Just let one of them in"I said helpfully
"You said not to"(Y/N) replied
"Yeah"I smiled

*(Y/N) survives night 1

(This is where the fun begins)

"Ok"(Y/N) said and he looks relieved

*(Y/N) looks at me
"This is a horror game isn't it"(Y/N) said

*I didn't say anything as I only enjoyed another chocolate cookie.(Y/N) makes the fireball move away from me.I didn't care as I started to take bites out of the chocolate bar

"At least give me advice"(Y/N) said while he looks back at the laptop

"I will"I said in a positive tone

*A few minutes later*

*(Y/N) surprisingly survives the 2nd night.He almost lost power and I'm sure this 3rd night will be the one.I enjoyed the chocolate bars and I lean back to wait for the magic to happen.I didn't have to wait long when I knew-

*(Y/N) got jump scared and his reaction is priceless while I couldn't help but laugh.I covered my mouth when I didn't want to disturb his neighbors

"Wow.Why?"(Y/N) asks me
"Why what?"I ask while I'm already use to seeing those jump scares
"Why is that scary?"(Y/N) asks when it's a cheap way to scare someone

"It's not"I smiled
"Probably because you beat this game"(Y/N) said then he looks back at the laptop
"Yeah.Wanna continue?"I ask when I hope he'll play again

*(Y/N) starts to play again

"What do you win?"(Y/N) asks
"I'll tell you on the fifth night"I said calmly

"Ok.If I don't feel satisfied for winning I'll be proper upset"(Y/N) said

*I snickered at that response when I never heard him say anything like it before

"You're laughing now but you won't like me when I'm proper upset"(Y/N) said
"Ok ok.Just make sure-"I said but

*(Y/N) got jump scared again and he had the same reaction then I covered my mouth as I started to laugh again
"This isn't fun"(Y/N) said sounding unhappy

*I sighed after a good laugh then I looked at his grumpy expression

"I'll play with you.Just use headphones this time"I suggested
"I'm sure the jump scare is going be very much worse"(Y/N) said

"You want to survive?In other words win?"I asked him

"Ok but I hope this isn't another trick"(Y/N) said
"I already had my fun"I said while I went to get my headphones in my bag
"Interesting type of fun"(Y/N) said in a quiet tone

*(Y/N) started to play again and for the first time I'm having fun but I'm not playing this time.I'm happy I ask him to hang out today, and I he's really not those type of guys who instantly thinks I'm interested in dating

(Frisk hates scary games and gives up on the first try.Now I have someone who enjoys games as much as I do)

*(Y/N) got jump scared then he looks at me

"I wasn't focusing sorry"I said in a sincere tone
"Mmmhmmm"(Y/N) said while he doesn't believe me

"I was.I'll put away the chocolate this time"I said while I put the bowl of chocolate on the table
"Yeah that was the problem"(Y/N) said in a sassy tone

"If you're being a whiny baby then Im not going to help"I said when I don't like how he judges my chocolate necessities


*I started to play with (Y/N) and eventually he beat the 5th night but little did he know.There is one more night

"No"(Y/N) said sounding stressed
"Just one try"I said in an encouraging tone

*The front door opens then we see Asriel and Frisk walking in

"(Y/N)"Frisk said looking tired
"That was fast"(Y/N) said
"Fast?Its already 6:00 pm"Asriel said

*(Y/N) just stares at Asriel
"What?"Asriel asks
"Nothing.Just bad flashbacks"(Y/N) said

*I couldn't help but smile
"Im here to take Chara home"Frisk said while she stood next to me

"Why didn't you go home?"I asked
"Because you haven't texted back.I thought something was going on"Frisk said looking worried

*Frisk looks around and (Y/N) went to talk with Asriel at the kitchen

"What we're two doing?"Frisk asks me
"Playing a horror game"I said while folded my arms
"..That's it?"Frisk asks looking surprised
"Ahuh.Want to play?"I asked
"No"Frisk quickly said

"Hey.(Y/N) is asking if you want to stay over for dinner"Asriel called out from the kitchen

"But I have plans to make"Frisk quietly said
"You can do that with your assistant and Vice President over for dinner"I said

"Hmmm good idea.That's why I love you so much"Frisk said looking happy
"Mmhm"I said

*Frisk and I accepted eat dinner with them but they told us they'll be making it.Frisk and I sat at the dining counter and I might as well help her plan the Halloween party decorations and activities.Frisk talks to (Y/N) and Asriel about several ideas Monster-kind would enjoy and I gave her my thoughts everyone might enjoy

*I began to feel comfortable enjoying this new experience spending time at a friend's place

(I can get use to this)

*After half an hour (Y/N) and Asriel finish cooking then we had a delicious dinner together.Frisk continued to discuss more about the Halloween party during dinner and by the end of it, she looked happy and she looked more excited for this party

*Later in the night Frisk and I returned back to our apartment thanks to (Y/N) giving us a ride in his car

*I entered my room and instantly laid on my bed to sleep for another day for school

Next Time
